Hillary can't be trusted

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Well-Known Member
The reality and what we're are taught are two different stories. I'm not a nazi, I just know that there's a lot more to the story than were told. Hitler did work with the rothchilds and I don't believe that the nazis weren't brutal but explain what the truth is then? I'm prob an expert on ww2 and we killed 16 million civilians ourselves intentionally in Germany alone. America killed even more in Japan. And Stalin he was just as bad or worse. An Great Britain is prob the biggest imperialist of them all. I'm Irish and what has been done to the Irish is an incredible atrocity that history books choose to ignore. So I do believe hitler worked with the west at some point. And we assumed their scientists esp for the space race and atom bomb right away. Hitler was spotted in Argentina shortly after the fall of Berlin. Fbi files clearly show records of hitler sightings. So there's much more to the story than meets the eye. And as far as anti Semitic shit, most of my friends are Jewish, like csb seeds esp, one of my best friends so I'm not hater on Jews.
too fucking stupid to be read or taken seriously.

you started out with shit and vomiting oozing from your post.


Well-Known Member
Whoot!! my day is just getting better and better...

Unless you are lying about it like the last 2 times!!
Umm, well, OK if you want me to ignore you I will but if you look real hard at the post, you'll see it wasn't to you. I keep you around for laughs but if you want me to ignore you then just ask.


Well-Known Member
Truth is America is the great evil. We killed the natives off first. Then once slavery became unfashionable we started giving some others some rights and still today we aren't over it. And we continue to financially inslave the "useful idiots" as were called. We are killing all over the world and should be held liable for war crimes ourselves many times over.


Well-Known Member
Truth is America is the great evil. We killed the natives off first. Then once slavery became unfashionable we started giving some others some rights and still today we aren't over it. And we continue to financially inslave the "useful idiots" as were called. We are killing all over the world and should be held liable for war crimes ourselves many times over.
Silent reflection bro....silent being the operative word


Well-Known Member
You spew insults not facts dude. Your ignorant, plain and simple
Dude characterizing the shit talk you post as straight up idiocy is what this is about. I can tell you're a half wit. Nothing wrong with being dull. The fucked up part is youre dumber than fuck trying to evangelize your asshole racist commitments and creation camp beliefs. Because of that I'm pointing out that your posts reflect an imbecile's fantasies.


Well-Known Member
Dude characterizing the shit talk you post as straight up idiocy is what this is about. I can tell you're a half wit. Nothing wrong with being dull. The fucked up part is youre dumber than fuck trying to evangelize your asshole racist commitments and creation camp beliefs. Because of that I'm pointing out that your posts reflect an imbecile's fantasies.
Once again only insults and nonsense. No facts. Bye


Well-Known Member
No facts either just insults. Bye
that same youtube channel also features a video about robert sepehr, aka the racist anthropologist.

when people put shit into their bodies, they feel like shit. when they put shit into their minds, they think like shit.

the theories you espouse are indefensible and already debunked many times over.

"jews attacked the nazis first" is a retarded theory peddled by loons, morons, anti-semites, racists, and neo-nazis alike.

which one are you?

@Flaming Pie i hope you are seeing what types of intolerably horrible people your threads and your savior attract.


Well-Known Member
Stay away bitch. Youre gonna get your wig split in here
i agree with you here. to even debate wildly anti-semitic theories like this asshole is peddling is not only pointless, it is counterproductive. to debate him would be to legitimize him. his ideas are not worthy of debate, the falsehoods he espouses are not even debatable. they are just false.

this is neo-nazi propaganda, which once again has somehow found its way into an anti-hillary/pro-trump thread.

Screenshot 2016-07-30 at 10.59.58 PM.png


Well-Known Member
Truth is America is the great evil. We killed the natives off first. Then once slavery became unfashionable we started giving some others some rights and still today we aren't over it. And we continue to financially inslave the "useful idiots" as were called. We are killing all over the world and should be held liable for war crimes ourselves many times over.

I did not kill off any natives, I wasnt born at the time. We are financially enslaved by an out of control government. If they didnt confiscate so much money and were accountable for what they spent then maybe they couldnt go running all over the world killing people.


Well-Known Member
I did not kill off any natives, I wasnt born at the time. We are financially enslaved by an out of control government. If they didnt confiscate so much money and were accountable for what they spent then maybe they couldnt go running all over the world killing people.
Me neither or my relatatives. We were slaves ourselves and came to America to escape oppression to find out its at the highest levels everywhere. Man you mention hitler and everyone loses their minds. Not that you did.


Well-Known Member
I did not kill off any natives, I wasnt born at the time. We are financially enslaved by an out of control government. If they didnt confiscate so much money and were accountable for what they spent then maybe they couldnt go running all over the world killing people.
you supported romney!
Dumb as fuck...


Well-Known Member
The Irish oppression is the worst of all in the white mans world. It's hard to feel like I'm white even because. I have direct ties still to Ireland so I have seen and heard atrocities of the worst kind. On both sides as well. The Ira was way wrong in killing civilians as well.


Well-Known Member
The Irish oppression is the worst of all in the white mans world. It's hard to feel like I'm white even because. I have direct ties still to Ireland so I have seen and heard atrocities of the worst kind. On both sides as well. The Ira was way wrong in killing civilians as well.

Screenshot 2016-07-30 at 11.22.43 PM.png

give it a rest, skinhead. your propaganda is transparent. it has already been debunked many times over.
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