lactobacillus acidophilus anyone?

labs are anaerobic. you don't want to aerate them. they will go bad
the labs dominate right at 1st & slowly it goes fungal
i've read somewhere that they will do both if not then a even balance keeps the lab active
all I know it works not a heavy bubble just enuff to keep things moving not a ACT 0,2% in anyway
not claiming your wrong !
it doesn't sour . at this spring my g/h was running 95* plus soo after 12 hours of 95 water temp smelled fresh & earthy
I get a nice fungal bloom as well , long strings if I let it go
I never had my plants look as good
Sooooo..... should it be used daily,weekly,monthly...? In compost teas...? If yes when.... once started, middle or at the end. I have some pure in fridge and another batch in a cool place mixed with molasses. Every time I need molasses I add the molasses and lactose. Mornings I do a foliar spray of lactose and water on my Gurlz and my whole garden. Great stuff.
I don't put it in my teas..put the soil at the start, or even better at mixing if you make your own.
I make a batch and water all the soil in my grow, even the stuff cooking/waiting
(Good for deodorizing animal bedding as well. I use it on the dog bed and quail coop; the lab just eat up smelly bacteria (bacterium?)
Hey RIU,

Just wanted to ask a couple questions about Lab cultures,

I have finished product that has been cut with molasses, and have not used it much but seem to be having some type of lockout, deficiency (mg) and wanted to know if it does clear up salt build ups would it be beneficial to use just that for a drench, to possibly clear up any excess salt build up?

--Also wanted to know if it would be effective to just use the actual rice wash once it has fermented for about a week? And I mean either in a AACT or even just a regular drench cut with water, because I have seen people using Barley which seems interesting but I can't find a source of it, although I did find some alfafa seeds that I thought about trying it with, but does the process have to be aerated or can it just sit in a mason jar with water, with a covering for insects, etc etc...

--And last question would it be effective to use the LAB culture in the process of creating homemade fish hydrolysates, instead of using a citric acid to stop the fermentation to alcohol, because I have some fish hydrolysates brewing right now but from time to time it smells really bad and I will come back even an hour later and it does not smell as bad, thought about throwing in some more of the culture but I did not want to do anything that might throw of the ph of the already fermenting hydrolysates

--And have any of you guys used dandelion fpe slurry, I made some but have yet to use it besides on the outside garden and the results even just a week later were outstanding but I was just a little skeptical to use it on a sensitive plant like Blackjack Cannabis.

Thanks for the input
happy growing
Barley seed sprout tea contains enzymes that basically go into locked up nutrients in your soil and bust them open into a usable form for plants. It's amazing stuff. I've heard it described like a lock and key. The nutrients are the lock and the enzymes are the key that opens them. I can't advocate more for the use of seed sprout tea during the veg cycle. I by organic barley seed online then it's easy to grow more.
Barley seed sprout tea contains enzymes that basically go into locked up nutrients in your soil and bust them open into a usable form for plants. It's amazing stuff. I've heard it described like a lock and key. The nutrients are the lock and the enzymes are the key that opens them. I can't advocate more for the use of seed sprout tea during the veg cycle. I by organic barley seed online then it's easy to grow more.
any other seed sprout that does similar actions ??
I ask because I am Super sensitive to wheat & barley , even their dust in the air will make me get extremely sick
EI; a pizza parlor i can't even go into let alone a bakery
I use chick peas....
high in protein as well , i likey :clap:

I'll get sum organic chickpeas
there's a guy around here that feeds his goats barley sprouts that he grows in dark sea containers
makes high end world class goat cheese
actually improves the cheese to a higher level of taste & aroma
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I'm just checking out "Giant Hemp" seeds. :shock:
They're on sale in bulk on Ebay, for fishing bait, and at just a couple of quid/bucks a pound, so I think I shall try a handful of those babies..
Got to be good; the clue's in the name isn't it? (:
any other seed sprout that does similar actions ??
I ask because I am Super sensitive to wheat & barley , even their dust in the air will make me get extremely sick
EI; a pizza parlor i can't even go into let alone a bakery
Oh yeah, any seed sprouting will have enzymes. Corn is a good one high in enzymes. Anything they use to make beer is good for seed sprout tea.
low cost & fast germination would be my ticket ,
maybe chia seeds ?
seed corn not low cost unless it's gmo
I use cornmeal in my brew already
I lean toward broad approaches in growing
any other seed sprout that does similar actions ??
I ask because I am Super sensitive to wheat & barley , even their dust in the air will make me get extremely sick
EI; a pizza parlor i can't even go into let alone a bakery

I like corn seed. It's the best seed choice to use during flower too. Sprouts market sells organic corn seed for $1.99 per pound You can get barley seed from any beer supply for $0.99 per pound.
the labs dominate right at 1st & slowly it goes fungal
i've read somewhere that they will do both if not then a even balance keeps the lab active
all I know it works not a heavy bubble just enuff to keep things moving not a ACT 0,2% in anyway
not claiming your wrong !
it doesn't sour . at this spring my g/h was running 95* plus soo after 12 hours of 95 water temp smelled fresh & earthy
I get a nice fungal bloom as well , long strings if I let it go
I never had my plants look as good
Yeah it's because lactobacteria are facultative, that is they can flourish under anaerobic as well as aerobic conditions. To my mind, they're like bridges, enabling the transition to more healthy soil life especially when the original conditions lean into the anaerobic.
so both of you are right haha
Why don't you use Rhizobacillus like a normal person instead of putting milk sugar bacteria into a soil that I hope you don't intend to feed milk?

Lactobacillus. It's not all the milk. You mix milk with rice wash and ferment i . Then when the curds separate from the whey. You use the whey and then you activate by fermenting again with 1 part lactobacillus serum (whey ) 1 part molasses and 20 parts water. After 2 weeks when it's stops foaming (releasing co2) and the ph drops below 4.0(so some harmful microbes die off) then you use diluting 2 cups of labs per 5 gal of water.

You're not just mixing milk and sugar.
Lactobacillus. It's not all the milk. You mix milk with rice wash and ferment i . Then when the curds separate gr9m the whey. You use the weigh and then you activate by fermenting again with 1 part lactobacillus serum (whey ) 1 part molasses and 20 parts water. After 2 weeks when it's stops foaming (releasing co2) and the ph drops below 4.0(so some harmful microbes die off) then you use diluting 2 cups of labs per 5 gal of water.

You're not just mixing milk and sugar.
Sounds delicious.