Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.


I think the term was "major party"... but it is good to know that the Right Wing Brain Trust is staying up at night fuming.

Suck it.

and then

Suck it again.

thank you mr. insulance. Your the best laugh i had all day . Is there a cover charge for such good comedy. ? Right wing what ?. suck what ? . lol. fume white oak not brains. . lol. This is hilariouse. Mind reader disour i take it are ya . wow , you no me better than i know myself i guess. Blow some more of your reality for my sick entertainment..Who need t.v. iwth you around. I dont play the left right shit. Thats for unfortunate sheepllke t.v. watchers on vaccines and gmos and aspartame that hasnt figured out which way is up yet. . .. Sorry i dont fit your bill . dems and republicans just get ya more of the same shit. Republicans love living in fear. lol. sorry i dont live in fear. What a joke the races are. What a joke the u.s. is. lol. Got their slaves trained well i see ! Whats funny is how such a pots makes you react . now thats funny !


if you need someone to suck for you my mom takes cash or charge. lol. if your nice shell take her dentures out......
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