Trust fucking no one!

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Dick move but whenever you leave anything with anybody for safe keeping shit happens.

Move on. Look at it as a perfect reason to upgrade to more modern practices. Grow stuff seems to me to be way cheaper than it was 20 years ago with more yield per dollar.


Well-Known Member
I trust people to act in their own best self interest with no concern for anyone else and I am rarely disappointed.
very, very, VERY fuckin sad...
buuuuut true...
and i'm a notorious optimist..
but expect little from people and you'll be rarely disappointed, while conversely when you DO actually find a cool person, they can surprise you in a super awesome fuckin way.
for example, I've been helping new growers on this site for yrs (i just like to help people) so this dude pm'ed me to figure out some organic tips, so like always, I gave him whatever advice I had.
I never ask for anything at all, i'm just wired the way I am, and helping people is enough satisfaction for me.
Anyways, so fast forward a month or two later, he is super stoked that the advice I gave him is working well, so the next thing I know, he says he is sending me two full packs of Bodhi seeds in the mail.
how fuckin cool is that?
and i'd give him a public shout-out, except that he is in an illegal state... annnnnd sending packs through the mail.... is sorta a federal offense..
so he'll be nameless for now
but my point is, I NEVER expected anything like that, and he is a stand up dude, and he hooked me up.
I was pleasantly surprised.
I've helped probably 25 growers, at least. Nobody ever did anything like that.
cool dude for sure.


Well-Known Member
very, very, VERY fuckin sad...
buuuuut true...
and i'm a notorious optimist..
but expect little from people and you'll be rarely disappointed, while conversely when you DO actually find a cool person, they can surprise you in a super awesome fuckin way.
for example, I've been helping new growers on this site for yrs (i just like to help people) so this dude pm'ed me to figure out some organic tips, so like always, I gave him whatever advice I had.
I never ask for anything at all, i'm just wired the way I am, and helping people is enough satisfaction for me.
Anyways, so fast forward a month or two later, he is super stoked that the advice I gave him is working well, so the next thing I know, he says he is sending me two full packs of Bodhi seeds in the mail.
how fuckin cool is that?
and i'd give him a public shout-out, except that he is in an illegal state... annnnnd sending packs through the mail.... is sorta a federal offense..
so he'll be nameless for now
but my point is, I NEVER expected anything like that, and he is a stand up dude, and he hooked me up.
I was pleasantly surprised.
I've helped probably 25 growers, at least. Nobody ever did anything like that.
cool dude for sure.
Sweet! People like that are pretty rare. You give sound advice and your one hell of a nice guy, you deserve it.


Well-Known Member
very, very, VERY fuckin sad...
buuuuut true...
and i'm a notorious optimist..
but expect little from people and you'll be rarely disappointed, while conversely when you DO actually find a cool person, they can surprise you in a super awesome fuckin way.
for example, I've been helping new growers on this site for yrs (i just like to help people) so this dude pm'ed me to figure out some organic tips, so like always, I gave him whatever advice I had.
I never ask for anything at all, i'm just wired the way I am, and helping people is enough satisfaction for me.
Anyways, so fast forward a month or two later, he is super stoked that the advice I gave him is working well, so the next thing I know, he says he is sending me two full packs of Bodhi seeds in the mail.
how fuckin cool is that?
and i'd give him a public shout-out, except that he is in an illegal state... annnnnd sending packs through the mail.... is sorta a federal offense..
so he'll be nameless for now
but my point is, I NEVER expected anything like that, and he is a stand up dude, and he hooked me up.
I was pleasantly surprised.
I've helped probably 25 growers, at least. Nobody ever did anything like that.
cool dude for sure.
I gave this guy some clones and showed him my process to get started back in the day. Now he's buying clones and seeds like crazy and gives me new plants to try whenever I want. It's pretty sweet because he'll have a jar of dried bud that I can sample and a clone ready to go for me. That's how I got the gorilla glue and ak 47.


Well-Known Member
Sweet! People like that are pretty rare. You give sound advice and your one hell of a nice guy, you deserve it.
thanks man, that's a helluva compliment!
and the cool thing is, when you do find someone like that it restores a SPECK of faith back in mankind
annnnd then you lose that faith the next time ya get stuck in traffic


Well-Known Member
Years ago when I did my first grow (which is the reason why i stopped for years) I showed around 5 mates my grow. I had 4 white widows, big fat thick colas growing in 5 gal pots. These plants were beauties. This is right around the time growing websites started popping up so it was a huge thing to see plants like mine in person let alone on the internet.

Long story short I come home to my flat after drinking all night with a different group of friends and my shit was gone. They even took my lights, left over soil and the nutrients even though the plant was almost done. The least those arseholes coulda done was leave something fer me to start up a new grow. But nope they took it all. Now I only show one mate my grow and we bounce ideas off each other now and then. What i'm trying to say is that you can trust 1 person and thats it.