R.I.P. Psnowman

i've had to use the female facilities as the men's was occupied.

girls public bathrooms are fucking night terror inducing. you guys are just... gross...

and imo, girls' shit, splattered all over the seat, floor, and stalls, smells worse than the lingering aroma of a well placed turd properly flushed...
I can't deny...women can be a lot more disgusting than guys for sure..

Once I was in Walmart and had to use the men's room because the women's was so horrible..I mean BAD..every toilet was filled with crap, blood or urine and don't even get me started on the seats and floors.
So if @UncleBuck is correct, do we start calling FDD, Mr. Hands?

IF @UncleBuck was always correct you'd be calling me mellow farmer :) so there are occasions he isn't
Literally every t& female poster that is active has eventually caved from the nonstop barrage of posts saying they have a dick and posted an authenticated image. That's what I'm going off of.
LOL no
That's her. Her nudie at GC was in a growroom or greenhouse; the lights fucked up detail
My fav was the tampon string, sigh, what was it PT Barnum said?