Light ???

I started my new room with a Hortilux Blue and a Hortilux Super HPS. I wish it would have worked better as I really like having the natural looking light in there.

When I replaced the Blue with another Super HPS my yield and potency went up. And the plants grew bigger faster.

However. These bulbs have some blue in them and maybe with two over my 3.5'x 7.5' space there is enough blue for quality.

That is only my personal experience.
You can make any light source work... I've tried most of them, except high wattage COBs.

Here's an 80w old model Hans panel and a 315w CDM growing some autoflowers in 6 liter pots. No tent or ventilation, just the floor fan. Burnt to shit obviously, but I was using h3ad's formula back then.

T-5 is close to HPS in efficiency so 1000 watts is 1000 watts

36 is 44% larger than 25. You call that close?

To put that in perspective, 5x5=25 and 6x6=36.

If a 25% efficient lamp covers a 5x5, a 36% efficient lamp dissipating the same power would cover a 6x6.

Growing with T5 when HPS is an option is just dumb. They're paying more to get less.
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Those numbers you state could vary from many factors but I am sorry I thought they are close enough all factors considered to make the point about watts.

I have seen 1 foot colas dense and frosty under both sources. But when I ask someone how many watts their setup is it is always close to equal per plant/ space. And great weed can or can not come from both.

It is like any other hobby. These factors are all diminishing returns. Light doesn't matter that much unless it is not enough. Nutes don't matter unless they are incomplete for your medium and water. And it is still all up to the grower to do things well.

You would of course have to consider the style of grow. I would not grow trees under a fluorescent tube or my single 600's but I would bend and train my plants to fit the system at hand.
And you can Micky numbers any way you want but by your numbers they are only 11% more efficient. The scale is already figured on 100%

Showing things your way is like my job as a finance manager at a car dealership.

Exaggerate and minimize. They train how to do that.
And great weed can or can not come from both.

I totally agree, and this is exactly why people should not be upgrading their HPS to T5 just to get a reduction in yield and no change in quality. Meanwhile, they come here boasting up to 10x the quality of HPS growers to make themselves feel better. BS.

I don't think your argument on diminishing returns is relevant to the discussion. Having enough or not enough light has nothing to do with this. I'm talking about the cost of light, and the cost of running T5 is higher than HPS. You need to dissipate more power and the lamps cost more up front. Why do you think conventional growers use HPS?

As for nutes, i pay less for nutes than just about anyone on this site because I make DIY nutes. You say it only matters whether they're complete or not, but the cost VERY MUCH matters.

You're not considering factors like economy and the environment here.
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And you can Micky numbers any way you want but by your numbers they are only 11% more efficient. The scale is already figured on 100%

So it's not true that if a 1000W lamp that's 25% is supporting a 5x5 that a 36% efficient 1000W lamp would support a 6x6 with the same average ppfd?

1000W * 0.25 = 250W of PAR
1000W * 0.36 = 360W of PAR

250W/25sqft = 10W/sqft of PAR
360W/36sqft = 10W/sqft of PAR

It sounds like you trying to spin the numbers to make friends. Repeating what I said from my last post, "You're not considering factors like economy and the environment here."

HPS is the clear winner. (is anyone really surprised?)
Spin the numbers to make friends? I would never "upgrade " my HPS to t5.

And you can not argue cost. It is static and up to choice.

I thought this was about quality. And I can grow quality plants in 3 different rooms of three different people with 3 different lamps. How do I know? When I got my head straight and studied gardening instead of magic plant science I was able to help all 3 caregivers improve their individual gardens.

But I am not arguing with your numbers except that they are assumption. I have read those figures as well. There is sure a wide range of efficiencies just between bulb brands. What about the space you are lighting? Efficient or inefficient. Close to the wall or middle of the room.

And well designed T-5 reflectors light well up to the edge. That is the boundary of a horizontal T5 garden.

I stand by " it all depends on your situation what is best" if you are arguing to win. I am not on any side.

That is why people get mad at me.

If I was into politics I would be a republicrat. A democan. I don't know. That's why I don't take sides.
And just one more point since I'm still up and pretty high.

If my ceiling height is say 4' for the cab in question. Would you throw my blockbuster hood and 600hps in there?
I would never "upgrade " my HPS to t5.

Good. These guys keep convincing more poor fools to convert to T5, then wonder why I'm so openly vocal about it. (as if i'm just trying to bully them)

RM3 keeps calling HPS grower's weed mids while using "10x" to describe his products. Then he shows off a noob T5 setup and average looking bud pics... This is extremely misleading to noobs!

It isn't okay to yield poorer results because you want to stray from convention. That's just foolish imo.
And just one more point since I'm still up and pretty high.

If my ceiling height is say 4' for the cab in question. Would you throw my blockbuster hood and 600hps in there?

I'd use cobs at that height. The price has come down so much that T5 is looking more expensive in $/PAR W in startup costs. Cobs are great for stealth cab growers.

Cobs are like growing with a small piece of HPS, but generally more efficient.
I asked earlier but got no response. How far from the canopy do the cobs have to be away. I am a stress free grower. I do not force light on plants. So my air cooled 600's are always at least 18" above. That seems to be my threshold of comfort for the plants since I added the second one.

I have space albeit small and may set up some more cabs.
Also why do you guys think you have some kind of responsibility to the newbs? Your arguments aren't helping. I read here to learn how to grow. This is by far the most entertaining weed site. I read everything and am familiar with all of the well known posters.

Only thing is this is really important to me and all you all did was confuse me. So I went to the library and ordered gardening books. And when I wanted to learn lighting. The universities and the actual lighting companies. ( I mean GE, Phillips, Eye Lighting etc. )

That is what your help here usually does. Cause more confusion just like the myths you are all trying to discredit. Instead when a newbie reads he just buys into your newly created myths.

All of the information is out there. I came here to help clarify some things. And a few posters have already helped me. But I can weed out the argument. I read first. Then actually joined Rolitup.
I'd use cobs at that height. The price has come down so much that T5 is looking more expensive in $/PAR W in startup costs. Cobs are great for stealth cab growers.

Cobs are like growing with a small piece of HPS, but generally more efficient.

Wait what height. If the pot is a foot and the plant is say 2 feet. How much distance to the light is safe. I have used 3 feet in this example. And how much area is still efficient at the height?
Church is merely upset that I have said T5's grow better weed than HPS, he ignores that I am not the only one that many others have chimed in, one of them even did a side by side with 3 lights with clones in the same room, T5 was best, CDM was second and HPS was last and he did smoke test with several patients. He has posted this twice and Church continues to ignore it

I on the other hand have NEVER told anyone to change from an HPS light to T5's most that follow me have simply added a couple of T5's to enhance the HPS spectrum

I do have a member doin a side by side with a Gravita vs T5's and so far both sides are equal, he is usin the same watts on both sides

Thus far there has only been one person (to my knowledge) that has duplicated my tanning booth exactly