Is the World Flat? The Flatlander's theory..

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You're having some 'real trouble understanding'...

Let's use your logic, OK?

I took this picture. Prove that I didn't.

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That picture is fake.
When this photo is run through photo editor it produces a box around the earth, showing it is fake, if you had used your superior observational skills, you would of noted it has been used in this thread already.
Yup. They wont believe you even if they did run it through the editor because they think we went to the moon and the square box is just a lens flare.
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This is from nasa either Apollo 12 or 14 they used the same photos so who the fuck knows.

You didn't do well in school I'm guessing...and you rely on the internet for 100% of your knowledge.

Who gives a fuck about the source of your bull shit...if it sounds good, fly with it. Make up some shit to go along with it and you're now 'educated'...
God dude, God made the earth flat and put a protective bubble around us that's why we can't go into space either
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This is from nasa either Apollo 12 or 14 they used the same photos so who the fuck knows.

same photo? really?

get your fucking eyes checked dude, cuz you are no good at comparisons...

Stop lying fucker...I told you I took it. You have no credible evidence to prove otherwise. None. Just what your teachers told you. They lied. They wanted you to believe the earth is flat so they can control you...

When you going to catch on?

we don't want them to know that we're brainwashing them to believe the earth is flat! only the privileged smart people can be selected to know the truth... why the fuck do you think we put it in books and teach it in school?
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