bodhi seeds

I guess I'm screwed. I hydro and I smoke joints. :oops: I honestly don't think that the atmgf and our amigos know how much I'm screwing them also,. They seem....I dunno....grateful. :shock:

Best for all concerned if none of that O-bud makes it 'round to these here parts, I'm thinkin'. :joint: :mrgreen:

I smoke joint almost exclusively. If i grew to sell, id switch to hydro. And wen the organic ppl, including myself i think make a bigger deal ant taste than necessary. And ppl who r really good at hydro im sure can be in par with taste, just like if an organic guy was really good and trained well, got better coverage of light could match yield.

Hydro for yield and organic for taste r tendencies and not absolute. I would add if i switched to hydro i would prolly fuck it up abit, and then get it together.

Good growers produce good products.
I guess I'm screwed. I hydro and I smoke joints. :oops: I honestly don't think that the atmgf and our amigos know how much I'm screwing them also,. They seem....I dunno....grateful. :shock:

Best for all concerned if none of that O-bud makes it 'round to these here parts, I'm thinkin'. :joint: :mrgreen:

And also fuck this chart lol i love joints. Hit my joint and u WILL get a head tap in seconds, not minutes. Aaaand i bet my ass i roll a joint under 3 minutes lol
Just had to chime in abt the organic vs hydro junk... keep scrolling if yr over it...

I grew hydro dwc, rdwc, recirc drip, ebb n flow for over 5 years very successfully. Completely dialed in. Id bring in 9 week plants that looked as healthy as day 1 of flower, not a blemish. Or plants that were flushed for 2 full weeks. The bud was killer. Everyone including myself loved it and 4 people (hardcore everyday smokers) told me it was the best they ever smoked.

I also grew using "organic" bottled nutrients in a coco base with a couple synthetic additives. Hydro blew this method away so i didnt do it for long.

Fast forward to present time. Been growing fully organic (or as close as i can, being an indoor environment) for abt a year. Not organic bottles, im talkin raw organic non gmo pure dry amendments like crab kelp and neem meals, guanos etc. THE YEILD IS NOT THE SAME AS DRO BUT THE TASTE IS 100 TIMES BETTER. The difference in yeild is not even enough to make me go back to hydro.

To each their own but dnt knock shit before u try it. And im not talking abt u "i run half synthetic and half organic" guys. U dont count, that does not qualify as organic and it tastes nothing like organic.

Im not knocking the hydro guys here ok, to each their own. If u got a system that works, work that shit. But when someone says hydro is better quality or flavor, thats when i gotta speak up because my experience has been very different.

@greasemonkeymann @st0wandgrow @Crab Pot i believe have all mentioned the environmental benefits of organic, so if yr not gonna try it at least dont knock it. Why not encourage new growers to go organic first? If its better for the environment then that means its better for ALL!

@JDGreen i believe u tried my organic flowers no? Could u please state to the jury what kinda method u were growing at the time u tried them, and what method u switched to afterwards? The method you are currently using? ;)

Here... Bodhis Black Raspberry... organic soil grown...View attachment 3741220View attachment 3741922 View attachment 3741220 View attachment 3741922

Great explanation and pics man, really impressive!

I know it's been said more than once but I really think it's important to understand. When talking organics, were not talking about bottled organic nutes. Most of us don't feel those are truly organic and the results don't hold up.

Here's a great recipe from Mountain Organics, it's being used by many top organic growers, if anybody wants to give it a try. This is a no-till mix, it can be used over and over again for years by top dressing kelp meal, neem or karanja meal and cannabis leaves post harvest.

1/3 Peat Moss
1/3 pumice or lava rock
1/3 Compost (quality is very important, homemade is best but Malibu is a great commercial product)

1/2 - 1 cup Neem or Karanja Meal
1/2 - 1 cup Kelp Meal
1/2 - 1 cup Crab Meal

1/2 cup Gypsum
4-6 cups Basalt Rock Dust
6-8 cups BioChar

1 cup Malted Barley Powder

* Very inexpensive way to grow with only positive effects for the environment and our health.

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Why if a person wants yield, they are cash croppers? I don't get it..

Organic is good,not the best...nothing is the best.
Hydro is good,not the best....nothing is the best.

Lucky charms. ...1 in dwc & 1 in organic mix...
My village people love the dwc nugs..I like them both.although the dwc has more marshmallow smell & is more kusy....same cuts.

I'm not a keep the world green type guys....get rid of human beings if you want to do that.
I judge a plants health and performance by growth and yield. When I get substantially faster growth and yield with Dynagro in hydroton than when I did a no till it tells me the plants like "chemicals". I don't argue with the plants and they seem to love hydroponics. As far as flavor, feeding sulfur and adding uv light and a broad spectrum of light does more for terpene production than anything. I also suspect that a rich organic soil has heavy metals and my hydro has a whiter ash with less residue than my organic.
Why if a person wants yield, they are cash croppers? I don't get it..

Because....elitists? ;)

Lucky charms. ...1 in dwc & 1 in organic mix...
My village people love the dwc nugs..I like them both.although the dwc has more marshmallow smell & is more kusy....same cuts.

No.....that's just impossible. Haven't you been reading along? :confused:

I'm not a keep the world green type guys....get rid of human beings if you want to do that.

Start here?
Why if a person wants yield, they are cash croppers? I don't get it..

Organic is good,not the best...nothing is the best.
Hydro is good,not the best....nothing is the best.

Lucky charms. ...1 in dwc & 1 in organic mix...
My village people love the dwc nugs..I like them both.although the dwc has more marshmallow smell & is more kusy....same cuts.

I'm not a keep the world green type guys....get rid of human beings if you want to do that.

I don't really think anyone is trying to say one way is better than another. Like I said earlier, there are advantages/disadvantages to any type of growing. Nobody should take this personally, we're all learning, especially me. It's just that so many people seem to be intimated by organics when it's really very simple and we feel like a lot of people are missing out.

I know this exact soil mix is being used in a lot of large commercial grows. I use the same soil mix for everything including my vegetable and fruit gardens. I've never seen a healthier garden, it's way beyond my expectations. Just want to share is all.

I was just going to say that I've never heard of a person truly going no-till and then going back, Shoreline just screwed that up for me lol :-)
I was thinking just that, I can hardly keep the proper tags on my pots, i have so so many question marks in my breeding efforts lol.

I have only ever had one full pack of seeds that didn't crack and they were herijuana from meduser. It was the first time I heard that I should have used sand paper on the beans and I was like wtf!!?
ALWAYS double-tag my man!
I lost three great strains that way over the yrs. RIP J1, jack herer, and karli
get the bendey green wire, the thick one, and then get a good hole punch, and tag the plant itself, make a loop and make sure it can't come off, then tag the container as well.
different color tags are handy.
I use the big wooden stakes for the container, and key-tags for like auto repair facilities.

like these

I mark both sides of them, and that coupled with the stakes and you can pheno hunt alllll ya like
I judge a plants health and performance by growth and yield. When I get substantially faster growth and yield with Dynagro in hydroton than when I did a no till it tells me the plants like "chemicals". I don't argue with the plants and they seem to love hydroponics. As far as flavor, feeding sulfur and adding uv light and a broad spectrum of light does more for terpene production than anything. I also suspect that a rich organic soil has heavy metals and my hydro has a whiter ash with less residue than my organic.
you think dynagrow is "safer" than organics??
you know it has EDTA in it right, amongst others...
check the MSDS man.
the color of your ash has little to do with the chemical composition of the herb
Why if a person wants yield, they are cash croppers? I don't get it..

Organic is good,not the best...nothing is the best.
Hydro is good,not the best....nothing is the best.

Lucky charms. ...1 in dwc & 1 in organic mix...
My village people love the dwc nugs..I like them both.although the dwc has more marshmallow smell & is more kusy....same cuts.

I'm not a keep the world green type guys....get rid of human beings if you want to do that.

I agree with most of that. The thing that organic purists tend to skip over is that the plant takes up the nutrients in the EXACT same chemical form wether those nutrients are synthetically or organically derived. There is no difference.

Where the difference lays is in how the nutrients are chelated, and how the plant takes them up. With synthetics the grower feeds the plant. Inexperienced growers play a guessing game. A dash of this and a dash of that. With organics the guess work is removed. The microbes and the plant call the shots. So, for the average grower you will come closer to the plants genetic potential using organics imo. A good/experienced grower working with a strain that he's farmiliar with will knock it outta the park no matter what method is being used.

I am a "save the world" kinda guy, so that's part of my reason for growing organically and using as much shit from around my yard as possible. Probably doesn't make much of a difference, but it all adds up...and it tickles me to see my kids already interested in worm farms and the like.
I agree with most of that. The thing that organic purists tend to skip over is that the plant takes up the nutrients in the EXACT same chemical form wether those nutrients are synthetically or organically derived. There is no difference.

Where the difference lays is in how the nutrients are chelated, and how the plant takes them up. With synthetics the grower feeds the plant. Inexperienced growers play a guessing game. A dash of this and a dash of that. With organics the guess work is removed. The microbes and the plant call the shots. So, for the average grower you will come closer to the plants genetic potential using organics imo. A good/experienced grower working with a strain that he's farmiliar with will knock it outta the park no matter what method is being used.

I am a "save the world" kinda guy, so that's part of my reason for growing organically and using as much shit from around my yard as possible. Probably doesn't make much of a difference, but it all adds up...and it tickles me to see my kids already interested in worm farms and the like.
I'm definitely a soil guy (organic-ish type guy)..

The only reason I don't push full on orgain,cause like you say..first time growers want to see results, organic pots,it takes time (2nd-3rd run is when a good organic pot,will match dwc,if not pass it)

I'm definitely getting a worm bin,my kids are stuck on bugs right now..
I'm definitely a soil guy (organic-ish type guy)..

The only reason I don't push full on orgain,cause like you say..first time growers want to see results, organic pots,it takes time (2nd-3rd run is when a good organic pot,will match dwc,if not pass it)

I'm definitely getting a worm bin,my kids are stuck on bugs right now..

That's a good point about the soil taking time. I almost gave up on organics after my first run. Definitely gets better as it ages.

When you set up your worm bin, don't tell the kiddies that its worm shit. I made that mistake with my oldest daughter and she won't go near the bins. My two little ones were told its "bedding", and they love helping pick the worms out for me.

My oldest has been sworn to secrecy. lol
I guess I'm screwed. I hydro and I smoke joints. :oops: I honestly don't think that the atmgf and our amigos know how much I'm screwing them also,. They seem....I dunno....grateful. :shock:

Best for all concerned if none of that O-bud makes it 'round to these here parts, I'm thinkin'. :joint: :mrgreen:

Yr far from screwed, my friend! Like i said, when i grew dro everyone loved it! Including myself! Had no intention in changing anything and i didnt change methods until i changed locations. But peoole loved the dro, shit it was killer weed! Aint knockin the dro bro bro like st0w said- capable hand will create beautiful product reguardless of method (paraphrasing here sry st0w i know i butchered yr quote but im too lazy to lookit up lol)

Im not tryin to sway u or anyone. I hate that people have the attitude of- "do what i do or else yr wrong and must die". Imo thats a big prob in our world today. Yr system is obviously working nicely! Keep on!

I just had to defend the method because i thot i read someone startin to make statements that were very dif from my experience, that is all.

Have a wonderful day, friend. That tale of the tape is hilarious!

Carry on...
There's no one "best way to grow"...

If you wanna discuss the merits of a growing style, start a new thread. Or, join the hundreds of thousands of threads already out there....

This thread becomes useless with non-Bodhi related info clogging up the pages.
Sry master butthead for cloggin up the thread for the 1000th time! Yr absolutley right. Ill be standing starring in the corner... You hear that mother fockers?? We just took the thread from 52.576% bodhi info to 52.434% bodhi info w our bs org vs synth nonsense!! BODHI TALK ONLY!!! Let me demonstrate...

Ssdd f2's!!!! Yay! Those beans on the left came outta 1 single branch bout the size of the one in the pic! FNA for the first time in life im actually thrilled to find nugs packed full o seed. Back in my day this sorta thing happened alot only it was not a thrill findin the "grenades", it was called REGGIE!

Jungle spiceIMG_20160712_112023.jpg

Am i Bodhi enough for u yet?? Phones acting up n will only let me post 2 pics per post :/ and thats not very bodhi like :(