Call the #riuhistorian

Erm... I don't know, I feel all awkward and on the spot now man, you can't just offer it like that, like you're doing me a favour or something. I feel like I should say thank you, wtf?

Oh who am I kidding? Yeah, that'd be great, thanks :peace:
Can we begin tomorrow? It's Monday and nothing good comes from Monday. :)
You're quite right, and I do have an early start in the morning. I could probably fit you in tomorrow evening, probably around 9pm GMT+1 I'll be available but, you know, no pressure, whenever's good for you.
So that's approx noon(12pm) Pacific Coast time?
a vape bar?
wtf is the world coming to

right across the street from a rec cannabis shop so thats pretty sweet
See that's the town planning gods working together.

I keep getting error messages telling me to wait like 3 seconds, am I spamming?? Fuck, I think I'm really actually nearly drunk. Nearly finished this bottle too, if I can just stay awake another half hour... I need a joint, wish I'd rolled more earlier