Police Draw Guns On Iowa DL Playing Pokemon

I have been walking down the street minding my own business and had cops pull their car in front of me, jump out and demand identification.

I have almost had a gun pulled on me when I reached behind me to get my wallet once.

In the above case, the person complied with the law and no one was hurt but you still are not happy... LOL!!!
We're you breaking a vagrancy law?
I will say I just got off the phone with the first boy that ever kissed me, Eric a black man, well he was a boy when he kissed me. Anyhow, my brother and I went everywhere with him and his family in the 70's never had any issues, we spend about every 3-4 year thanksgiving at their home or them at ours. I asked Eric if he has any issues with the police, profiling etc. He says never, not even a traffic ticket. Spencer a love of mine for years and we did everything together, I never remember getting pulled over or him being profiled and this was in the deep south a place one would suspect it. Not saying it does not happen but I think there is more to profiling than just color. I think a lot has to do with the crime in the area, how one behaves, etc...
Yes, let's just blame those being profiled. How dare they do things like drive through the "wrong" neighborhood or walk through certain stores.
I am not blaming anyone, I just have several good friends and entire families that I am very close too, and they just do not have these experiences. Being a nurse and working with people of all races and colors, and in my type of work, many many of my friends are not white, and I have very personal and deep friendships with people of all races. The diversity of people in my life runs deep. Do my black, hispanic, middle eastern, indian friends run into racist people now and then, yes, hell, I do to, there is plenty or racism to go around. Everyone under certain circumstances has a risk of being profiled. Seems if this was just a black thing and part of the black experience that surely when I have spent years of my life living with a black man, and my families best friends growing up who we spent all our time with, would have experienced this and fairly routinely as it is portrayed. My best friend in the world Gail, my soul sister who is black and her husband have not experienced this with the police either. I find it curious! I never see any effort to unite people of different races, religions, sexes, to fight what is claimed to be such a common experience, what I see is a lot of separationist hate talk going on to further incite and keep racism going, which is the real goal of those in the Nationalist/Separationist movement.
I am not blaming anyone, I just have several good friends and entire families that I am very close too, and they just do not have these experiences. Being a nurse and working with people of all races and colors, and in my type of work, many many of my friends are not white, and I have very personal and deep friendships with people of all races. The diversity of people in my life runs deep. Do my black, hispanic, middle eastern, indian friends run into racist people now and then, yes, hell, I do to, there is plenty or racism to go around. Everyone under certain circumstances has a risk of being profiled. Seems if this was just a black thing and part of the black experience that surely when I have spent years of my life living with a black man, and my families best friends growing up who we spent all our time with, would have experienced this and fairly routinely as it is portrayed. My best friend in the world Gail, my soul sister who is black and her husband have not experienced this with the police either. I find it curious! I never see any effort to unite people of different races, religions, sexes, to fight what is claimed to be such a common experience, what I see is a lot of separationist hate talk going on to further incite and keep racism going, which is the real goal of those in the Nationalist/Separationist movement.
All that I got out of reading this was basically "This hasn't happened to my 4 black friends, so it must not be true."
All that I got out of reading this was basically "This hasn't happened to my 4 black friends, so it must not be true."

I think they mean that it hasnt happened to anyone I know so it seems more statistically rare than some people indicate. None of the people I talk to are accosted by the police on a regular basis either.
I am not blaming anyone, I just have several good friends and entire families that I am very close too, and they just do not have these experiences. Being a nurse and working with people of all races and colors, and in my type of work, many many of my friends are not white, and I have very personal and deep friendships with people of all races. The diversity of people in my life runs deep. Do my black, hispanic, middle eastern, indian friends run into racist people now and then, yes, hell, I do to, there is plenty or racism to go around. Everyone under certain circumstances has a risk of being profiled. Seems if this was just a black thing and part of the black experience that surely when I have spent years of my life living with a black man, and my families best friends growing up who we spent all our time with, would have experienced this and fairly routinely as it is portrayed. My best friend in the world Gail, my soul sister who is black and her husband have not experienced this with the police either. I find it curious! I never see any effort to unite people of different races, religions, sexes, to fight what is claimed to be such a common experience, what I see is a lot of separationist hate talk going on to further incite and keep racism going, which is the real goal of those in the Nationalist/Separationist movement.

cool imaginary story, FDD.

didn't i just catch you red-handed plagiarizing racist propaganda from american renaissance?