then your brother has a addictive personality and has some underlining mental issues that need to be dealt with before u can get him off it
if u want him to get better lock him up in a mental ward for 30 days of detox and classified sent to a doctor for him to work out what is the cause of the addict (why does what he does)
once u understand it u can change it if u want
i know what i am and i know what helps me ......weed is the best choice as it leaves most of my higher brain functions alone with the added effect of slowing down my head (adhd) me weed is a lvler not to happy not to sad......with out it i would be a drooling bag of shit with massive internal organ failures by this age in my life ( really the drugs are that bad side effects become permit and then liver damage and kidney failure ......the longer u are on them the more they have to up doses at some point your body can not take it anymore and death)....lithium and depakote are the standards
sorry for your brother ....but it is his own fault for not wanting to deal with whatever he is escaping from if it was not weed it would be some other drug .......and with out weed alot of ppl like me would be filling up the hospitals eating away at state's and family's money to house care for our dying husks of bodies