Legalisation of marijuana benefits schools and decreases crime rates


Well-Known Member
full article:

"After legalizing marijuana for recreational use, nearly $50 million in revenue was generated to fund schools and local hospitals. At the same time, crime rates have also decreased substantially."
full article:

"After legalizing marijuana for recreational use, nearly $50 million in revenue was generated to fund schools and local hospitals. At the same time, crime rates have also decreased substantially."

u forgot to add in the drop in ODs deaths in other drugs
the drop in the rate of addictions to pills
and the sales of big pharms pain pills has also dropped in those legal states

i was thinking about it this morning ........there is enough data now to force the DEA to move the plant off the NARCO list
it has high medical value with very little chance for addiction ( addiction is only when it effects life bad as it legal and easy to get should fall under the same cat as Alcohol)
u forgot to add in the drop in ODs deaths in other drugs
the drop in the rate of addictions to pills
and the sales of big pharms pain pills has also dropped in those legal states

i was thinking about it this morning ........there is enough data now to force the DEA to move the plant off the NARCO list
it has high medical value with very little chance for addiction ( addiction is only when it effects life bad as it legal and easy to get should fall under the same cat as Alcohol)

My brother is addicted 14 marijuana's a day. Tell that to his wife and kids...
Bullshit marijuana is a horrible vice. 98 billion spent bi-weekly on rehab for people.
that is becuase courts want to make money

i was forced into the program 4 times by court order ........i went to get a defence ready for a case got in 2014 (the doctor wrote the judge a letter stating i was not a addict and had medical use for the plant) this letter saved my ass

i smoke a gram maybe 2 grams a day for the last 15 years .......if it was alc my liver would be shot and need a replacing ( i only see doctors when i need stiches or bones set...5 year medical check up becuase i promised someone i would every 5 years )
My brother is addicted 14 marijuana's a day. Tell that to his wife and kids...
then your brother has a addictive personality and has some underlining mental issues that need to be dealt with before u can get him off it

if u want him to get better lock him up in a mental ward for 30 days of detox and classified sent to a doctor for him to work out what is the cause of the addict (why does what he does)

once u understand it u can change it if u want

i know what i am and i know what helps me ......weed is the best choice as it leaves most of my higher brain functions alone with the added effect of slowing down my head (adhd) me weed is a lvler not to happy not to sad......with out it i would be a drooling bag of shit with massive internal organ failures by this age in my life ( really the drugs are that bad side effects become permit and then liver damage and kidney failure ......the longer u are on them the more they have to up doses at some point your body can not take it anymore and death)....lithium and depakote are the standards

sorry for your brother ....but it is his own fault for not wanting to deal with whatever he is escaping from if it was not weed it would be some other drug .......and with out weed alot of ppl like me would be filling up the hospitals eating away at state's and family's money to house care for our dying husks of bodies
then your brother has a addictive personality and has some underlining mental issues that need to be dealt with before u can get him off it

if u want him to get better lock him up in a mental ward for 30 days of detox and classified sent to a doctor for him to work out what is the cause of the addict (why does what he does)

once u understand it u can change it if u want

i know what i am and i know what helps me ......weed is the best choice as it leaves most of my higher brain functions alone with the added effect of slowing down my head (adhd) me weed is a lvler not to happy not to sad......with out it i would be a drooling bag of shit with massive internal organ failures by this age in my life ( really the drugs are that bad side effects become permit and then liver damage and kidney failure ......the longer u are on them the more they have to up doses at some point your body can not take it anymore and death)....lithium and depakote are the standards

sorry for your brother ....but it is his own fault for not wanting to deal with whatever he is escaping from if it was not weed it would be some other drug .......and with out weed alot of ppl like me would be filling up the hospitals eating away at state's and family's money to house care for our dying husks of bodies
Dude you can't tell that guy was being very blaintently sarcastic... how could you see him as being serious?
Dude you can't tell that guy was being very blaintently sarcastic... how could you see him as being serious?
i can not hear voice tones inflecting that so i assume on the lvl other wise (even with voice i need body lang too )

one time i thought someone was joking even hearing the voice and well the next day we found him dead took 4 bags of heroin to the head in the car (he fucked a slut his girl found out took the kid and left him ) i did not read it right lost a decent friend

so i am one of the straits men (comedy act term) ......ask around this is the way i been since i got on now u know why
i can not hear voice tones inflecting that so i assume on the lvl other wise (even with voice i need body lang too )

one time i thought someone was joking even hearing the voice and well the next day we found him dead took 4 bags of heroin to the head in the car (he fucked a slut his girl found out took the kid and left him ) i did not read it right lost a decent friend

so i am one of the straits men (comedy act term) ......ask around this is the way i been since i got on now u know why
Well I was kinda Leaning towards his use of "fourteen marijuanas a day" line. That's just ridiculous. Nobody would ever use those terms if explaining a real addiction problem .
Well I was kinda Leaning towards his use of "fourteen marijuanas a day" line. That's just ridiculous. Nobody would ever use those terms if explaining a real addiction problem .

slang terms change every 70 miles .......i have no idea where they are so i have nothing to compare the terms they are using to be real or fake
Meet Justugh. He has no social skills, he's delusional, and he knows everything about everything. Just ask him. It's incredible, really...

yes i have none those social graces in me ......i am what i am and that is all i am

no delusional is thinking i will be happy one day ....or i am king of all men
i am not i just thought about stuff......where your social limitations come into play i do not have those .....there is no box for me everything is possible just not probable ...matter of altering the odds so it becomes

by all means i do not know everything i just know alot of crazy info ....if i learn something it gets stuck in my head might not be needed ever again but makes me a great person to call if ever on a game show from years of reading and talking with other ppl

your just mad u have not proven me wrong so u can call me crazy and dumb
Bullshit marijuana is a horrible vice. 98 billion spent bi-weekly on rehab for people.
sorry if it was a joke

i do not play those games anymore for the reason written .....if u want u can open hand bitch slap me 1 free shot (smoke a joint call it even)
ive wrong...

but hey you have mental disaabilirties... bit so do i bro bro

its just i have more emotional tupoes pro BBC llem
that i feeel only.massive comnbinations of drugs can fix
sorry if it was a joke

i do not play those games anymore for the reason written .....if u want u can open hand bitch slap me 1 free shot (smoke a joint call it even)

can i rwally??
i promise itll be ppme hand

are yoi in.oregon? or is ft hatlater
can i rwally??
i promise itll be ppme hand

are yoi in.oregon? or is ft hatlater

i will be out there again soon for more work and fun do anouther 7 or 10 days
late aug sept hopefully (get in when ppl are pulling summer crops see what they got work on picking taste profiles for later)

u might of gotten me on something wrong then i relearned it and gave u a knuckle bump most likly
yes i have none those social graces in me ......i am what i am and that is all i am

♫ He's wrong to the finish, 'cause he smokes that spinach.
It's Justugh the Crazy Man ♫
