Police Draw Guns On Iowa DL Playing Pokemon

If the bank had been robbed 10 minutes earlier I doubt they had the photograph yet. There is a phrase in law enforcement that detectives have learned from interviewing, BNBG - Big negro, big gun. Victims of black crime almost always say it was a big black man with a big gun, he was near by and he is obviously a very large knee grow
Except it wasn't a "big negro".
Nice try. You mean the article that you just went back and read. And who doesn't comply with 4 fucking guns in their face?

I said he didnt get shot because he complied.

You accused me of not reading the article.

I repeated what I read in the article and the reason for the previous post.

You accused me of going back and reading the article.

Did I time travel?
A bank robbery had just occurred. The good guys were looking for the bad guys.

This is pretty simple shit....

Which cops are after you personally?

The only thing here that's simple is you. No cops after me but I've seen them in action these days and they are out of control,they used to be public servants but now they treat the public like perps.
You think it is hard to believe that white victims of crime have a tendency to see the criminal doing it as blacker and bigger because of the intimidation of having a gun drawn down on them?

That is right up your ally with the latent racism in white people, a subconscious prejudgment of black men.
You think it is hard to believe that white victims of crime have a tendency to see the criminal doing it as blacker and bigger because of the intimidation of having a gun drawn down on them?

That is right up your ally with the latent racism in white people, a subconscious prejudgment of black men.
That cat out weighed the other dude by over a hundred pounds. I don't care how big the gun is, it won't make you see a defensive lineman when you're looking at a kicker.
Jesus Christ, do you have to be wrong about everything? He didn't comply with shit because he didn't even hear them at first. He had headphones on, and they never identified themselves as cops. Try actually reading a fucking article once in a while.

He was irresponsible to be driving with earphones and music blasting for one and not paying attention to see all the cops behind him.
He's lucky he wasnt shot.
You're a moron! read!

The suspect didn't realize that there were four cops behind him because his music was blaring in his ears. The suspect had reached into his pockets, for something which was his phone, but for all the cops could have known, he was reaching for a gun. The suspect could very well become another statistic on this day.

He was irresponsible to be driving with earphones and music blasting for one and not paying attention to see all the cops behind him.
He's lucky he wasnt shot.
Where is the responsibility of the cops? You've grown so accustomed to their terrorist tactics (on black people), that pointing 4 guns at an innocent man's face, leads you to the conclusion that the victim was irresponsible?
The only thing here that's simple is you. No cops after me but I've seen them in action these days and they are out of control,they used to be public servants but now they treat the public like perps.

At the moment the public is shooting at them...

They are still public servants. The laws they enforce are the problem.
except they didnt shoot him because he complied with their requests.

His actions saved him from harm.

Seems pretty simple to me.
Saved him from harm.. I guess.....

Have you ever been completely innocent and find yourself surrounded by cops with guns pulled and in your face?
People have life long issues because of similar incidents happening to them. A person can get "robbed" by a gunman and have episodes for years and years after, but if a group of CRIMINALSINBLUE do it, well no one was harmed.. GOOD THING THEY DIDNT SHOOT TO DEATH AN INNOCENT PERSON THIS TIME!!!!!! 100 CHEERS FOR THE WONDERFUL CRIMINALSINBLUE
Saved him from harm.. I guess.....

Have you ever been completely innocent and find yourself surrounded by cops with guns pulled and in your face?
People have life long issues because of similar incidents happening to them. A person can get "robbed" by a gunman and have episodes for years and years after, but if a group of CRIMINALSINBLUE do it, well no one was harmed.. GOOD THING THEY DIDNT SHOOT TO DEATH AN INNOCENT PERSON THIS TIME!!!!!! 100 CHEERS FOR THE WONDERFUL CRIMINALSINBLUE

I have been walking down the street minding my own business and had cops pull their car in front of me, jump out and demand identification.

I have almost had a gun pulled on me when I reached behind me to get my wallet once.

In the above case, the person complied with the law and no one was hurt but you still are not happy... LOL!!!