Well-Known Member
Yep, doesn't make me better, just more willing to pay attention.
Why don't you go take a poll of Americans and ask them why they don't care?
That's mighty white of you.I listen to others, and the vast, VAST majority tell me the above. They don't have time, they don't care, they don't see it as relevant to their lives. That leaves those of us who do care, and we are definitely in the minority.
That's their choice, but to say that uninformed guesswork is as valid as considered inquiry is idiocy, of the very sort you've been spewing of late. Very out of character for you.
We need to start culling the herd, starting with the hateful and the bigoted.Never under estimate the stupidity of the american public,Trump has a real chance of winning.
That's mighty white of you.
Never under estimate the stupidity of the american public,Trump has a real chance of winning.
Never under estimate the stupidity of the american public,Trump has a real chance of winning.
Except the remainder of your post is you holding a dismissive view..I'm not holding a dismissive view.
Yeah, that sounds like exactly what you're going to do. You will vote Clinton into office to avoid a Trump administration, then, if you bother with this issue past the general election, you'll be asking the person who benefitted the most from it to fix it. That's almost as sad as expecting Clinton to do a single goddamn thing about campaign finance. There are three other supreme court decisions that would require change to fix that; Buckley v. Valeo, First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti & McCutcheon v. FEC. "Overturning Citizens United in the first 30 days" will do exactly jack shit to solve the problem. Clinton does not support campaign finance reform, she supports a greater degree of transparency (like the Obama admin..). In the words of Nick Diaz, she's selling you fuckin' wolf tickets, man. She said that to pander to Sanders supporters.What I'm not going to do is rage futilely and throw my vote in the toilet.
95% of elections are won by whichever candidate spends the most money, so what does that tell you? Many people are influenced by the corruption of money in politics. That's why campaign finance reform is my number one issue. Regular people don't care to bother with retrieving the facts for themselves, and enough people still trust mainstream news sources for it to affect outcomes of elections.There it is. You just said you are have superior powers of observation. This is the real problem with you guys. You talk as though you can see through the BS better than everybody else. What I'm saying is that you are wrong. People chose Hillary for their own reasons and not yours.
We don't really disagree about many things but on the ability of the average person to vote in their own best interest, we do. Very much so. You dismiss the ability of 14 million people to make a decision that is in their own interest. Because you chose differently.
Except the remainder of your post is you holding a dismissive view..
"They cheated, it's wrong, but oh well, can't change it now, working to change it later is better"
That's dismissive. You're dismissing the fact they cheated this cycle and saying "Oh well, we'll get em next time.."
Yeah, that sounds like exactly what you're going to do. You will vote Clinton into office to avoid a Trump administration, then, if you bother with this issue past the general election, you'll be asking the person who benefitted the most from it to fix it. That's almost as sad as expecting Clinton to do a single goddamn thing about campaign finance. There are three other supreme court decisions that would require change to fix that; Buckley v. Valeo, First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti & McCutcheon v. FEC. "Overturning Citizens United in the first 30 days" will do exactly jack shit to solve the problem. Clinton does not support campaign finance reform, she supports a greater degree of transparency (like the Obama admin..). In the words of Nick Diaz, she's selling you fuckin' wolf tickets, man. She said that to pander to Sanders supporters.
95% of elections are won by whichever candidate spends the most money, so what does that tell you? Many people are influenced by the corruption of money in politics. That's why campaign finance reform is my number one issue. Regular people don't care to bother with retrieving the facts for themselves, and enough people still trust mainstream news sources for it to affect outcomes of elections.
How can you say people vote their own best interest in the wake of Donald Trump's popularity? Do you think all of those people are "voting their best interests", or do you think they're brainwashed, racist, retards who likely don't actually know what's best for them on account of them being so stupid in the first place? It is no different for other people with different political affiliations.
The best interests candidate got pushed out of the primary and you're sitting here telling us to just let it go and move on..
That, detective, is the right questionSo in an environment of apologists to dictatorship- the stealing of our democratic process can be called little else- how do we the American People force our government and those who run it to be accountable for their actions?
Confucius say: Write in Bernie's name, or your own name, or Mickey Mouse. Those votes will be equally ignored.
Maybe you can get one of your buddies to plant the seed. An open minded, sensitive guy like you would probably handle that OK. You could hold her hand while he drives it home. You're into that cuckold thing, right?
That, detective, is the right question
It was done right before our eyes..we saw it..there was no question and yet it was accepted.
It was 'yeah, but oh well it was HER turn'.
That's scary. It's also unacceptable.
I also rethought my vote and I'm going to write in Bernie as a protest..the fart-in would mess up my Eco-friendly digestive system.
The only way I'd vote for her, is if Sanders were her VP.
It's OK to cheat if you beat your opponent by enough of a margin?
What the hell kind of logic is that?
The DNC broke the rules and effectively influenced the election. To what extent is speculation. The fact that the rules were broken by members of the DNC by not behaving neutral is not. And the fact that the DNC has effectively steered the media narrative of both CNN and MSNBC should deeply trouble everybody
Good movie. Even better author. Did you know that Isaac Asimov was also a mystery novel writer? I read some, they were good!
I think the answer lies in getting a large enough percentage of Americans INformed, INcensed and INvolved.
But if stealing the very democratic nomination isn't enough, I wonder if anything would be enough. Americans are used to being abused by the state at protests, so lots of people just don't want to do it.
To make shit worse, I guess Trump and Pence are against cannabis legalization, as is Hillary, and Kaine, too? Please tell me we're not complaining fucked.