DNC Email Leak

I think the Dems really fucked themselves if no one else, championing Hillary and sabotaging Sanders. I think Hillary is mostly distrusted by the nation, Sanders had garnered the most trust, and Trump will probably win because --as is what usually fucks us--there are a lot of stupid people in this country that actually fall for his bullshit enough to put faith in him, simply because he's "not a politician." Wish those same morons would realize, he's still a businessman, and businessmen speak Money as fluently as politicians.
I listen to others, and the vast, VAST majority tell me the above. They don't have time, they don't care, they don't see it as relevant to their lives. That leaves those of us who do care, and we are definitely in the minority.

That's their choice, but to say that uninformed guesswork is as valid as considered inquiry is idiocy, of the very sort you've been spewing of late. Very out of character for you.
That's mighty white of you.
That's mighty white of you.

You can talk about how the earth is flat until you're blue in the face, but you're still wrong on the facts.

Americans speaking politics are having a disturbingly similar conversation, while talking past one another.

I'm not insulting you, just your arguments. They're specious at best and miss the points I make over and over;
  1. We do NOT live in a democracy
  2. Mrs Clinton stole the nomination in glaringly obvious form
  3. The DNC aided and abetted this theft of the will of the People
  4. Most people don't care, thinking it doesn't matter to them, when of course it does
I'm not holding a dismissive view.
Except the remainder of your post is you holding a dismissive view..

"They cheated, it's wrong, but oh well, can't change it now, working to change it later is better"

That's dismissive. You're dismissing the fact they cheated this cycle and saying "Oh well, we'll get em next time.."

What I'm not going to do is rage futilely and throw my vote in the toilet.
Yeah, that sounds like exactly what you're going to do. You will vote Clinton into office to avoid a Trump administration, then, if you bother with this issue past the general election, you'll be asking the person who benefitted the most from it to fix it. That's almost as sad as expecting Clinton to do a single goddamn thing about campaign finance. There are three other supreme court decisions that would require change to fix that; Buckley v. Valeo, First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti & McCutcheon v. FEC. "Overturning Citizens United in the first 30 days" will do exactly jack shit to solve the problem. Clinton does not support campaign finance reform, she supports a greater degree of transparency (like the Obama admin..). In the words of Nick Diaz, she's selling you fuckin' wolf tickets, man. She said that to pander to Sanders supporters.

There it is. You just said you are have superior powers of observation. This is the real problem with you guys. You talk as though you can see through the BS better than everybody else. What I'm saying is that you are wrong. People chose Hillary for their own reasons and not yours.

We don't really disagree about many things but on the ability of the average person to vote in their own best interest, we do. Very much so. You dismiss the ability of 14 million people to make a decision that is in their own interest. Because you chose differently.
95% of elections are won by whichever candidate spends the most money, so what does that tell you? Many people are influenced by the corruption of money in politics. That's why campaign finance reform is my number one issue. Regular people don't care to bother with retrieving the facts for themselves, and enough people still trust mainstream news sources for it to affect outcomes of elections.

How can you say people vote their own best interest in the wake of Donald Trump's popularity? Do you think all of those people are "voting their best interests", or do you think they're brainwashed, racist, retards who likely don't actually know what's best for them on account of them being so stupid in the first place? It is no different for other people with different political affiliations.

The best interests candidate got pushed out of the primary and you're sitting here telling us to just let it go and move on..
Except the remainder of your post is you holding a dismissive view..

"They cheated, it's wrong, but oh well, can't change it now, working to change it later is better"

That's dismissive. You're dismissing the fact they cheated this cycle and saying "Oh well, we'll get em next time.."

Yeah, that sounds like exactly what you're going to do. You will vote Clinton into office to avoid a Trump administration, then, if you bother with this issue past the general election, you'll be asking the person who benefitted the most from it to fix it. That's almost as sad as expecting Clinton to do a single goddamn thing about campaign finance. There are three other supreme court decisions that would require change to fix that; Buckley v. Valeo, First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti & McCutcheon v. FEC. "Overturning Citizens United in the first 30 days" will do exactly jack shit to solve the problem. Clinton does not support campaign finance reform, she supports a greater degree of transparency (like the Obama admin..). In the words of Nick Diaz, she's selling you fuckin' wolf tickets, man. She said that to pander to Sanders supporters.

95% of elections are won by whichever candidate spends the most money, so what does that tell you? Many people are influenced by the corruption of money in politics. That's why campaign finance reform is my number one issue. Regular people don't care to bother with retrieving the facts for themselves, and enough people still trust mainstream news sources for it to affect outcomes of elections.

How can you say people vote their own best interest in the wake of Donald Trump's popularity? Do you think all of those people are "voting their best interests", or do you think they're brainwashed, racist, retards who likely don't actually know what's best for them on account of them being so stupid in the first place? It is no different for other people with different political affiliations.

The best interests candidate got pushed out of the primary and you're sitting here telling us to just let it go and move on..

You've said this better than I could have.

So in an environment of apologists to dictatorship- the stealing of our democratic process can be called little else- how do we the American People force our government and those who run it to be accountable for their actions?

Because that's the crux of all this; accountability. We as a nation are fed up with the ongoing spectacle; cops killing without accountability. Politicians lying without accountability. Political operatives stealing elections without accountability. Government offices not helping the people they were created to assist, without accountability. Corporate executives doing dirty deals without accountability.

There's just two ways this can go, only one of which leads back to sanity. The other choice is to simply ignore the rule of law altogether, because Hillary did and became president anyway. Because Bill Gates did and built a trillion dollar company. The list of examples is endless. At the other end of the scale is a prison system built for profit and operating- you guessed it- without accountability, making a mockery of the ideals of justice and fair play.

So. I'm against Mrs Clinton being president because we need accountability to make a comeback.

Just writing those words seems ludicrous in today's climate of greed and excess.

We've gone off the idealogical rails in this country when getting away with it is seen as better than following the rules.

Accountability. There's a conservative ideal if ever I've heard one! Now, let's apply it to EVERYONE, especially those who would wield power over We the People individually or collectively.

I have a feeling those running things wouldn't like being held accountable for what they've been up to, so I'd expect resistance.
So in an environment of apologists to dictatorship- the stealing of our democratic process can be called little else- how do we the American People force our government and those who run it to be accountable for their actions?
That, detective, is the right question

Maybe you can get one of your buddies to plant the seed. An open minded, sensitive guy like you would probably handle that OK. You could hold her hand while he drives it home. You're into that cuckold thing, right?

He is open minded and sensitive..you leave my Bucky alone..you..you..you desert dum dum:cuss:
That, detective, is the right question


Good movie. Even better author. Did you know that Isaac Asimov was also a mystery novel writer? I read some, they were good!

I think the answer lies in getting a large enough percentage of Americans INformed, INcensed and INvolved.

But if stealing the very democratic nomination isn't enough, I wonder if anything would be enough. Americans are used to being abused by the state at protests, so lots of people just don't want to do it.
It was done right before our eyes..we saw it..there was no question and yet it was accepted.

It was 'yeah, but oh well it was HER turn'.

That's scary. It's also unacceptable.

I also rethought my vote and I'm going to write in Bernie as a protest..the fart-in would mess up my Eco-friendly digestive system.

The only way I'd vote for her, is if Sanders were her VP.

Well, Sky, it IS her turn. That's how it works.

You can write in Bernie AND fart, you know. That would make you a double protestor. You can tell your grand kids about the time you ripped one out at the polling booth causing all the club-wielding black panthers who were there only to make sure there was no voter fraud, to faint.
It's OK to cheat if you beat your opponent by enough of a margin?

What the hell kind of logic is that?

The DNC broke the rules and effectively influenced the election. To what extent is speculation. The fact that the rules were broken by members of the DNC by not behaving neutral is not. And the fact that the DNC has effectively steered the media narrative of both CNN and MSNBC should deeply trouble everybody

Not only that, but everyone seems to be okay with it.

It's more than accountability..it's the laissez faire attitude that these actions are ACCEPTABLE and all will be forgiven after the eventual apology ala 'superpredator'.

Americans memories are as long as a news cycle because you are all told what to think and when.

And yes, I'm more than deeply troubled by this..just as I was when 2008 happened, and all the offenders walked.

Just like the email issue..the price of National Security is not even worth the fine of a parking ticket.
To make shit worse, I guess Trump and Pence are against cannabis legalization, as is Hillary, and Kaine, too? Please tell me we're not complaining fucked.
Good movie. Even better author. Did you know that Isaac Asimov was also a mystery novel writer? I read some, they were good!

I think the answer lies in getting a large enough percentage of Americans INformed, INcensed and INvolved.

But if stealing the very democratic nomination isn't enough, I wonder if anything would be enough. Americans are used to being abused by the state at protests, so lots of people just don't want to do it.


At what point is it 'enough'?

What must be done to us before before we say 'no'?

Of all the things she has been purported to have done..stealing an election? And everyone shrugs their shoulders?

Jesus Christ..let that sink in.