Golden diesel cross, critical +, Sweet Cheese, Super sour og, white rose s1, bagseed


Well-Known Member
Starting this journal the plants are close to two months in growth they are small just moved em out of tent so they could get fresh air for a few days, super hot in there, was under a 400 watt mh/hps I wanted to run under a led but maybe next grow, anyways here is some pics and hope u enjoy. The ones in the big pots are bagseed they have only been outside for a week and grew from the size the others were they are in supersoil, with bulb tone in it, and were fed a mixture of seaweed and alaska fish fertilizer. I feed that maybe once or twice a month let it sit for maybe week or 3 days to brew but feed bat guano every other week between straight water.
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Updates we have had a few storms all week but these soldiers are thriving the first pic is golden diesel x @kmog33 gear far left and far right in middle crit + front right the rest are sweet cheese, 2nd pic is sweet cheese the one with 3 heads, super sour og, and my s1 white rose, 3rd pic is bagseed plant 1 and 4th is bagseed number 2, the last pics are sweet cheese and super sour og clones I took 2 weeks ago 6 sweet cheese 2 super sour og.IMAG0155.jpg IMAG0156.jpg IMAG0157.jpg IMAG0158.jpg IMAG0159.jpg
This is what it looks like inside.

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This is what it looks like inside.

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Damn that looks good, I'm waiting for it to cool a bit to start flowering it's stupid hot and humid here , need to transplant mine in few days to there last pots, was wandering did u have a pheno of your cross that grew but stayed smaller than the others
Damn that looks good, I'm waiting for it to cool a bit to start flowering it's stupid hot and humid here , need to transplant mine in few days to there last pots, was wandering did u have a pheno of your cross that grew but stayed smaller than the others
Yeah but it evened out in flower so now they're all about the same size.

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Everything is growing so fast now especially the bagseed was gonna let it flower outside but getting big as hell out growing everything, might just have to mh/hps it. Half flower mh last half hps, havent decided yetIMAG0169.jpg IMAG0170.jpg IMAG0171.jpg IMAG0172.jpg IMAG0173.jpg
Ok after long dilliberating I've decided to flower 2 sweet cheese, one critical +. a Golden diesel, s1 winter rose mango pheno, and the last maybe a ssog or gd not sure forgot to label it first, the other plants like my 4 cheese clones 2 ssog last gd and s1 are going to be flowered maybe month and half after these, got 3 sweet cheese and 1 ssog going into flower maybe week from now elsewhere, and those bagseed u saw in the 7 gallon pots on the 18th stretched and grew into 5ft 5 monsters so they will be naturally starting to flower maybe 2nd week of August considering daylight falls to 12 1/2 hrs a daystarting that week anyways hope you guys stick around and enjoy the ride. The plants going into flower first were transplanted with great white and fed today with earth worm castings tea which consisted of compost, fish fertilizer 5-1-1, kelp, wormcastings, molasses.IMAG0186.jpg IMAG0187.jpg IMAG0188.jpg
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Updating u guys first pic are the first set of girls in flower, then sweet cheese, ssog, gd, s1 plants and clones, last pics are the bagseed outdoor almost 6ft tall both of em.

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Getting their first real watering of compost tea, maxicrop soluble seaweed. Top dressed with mexican bat guano 8-1-1, and peruvian bat guano 0-7-0 gotta spray em with neem when light go off leaf hopper did little dmgIMAG0228.jpg IMAG0229.jpg
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Updating the plants in the flower room are just about all female except one plant that hasnt shown sex dont remember if its a super sour og or a golden diesel cross but hope it turns out male non the less need him for breeding, the other plants are doing ok one of my cheese thAT ISNT IN THERE WENT INTO FLOWER AFTER A BRANCH LOOK LIKE IT BROKE BUT IT got super cropped by the tomatoe plant ikr. The result of rain and heavy fruit. anyways the other plants are doing ok the clones are coming along well, the bagseed is huge one is female the stupid 6 ft 3 plant is male so gonna collect from him other than that feeding today with 8-1-1 mexican sun leaves guano, 0-7-0 peruvian guano and water today after today cutting back on nitro for week 3 this marks the end of week 2, week 3 will be espoma bulb tone 3-5-3, 0-7-0 guano, 0-10-0 jamaican guano for two weeks, then throw bloom booster in there week 4 ish 1-13-6 and 0-0-17 seaweed for that week and smooth sailing afterwards. Hope you guys stick around lemme know what u thinkIMAG0242.jpg IMAG0241.jpg IMAG0240.jpg IMAG0239.jpg IMAG0238.jpg IMAG0237.jpg
Flower girls front left is Golden diesel growing nice did burn her a little, behind it is crit +, the two in middle are sweet cheese, right front is either golden d or super sour og hoping its super sour og i need a male and hasnt shown sex, and behind it is s1 winter rose mango pheno IMAG0246.jpg IMAG0247.jpg
Updating plants are still stretching starting to stack hairs everywhere just put sweet cheese in bucket and gonna see if it can get just as big as the s1 and bagseed bag is 6 ft s1 is at 4'5 right now. The one in tent are small in comparison think i found my summer season technique. Also inside plants think had white fly in very early stage caught it and hit em with micronized sulfur dust.

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First pic is of gd or Super sour og at this poing I will say super sour og, then my s1 mango pheno, then sweet cheese fast version, 2nd sweet cheese and pic after is pink pistols it has , Golden diesel cross next two pistol and plant, last is crit +. In case u are wondering what that white stuff is thats micronized sulfur dust that was sprinkled on leaves in between week one and 2 had a white fly issue, got neemed, dusted, and yellow sticky traps, last pic is of bagseed unknown not doing much but staying big might take out of tent and put something else in . This week they just got water and micronized azomite only letting the bulb tone 3-5-3 do it's thing but starting next week it gets fed 0-7-0 indonesian guano, 0-10-0 jamaican guano, 0-0-17 kelp powder, 1-17-6 bloom booster, maybe epsom salt not much only a pinch, and maybe some bulb tone 3-5-3 last 2 weeks slow release. This marks closing of week 2 my bad for getting my weeks mixed up been going entirely too fast

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Took the bagseed out the tent put it back outside has the white hairs just flowering slowly not that many hairs same age as others just grows better outdoors so replaced it with the sweet cheese I recently put in bucket; now more even light spread. After looking and reading old grow longs and comparing results (specifically wwxbb log), decided to adjust my feeding meal for next parts of flowering only using jamaican bat guano 0-10-0, indonesian bat guano 0-7-0, vermicrop bloom booster 1-17-6. Has nitro already in supersoil, so dialing the nitro down a bit, maybe hit with a castings tea in week or 2 or maybe just mollasses broken all the way down (dissolved) in 5 gal bucket with aquarium heater and air pump. Will have epsom salt for mag sulph, maybe every 2 weeks meaning 3 more feedings till harvest with it, the bloom booster has calcium in it and if need be put in a corner of powdered milk in 30%calcium. If there are people reading this let me know your opinion.
Two group pics, Golden diesel first pic next two is both sweet cheese and last is crit +, watered and fed today 0-7-0 and 0-10-0 guanos, 0-0-17 kelp, was extra dry after 4 days they are drinking up water now week 3 starts

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Just added another cheese to the tent and put the bagseed back in out grew its hiding spot and finally got some hairs on it, the other plants in the tent are getting big for week 3 Golden diesel @kmog33 is the biggest of the ones in the buckets and all are started to show frost on the leaves. Anyways here are pics of them now.IMAG0286.jpg IMAG0287.jpg
As yopu can see the girls are doing well for week 3 this week they only getting rain water nothing else getting rdy for pivatal week 4. Week 4 will be 0-10-0 jamaican guano, 0-7-0 indonesian guano, vermicrop pk booster 1-13-6, espoma bone meal 4-12-0 resulting in 5-42-6 all organic top dressing since they got hit with 0-0-17 seaweed week 2. The frost has begun. Sweet cheese in middle my s1 front right that tall one center right is golden d followed by crit + far back left another sweet cheese front left, ssog back right. Discovered a male ssog outside so gonna cross the remaining cheese,gd, s1, and only female ssog outside

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