Ocean Grown Genetics

Is the Houdini Rift no more? LJSS doesn't list it in upcoming or out of stock. (someone swap me a Houdini Rift for a Ninja Fruit or an Obi Wan?)

Biiiiiiiiig bird coming in today for landing. (knocks on all the wood) #greentapePTSD
Anyone catch the YouTube live stream last night with NinjaOG and VaderOG on it? I think NinjaOG mentioned the "something new" that PHNerd is working on. Sounds like he got himself a legit Bruce Banner #3 cut and has permission to breed with it. So it sounds like PHNerd's something new is BB#3 x Wizards Potion. NinjaOG said he is hitting the BB#3 with his Ninja Fruit. I have to imagine VaderOG has this BB#3 cut in each of his breeding chambers. BB#3 x Obi Wan OG, BB#3 x Jawa Pie, BB#3 x Vader OG, and hopefully the crown jewel with the upcoming Alien Rift breeding round, BB#3 x Alien Rift. Cheer all!