Hillary can't be trusted

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be very afraid, everyone. life is death and murder. everything is scary death.

attacks police terrorism violence chaos violence Homicides killings victims killed police officers killed immigrants criminal threaten peaceful citizens immigrant ended the life killer forced to their knees Iranian killers Muslim violence crying executed.violence Law killed police ISIS Islamic terrorism viciously Islamic radicals savagely Islamic ISIS Islamic terror killed immigrants violence Americans brutally murdered wounded American families gangs and the violence drugs and violence

copied verbatim from the transcript of trump's speech in order

Did he pick this substantive, presidential type oratory up Pence's bible study?

That very bill that you speak of is the very bill that devastated the black community in the 90's. So, of course I have a serious problem with what she said, as it seemed to only apply to black folks. It's kinda funny though, that in one breath, you tell me about them being 2 different people. In the very next breath, you give me a quote from her on the bill. Can't have it both ways. If you really want to highlight the fact that they are 2 different people, why in the fuck would I care about what she said in 1994?

I'm not the one "having it both ways". It was you that brought up Bill Clinton's law. Not me.

I agree that the bill was dumb. But I'm not seeing how the bill itself devastated the black community. I see it more as it reinforced the black stereotype, which was already devastating. As I ended the last comment I made with the notion that it wasn't the bill's fault (no pun intended), but rather systemic racism in law enforcement, the judicial system and society as a whole. You seem to be glossing over that, as if the crime bill is the sole reason black people are in prison today. That's just not the case. Sorry.
the speech message was incredible. A guy who cant gain the support of his own party is gonna abolish crime and violence. He has no idea of his impotence or maybe his manipulation game is on point?

his manipulation game is on point

his manipulation game is on point

his manipulation game is on point

his manipulation game is on point

his manipulation game is on point

Yup. Feeble minded individuals gobble his shit up.
I'm not the one "having it both ways". It was you that brought up Bill Clinton's law. Not me.

I agree that the bill was dumb. But I'm not seeing how the bill itself devastated the black community. I see it more as it reinforced the black stereotype, which was already devastating. As I ended the last comment I made with the notion that it wasn't the bill's fault (no pun intended), but rather systemic racism in law enforcement, the judicial system and society as a whole. You seem to be glossing over that, as if the crime bill is the sole reason black people are in prison today. That's just not the case. Sorry.
Of course the bill on it's surface isn't racist. It's the application of the bill which was, in fact, racist. Yes, it was systematic racism that got black people arrested, but it was bill clinton's crime bill that KEPT black people in the judicial system. If it's a majority of black people being arrested for (mostly) non violent drug offenses like simple felony marijuana possession, well then it stands to reason that the majority of the people affected by the 3 strike rule and mandatory minimum sentencing will also be black. I'm sure that you're aware of the sentencing disparities between powder and crack cocaine that were introduced under bill clinton. The disparity was LITERALLY 100 to 1, obviously meaning that it took 100 times as much powder cocaine as crack cocaine to receive the same 5, 10, or 20-year mandatory minimum prison term. Study after study has shown that whites and blacks both use and sell drugs at approximately the same rate. With this being the case, how is it that the overwhelming majority of the explosion in the prison population since 1980 is black people? In some communities, up to 90% of the drug arrests involved black drug offenders. bill clinton admitted that it was a mistake. Why can't you?
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I'm not the one "having it both ways". It was you that brought up Bill Clinton's law. Not me.

I agree that the bill was dumb. But I'm not seeing how the bill itself devastated the black community. I see it more as it reinforced the black stereotype, which was already devastating. As I ended the last comment I made with the notion that it wasn't the bill's fault (no pun intended), but rather systemic racism in law enforcement, the judicial system and society as a whole. You seem to be glossing over that, as if the crime bill is the sole reason black people are in prison today. That's just not the case. Sorry.
Hillary campaigned for the law. She was just as involved as bill.
I'm not the one "having it both ways". It was you that brought up Bill Clinton's law. Not me.

I agree that the bill was dumb. But I'm not seeing how the bill itself devastated the black community. I see it more as it reinforced the black stereotype, which was already devastating. As I ended the last comment I made with the notion that it wasn't the bill's fault (no pun intended), but rather systemic racism in law enforcement, the judicial system and society as a whole. You seem to be glossing over that, as if the crime bill is the sole reason black people are in prison today. That's just not the case. Sorry.
You really should watch the video of michelle Alexander i posted.
Of course the bill on it's surface isn't racist. It's the application of the bill which was, in fact, racist. Yes, it was systematic racism that got black people arrested, but it was bill clinton's crime bill that KEPT black people in the judicial system. If it's a majority of black people being arrested for (mostly) non violent drug offenses like simple felony marijuana possession, well then it stands to reason that the majority of the people affected by the 3 strike rule and mandatory minimum sentencing will also be black. I'm sure that you're aware of the sentencing disparities between powder and crack cocaine that were introduced under bill clinton. The disparity was LITERALLY 100 to 1, obviously meaning that it took 100 times as much powder cocaine as crack cocaine to receive the same 5, 10, or 20-year mandatory minimum prison term. Study after study has shown that whites and blacks both use and sell drugs at approximately the same rate. With this being the case, how is it that the overwhelming majority of the explosion in the prison population since 1980 is black people? In some communities, up to 90% of the drug arrests involved black drug offenders. bill clinton admitted that it was a mistake. Why can't you?
All hillary and bill have to say is, oops my bad, and they come out squeaky clean. Its ridiculous.
All hillary and bill have to say is, oops my bad, and they come out squeaky clean. Its ridiculous.
Yep, and I honestly believe that he only admitted that it was a mistake to further his wife's political career. The clinton's showed me their true colors during the '08 election when their attacks on Obama went from policy differences in the beginning, to basically "Hey, he's the black guy", after he'd clearly stolen the momentum.
Yep, and I honestly believe that he only admitted that it was a mistake to further his wife's political career. The clinton's showed me their true colors during the '08 election when their attacks on Obama went from policy differences in the beginning, to basically "Hey, he's the black guy", after he'd clearly stolen the momentum.
I remember all of this. Which is precisely why I can't, under ANY circumstances, cast a vote for this person.
Totally understand. I think community and keeping eachother informed is the greatest civic duty that all must bear if they truly care for the fate of our country.

Are any of the candidates detached from the slavery through incarceration? The genocide through abortion?

Sanger launched the Negro Project, designed by Sanger’s Birth Control Federation in 1939. It hired several African-American ministers to travel through the South to recruit African-American doctors. The project proposal included a quote by W.E.B. Dubois, saying that “the mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than the increase among Whites, is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.” [7] This quote, often mistakenly attributed to Sanger, reflected the shared race and class biases of the project’s founders. The Negro Project relied on Black ministers because of its white sponsors’ belief that “the most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.”

Pure EVIL.
Totally understand. I think community and keeping eachother informed is the greatest civic duty that all must bear if they truly care for the fate of our country.

Are any of the candidates detached from the slavery through incarceration? The genocide through abortion?

Sanger launched the Negro Project, designed by Sanger’s Birth Control Federation in 1939. It hired several African-American ministers to travel through the South to recruit African-American doctors. The project proposal included a quote by W.E.B. Dubois, saying that “the mass of ignorant Negroes still breed carelessly and disastrously, so that the increase among Negroes, even more than the increase among Whites, is from that part of the population least intelligent and fit, and least able to rear their children properly.” [7] This quote, often mistakenly attributed to Sanger, reflected the shared race and class biases of the project’s founders. The Negro Project relied on Black ministers because of its white sponsors’ belief that “the most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.”

Pure EVIL.
If you were able to, would you revoke the kind of access to abortion that women currently have?
Of course the bill on it's surface isn't racist. It's the application of the bill which was, in fact, racist. Yes, it was systematic racism that got black people arrested, but it was bill clinton's crime bill that KEPT black people in the judicial system. If it's a majority of black people being arrested for (mostly) non violent drug offenses like simple felony marijuana possession, well then it stands to reason that the majority of the people affected by the 3 strike rule and mandatory minimum sentencing will also be black. I'm sure that you're aware of the sentencing disparities between powder and crack cocaine that were introduced under bill clinton. The disparity was LITERALLY 100 to 1, obviously meaning that it took 100 times as much powder cocaine as crack cocaine to receive the same 5, 10, or 20-year mandatory minimum prison term. Study after study has shown that whites and blacks both use and sell drugs at approximately the same rate. With this being the case, how is it that the overwhelming majority of the explosion in the prison population since 1980 is black people? In some communities, up to 90% of the drug arrests involved black drug offenders. bill clinton admitted that it was a mistake. Why can't you?

So I assume then you blame Remington for all the gun violence that's taking place, right?

You and Pile are implying that the bill itself, "on its surface", IS racist. No, the crime bill did not keep black people in the judicial system, the rampant racism by judges, attorneys and law enforcement kept them in the system. Remember, the bill is just a piece of paper with letters on it, someone has to carry out what is on that piece of paper, the piece of paper itself can't do anything.

There are laws, rules and regulations that are broken every fucking second within the financial world. Why isn't there a pervasive, mass incarceration of those people breaking the laws? Because those tasked to enforce it, don't.

Bill Clinton admitted it was a mistake because he believes it was, just as I believe it was a mistake. But you are the one placing ALL the blame on the bill itself. You've still not proven why you think that is. In fact, your argument, "...meaning that it took 100 times as much powder cocaine... receive the same... prison term", only supports my argument of systemic inequality. Not the bill itself.

I think we just won't see eye to eye on this one man. Sorry.
Same category as Bill Oreilly, melodrama for the dollars. I do like what he says some times, but many times he goes too far. Or rather, he went too far. Past tense. You should listen to the substance of what he is saying and then think about it for a moment. What exactly was the implication of her comment? Was she trying to say Obama should watch out he may get assassinated? Or was she referring to herself? Or maybe she used a poor choice of words simply to describe, "you never know what could happen". Olberman's twisting of context doesn't have me convinced. It shouldn't have you convinced either.
So I assume then you blame Remington for all the gun violence that's taking place, right?

You and Pile are implying that the bill itself, "on its surface", IS racist. No, the crime bill did not keep black people in the judicial system, the rampant racism by judges, attorneys and law enforcement kept them in the system. Remember, the bill is just a piece of paper with letters on it, someone has to carry out what is on that piece of paper, the piece of paper itself can't do anything.

There are laws, rules and regulations that are broken every fucking second within the financial world. Why isn't there a pervasive, mass incarceration of those people breaking the laws? Because those tasked to enforce it, don't.

Bill Clinton admitted it was a mistake because he believes it was, just as I believe it was a mistake. But you are the one placing ALL the blame on the bill itself. You've still not proven why you think that is. In fact, your argument, "...meaning that it took 100 times as much powder cocaine... receive the same... prison term", only supports my argument of systemic inequality. Not the bill itself.

I think we just won't see eye to eye on this one man. Sorry.
I'm saying that the construction of the bill was such that they knew that this was going to be the outcome. So yes, I'm blaming the bill, and labeling it as racist. I guess the sentencing disparity between the two cocaines what, just happened? Bill Clinton admitted that it was a mistake solely to benefit his wife's political career. You don't find it curious that he didn't admit it until his wife was running for public office? Probably just another coincidence. Bill Clinton is a politician, and a very smart one. That's why he was on the Arsenio Hall show playing his saxophone, and hanging out in black churches pandering for the black vote. Which is fine, because that's politics. However, when it was time to show white people that he was tough on crime (Which as we all know is code for hard on black people), he couldn't wait to rush back home to Arkansas to oversee the execution of Ricky Ray Rector, a man so mentally disabled that he said he would save the pecan pie from his last meal “for later”. Bill Clinton is a piece of shit, but he's also an excellent politician. And the latter is NOT to be perceived as a compliment.
I'm saying that the construction of the bill was such that they knew that this was going to be the outcome.

That is an unprovable assumption. As this is the premise of your entire argument, the rest of what you said is moot.
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