Swallowing is Degradation of Women?

Swallowing: Sexy or Disgusting?

  • Sexy

    Votes: 26 96.3%
  • Disgusting

    Votes: 1 3.7%

  • Total voters
asking a person to guzzle ones body fluids is a sign of SUBMISSION ... pretty pathetic and lower tier of society subscribe to this methodology

Ok yes I always swallow...but using it as a topical cream exceeds my personal boundaries. ..lol
Of all the things a man and woman can do in bed together I don't think swallowing your partners body fluids is all that bad...I have a straight buddy who actually likes to choke his girlfriends during sex...supposedly it heightens sexual pleasure...now that might be considered degrading to women not to mention dangerous....or mb not...wudda I know? Thoughts? Have u ever tried it FP? If so did it seem to make sex better? Anyone else try it?

im just gonna back out now..
yall re such newbs
Of all the things a man and woman can do in bed together I don't think swallowing your partners body fluids is all that bad...I have a straight buddy who actually likes to choke his girlfriends during sex...supposedly it heightens sexual pleasure...now that might be considered degrading to women not to mention dangerous....or mb not...wudda I know? Thoughts? Have u ever tried it FP? If so did it seem to make sex better? Anyone else try it?
Nah. I have been a victim of sexual assault tho..

Imo, once the man can make you cum every 15 sec, you don't have a need for more "excitement". In the early days of our marriage we fiddled around with bondage and toys. As he became more skilled with finding my spots and I lost my gag reflex, the toys lost importance.
Im old enough to be yer mum lol, yes I was jk bc that was super fuckin gross bro

Sounds like the foundation of a sound relationship.

You love me unconditionally like a mother, and i love you unconditionally like a son. And if i said that backwards then youll just have to get over it. Part of the "unconditional" clause.

Besides im 114 years old. So technically i would be you grandfather.