Electricity bill


ok so my landlord wants me to pay for my electricity just for my grow. An I'm really curious about it cause it says it's only 50 dollars a month. I live in CO I'm paying .04604 KWH.

I'm running 2 LEC 315s
Two exhaust fans
An two 18in fans.

Any help would be awesome.
Sounds strange, usually your electric bill is handed to you by a utility company not your landlords.

Sounds like your landlord is trying to get more money from you. Don't sign anything and stick to what your lease says, a lot of landlords can be scummy people and knowing the law will always help you should any trouble arise.
Like he lives upstairs everything is included besides grow operations so what should I do like it said in the ad that growers were welcome? Idk really what to do I don't wanna get kicked out of my place....
I dunno thay seems fair; LL could be a total dick and not allow you to grow at all. $50 a month doesn't seem unreasonable; I pay considerably more but my rate is .010 higher & I use more wattage. Think my last bill was like $360 and it was about $125 per month before I started growing indoors. Got the central a/c running this time of year as well.
Like he lives upstairs everything is included besides grow operations so what should I do like it said in the ad that growers were welcome? Idk really what to do I don't wanna get kicked out of my place....

Try working with him and meet him halfway at $25. Thats not much to be paying extra anyways.
I don't get a bill in my name he pays electricity like I said they are 2 315 LECs running 2 8in exhaust fans, an 2 18in fans.
I'm not worried he is a pretty stand up guy, I'm not gonna be pushed around if he makes me try an pay something outrageous that's why I wanna know if my math is correct an then I can show him that's all I'm gonna pay.
20160720_194934.jpg Easiest thing , buy a KILL-a-watt or two and run all your grow equip through it......then you will know EXACTLY what you are using and how much you should pitch in. I have roomies and this is what I do to keep everyrhing fair.
Not sure of your actual rate but, it seems like you have the advantage here.
Screenshot_2016-07-20-16-57-44.png Screenshot_2016-07-20-16-57-54.png

That's not even including your 24hr ventilation.
50 bucks doesn't seem to unreasonable but the bill won't lie ....well unless the electric company is being swanky ....otherwise go by the bills he gets the next few months so you both agree on actual facts instead of guestaments
Yea like he has his own grow as well, I will talk to him when rent is due an see what he is actually thinking on what I'm using for electricity.