Random Jibber Jabber Thread

My super hot Vietnamese neighbor just came over asking for weed lol. Even in the super hot face of temptation I gotta play it on the dl. I tossed her a $20, told her I really only ever have personal but that we're neighbors so no renumeration is actually necessary as this was akin to borrowing a cup of sugar. But man, seriously internet, she is so fucking hot.

You and your threesomes with Asian women. I wanna be you. Fucker.
My super hot Vietnamese neighbor just came over asking for weed lol. Even in the super hot face of temptation I gotta play it on the dl. I tossed her a $20, told her I really only ever have personal but that we're neighbors so no renumeration is actually necessary as this was akin to borrowing a cup of sugar. But man, seriously internet, she is so fucking hot.
Someone has to do it Neo; pics or didn't happen :)
Have any of you fellas ever ran you finger down your girls buttcrack and said "credit card!"? I thought it was funny, but one time Mrs Goodson said "you know if you're swiping that credit card then I better be getting some money out of it" To which I replied

"Mrs Goodson, I didn't know you were a hooker!" lol I got punched in the arm on that one, but she laughed.

So fast forward a couple of months later. I'm about to get in the shower and she comes in to ask me a question. As I turn around to get in the shower, I feel a swift finger run down, right between my biscuits!

I'm in mid air and all I hear is "credit card!" bahahaha we both couldn't stop laughing.
But did she smell it after?
Someone has to do it Neo; pics or didn't happen :)
Seconded - we wanna see pic's of her or, or - well, we will be forced to say something bad about you.

Hmm, how to approach that... "Hey neighbor, my friends on the internet don't believe how hot you are and as someone who is in to networking as much as you are should be familiar with the internet phrase, "pics or it didn't happen", also someone might have also muttered the phrase "tits or get the fuck out". OK I actually muttered that phrase but I really need to look cool to my friends, can I take a picture of you?". Lol.
Hmm, how to approach that... "Hey neighbor, my friends on the internet don't believe how hot you are and as someone who is in to networking as much as you are should be familiar with the internet phrase, "pics or it didn't happen", also someone might have also muttered the phrase "tits or get the fuck out". OK I actually muttered that phrase but I really need to look cool to my friends, can I take a picture of you?". Lol.
Well, yeah :)
Hmm, how to approach that... "Hey neighbor, my friends on the internet don't believe how hot you are and as someone who is in to networking as much as you are should be familiar with the internet phrase, "pics or it didn't happen", also someone might have also muttered the phrase "tits or get the fuck out". OK I actually muttered that phrase but I really need to look cool to my friends, can I take a picture of you?". Lol.

Nah. Just pretend that you're responding to a text and slyly snap a pic or two (make sure the click and flash are off). Are you new? ;)
Nah. Just pretend that you're responding to a text and slyly snap a pic or two (make sure the click and flash are off). Are you new? ;)

I thought phones made this noise as a security. .so people can't do this..I must be new..

I've tried turning mine off. ..only to take sleeping baby pics...
lol security..

nah there should be a setting dilly fpr dif sounds or none..or just be like me and have celly volume all the way off..
oooooor make a video, its easier anyway then screenshot the best pic :)

sure sure, sleeping baby pics..
ive used that excuse before

still got in trouble ;)

Bahaha clearly you've thought this out..

Dude after having a baby the last thing I wanna see is genitals or naughty pics. .I clean someone else's vagina like 10 times a day..seriously my guy has learned that nudity is just part of our everyday life..shit for the first 5 weeks after my daughters birth I pretty much didn't wear a shirt..even my brother saw me pump..don't worry he's already gay..

no way jose
perfectly legit.. getting an incognito shot of my girl reaching up to get a plate, her shirt lifts and i can see her ass
or idk making a funny face while eating

my dick
lmao sorry , im drinking already