It does not matter, you do not wish someone dead, likelihood is irrelevant, it is just wrong! This is a pot forum, and he has as much right to comment on anything on here as anyone else. I do not see anywhere on here that this is only a forum for USA citizens. The only one seems like they have some Xenophobia going on is you...Is amazing again to me the same people claiming others are racist are the ones dogging people that are different than them, calling him a "white trash brit" totally racist and shows what a fraud you are. Your blatant racist comment DOES spur on more hate than anything he posted on this thread, and wishing he is blown up in a car bomb, well that trumps anything anyone said in this thread.
WaaaH. Awww white person got hurt by the one thing others have on them. You're just as self destructive as any other race y'all are just okay with your own class discrimination. Sorry to point it out to you.
Eat dicks and feel the burn.