Is This What Was Meant By "Open Carry"

It does not matter, you do not wish someone dead, likelihood is irrelevant, it is just wrong! This is a pot forum, and he has as much right to comment on anything on here as anyone else. I do not see anywhere on here that this is only a forum for USA citizens. The only one seems like they have some Xenophobia going on is you...Is amazing again to me the same people claiming others are racist are the ones dogging people that are different than them, calling him a "white trash brit" totally racist and shows what a fraud you are. Your blatant racist comment DOES spur on more hate than anything he posted on this thread, and wishing he is blown up in a car bomb, well that trumps anything anyone said in this thread.

WaaaH. Awww white person got hurt by the one thing others have on them. You're just as self destructive as any other race y'all are just okay with your own class discrimination. Sorry to point it out to you.
Eat dicks and feel the burn.
I am going to be doing open curry in Cleveland.

and your rambling is meaningless to me... your assessment is null, not that it is any of your business, but no I am not a republican, I was actually a dumb ass and voted for Obama his first term....

SB, this is disheartening but you are forgiven. Anybody can make a mistake. It takes an intelligent woman to learn from her mistakes.

When I joined RIU in 2010, I thought the potheads on RIU would be interested in seeing cannabis laws loosened by prop 19. Boy, was I naive. Many of the members here are full soldiers in the war on drugs. They make their living selling pot for $200.00 an ounce and have no interest in seeing legalization happen. My foolishness was much greater than yours.
SB, this is disheartening but you are forgiven. Anybody can make a mistake. It takes an intelligent woman to learn from her mistakes.

When I joined RIU in 2010, I thought the potheads on RIU would be interested in seeing cannabis laws loosened by prop 19. Boy, was I naive. Many of the members here are full soldiers in the war on drugs. They make their living selling pot for $200.00 an ounce and have no interest in seeing legalization happen. My foolishness was much greater than yours.
I can totally believe that. I see the same thing with the people on here that claim to be progressive liberals and against racism, and they reek hatred and bigotry every time they type a word. Has opened my eyes as to what the progressive liberal agenda of many really is, not about equality or bringing people together, but at least for many on here it is about division and separatism...same as for Obama, he was to bring people together and has done everything in his power to divide people...
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He's clearly protesting Cleveland's proposed suspension of open carry for the convention. That's like saying it's a faux pas for a protester to carry a sign. Don't like it, move to France.
I can totally believe that. I see the same thing with the people on here that claim to be progressive liberals and against racism, and they reek hatred and bigotry every time they type a word. Has opened my eyes as to what the progressive liberal agenda of many really is, not about equality or bringing people together, but at least for many on here it is about division and separatism...same as for Obama, he was to bring people together and has done everything in his power to divide people...

is the irony of having this retarded conversation with a verified member of white supremacy groups totally lost on you?
It does not matter, you do not wish someone dead, likelihood is irrelevant, it is just wrong! This is a pot forum, and he has as much right to comment on anything on here as anyone else. I do not see anywhere on here that this is only a forum for USA citizens. The only one seems like they have some Xenophobia going on is you...Is amazing again to me the same people claiming others are racist are the ones dogging people that are different than them, calling him a "white trash brit" totally racist and shows what a fraud you are. Your blatant racist comment DOES spur on more hate than anything he posted on this thread, and wishing he is blown up in a car bomb, well that trumps anything anyone said in this thread.
thanks Stevie, im not even a whitey, so funny reading all this racist bs, problem is one needs an IQ in triple digits to make sense of these confusing and difficult subjects, most in here are angry, many are simply too stupid to bother with
One more thing, there is absolutely no hope for society when young males speak in such a disgusting way to an older female, you were obviously raised in a forest somewhere by wolves. You will reap what you sow...
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Is it his fashion choices? Denim with Olive Drab is SOOO last century. That is what you meant, right? Otherwise, what is offensive about the image? He is complying with the law of his locality. I don't get your objection. Please spell it out.
Just as he has every right to look like a total douchebag in public and cause some people some level of panic, letting everyone know how tiny his penis actually is, everyone else has the right to mock him for it.

I'm not understanding your objection.
I'd approach him and say Hi, nice AR. I'd gain intel from his response. If he behaves well, I'd want my kids closer to him. Immediate Bullshit Free Zone.

Unlike you, I do not demonize-by-default the gun or the gun owner. And I'd be inclined to be forgiving of the whole denim/drab fail if he pitched in with keeping the park safe and friendly.

Prejudging gun owners and open carry individuals generally speaking is not something I do. Personally I'm a conceal carry kind of guy, I'd rather you not know I could kill you any second. That being said, I think there is a place and time for open carry if it serves a purpose other than a political statement. Because the problem with that is the idea that it could escalate quickly. What's the point of open carrying an AR at a public rally, if not to make a political statement? He's basically protesting, right? What's he protesting? That he has the right to carry around an AR in public? Why is this so ok, but a gay couple can't buy a cake at a public bakery? Equal rights for all I say.

Everyone's rhetorical around freedoms always falls apart with the things they don't agree with.
One more thing, there is absolutely no hope for society when young males speak in such a disgusting way to an older female, you were obviously raised in a forest somewhere by wolves. You will reap what you sow...

Old Wolf pelts?

I smack old racists, family included. No quarter. I'm glad you're ok with the racist bullshit posted here. Do your "college students" know you're a racist?