Hillary can't be trusted

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No, where do I see it? She tends to make me sick to my stomach so I do not go out of my way to watch her.
see if you can find it up her ass, cow.


It has always been hillary. This is why it is completely normal to reference what the CLINTONS did during Bill Clinton's presidency.

She had her hand on everything.
I hear that your husband or someone in his family are drug dealers, rapist and criminals. Trump says this so it must be true. Did your husband get booted out the service because he raped or was it drugs ?
Him, his mother, his father and his father's family came legally.
cannabineer said:
"I will say the idea that gun ownership correlates with cowardice is not only false but fundamentally dishonest. I detect a social engineer wearing the flayed pelt of a social justice warrior. It is that sort that seeks to insinuate that guns are somehow intrinsically uncivilized."

That's a mouthful of bloated idiot shit bro. Hit up @StevieBevie for a ball gag you need it.
More to come. I have been watching as many old interviews as I can find. It is interesting to watch her tell boldfaced lies with not even a twitch.

Did you watch the interview with barbara

Politifact is not a valid source.
Facts have a known liberal bias. Laughing at you.

There is absolutely no way you can hang onto your right wing beliefs and be open to reality.
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