Is This What Was Meant By "Open Carry"

Seriously. All jokes aside. Who in the fuck walks around like this? Please help me to understand.

At the very least I would call this visual terrorism. I am for gun ownership, but this is terrorism. What family is going to feel safe hanging out in this park, if I had a child with me I would head in the opposite direction fast, sorry that is how I see this...
At the very least I would call this visual terrorism. I am for gun ownership, but this is terrorism. What family is going to feel safe hanging out in this park, if I had a child with me I would head in the opposite direction fast, sorry that is how I see this...
How is this terrorism? What threat does he make? It sure sounds like you are equating "has a gun" with "unhinged crazy guy". I wonder if you'd feel better if he carried concealed. That's the ticket!! No offensive firearms showing to the delicate sensibilities.

You just implicitly (but not expressly! Such plausible deniability.) smeared the gun while ostensibly being "for gun ownership". When you advance an argument this dishonestly, expect it to be dismantled ... openly, not concealed. You are not for "gun ownership" any more than the Australian Government.
How is this terrorism? What threat does he make? It sure sounds like you are equating "has a gun" with "unhinged crazy guy". I wonder if you'd feel better if he carried concealed. That's the ticket!! No offensive firearms showing to the delicate sensibilities.

You just implicitly (but not expressly! Such plausible deniability.) smeared the gun while ostensibly being "for gun ownership". When you advance an argument this dishonestly, expect it to be dismantled ... openly, not concealed. You are not for "gun ownership" any more than the Australian Government.
So you wouldn't have a problem with your children playing the park if he was there?
So you wouldn't have a problem with your children playing the park if he was there?
I'd approach him and say Hi, nice AR. I'd gain intel from his response. If he behaves well, I'd want my kids closer to him. Immediate Bullshit Free Zone.

Unlike you, I do not demonize-by-default the gun or the gun owner. And I'd be inclined to be forgiving of the whole denim/drab fail if he pitched in with keeping the park safe and friendly.

I was accused of bigotry earlier today. You aren't getting that from those same forum esquires for an obvious instance. I wonder at the double standard. ~shrug~
I'd approach him and say Hi, nice AR. I'd gain intel from his response. If he behaves well, I'd want my kids closer to him. Immediate Bullshit Free Zone.

Unlike you, I do not demonize-by-default the gun or the gun owner. And I'd be inclined to be forgiving of the whole denim/drab fail if he pitched in with keeping the park safe and friendly.

I was accused of bigotry earlier today. You aren't getting that from those same forum esquires for an obvious instance. I wonder at the double standard. ~shrug~
Well enjoy. My kids are getting the fuck away from that idiot.
How is this idiotic thread any different than one that posts a picture of Bruce/Caitlin Jenner parading around in a dress, or a picture of the gay pride parade with a guy wearing hot pants, lipstick and a feather boa, and asks, "who walks around in public that?" You are on board with that that implied shaming and ridicule, right?