I threw a tomato at comcast

Does anyone know any good sites to buy seeds from in the US where they won't get seized?

Comcast was parked outside on my block so I threw a tomato you can see it land it the back of the truck in slow motion. I have good aim since I threw it from my backyard.

I'll never sign up for cable ever again. High price cable bills got me in the peehole, bad.

You have a dish then? Or don't watch the networks?

I have Comcast because their fiber optic internet cable is very fast. I dumped my landline and got their triple play thing cheaper than just cable and internet...bundle cheaper plus no phone bill...

still too expensive but I spurge on that I guess, their workers do make good money and add to the economy... I remember paying $12 for cable in the '70's...they didn't have 350 channels or HD then though...
Haven't even tried the antennae yet but I guess there r plenty of channels on regular boob tube... And in hi def. No Dish- mostly just gave up on television, which I've done before for several years in a row, my entire 2o's actually. I have Netflix for occasional entertainment which is only 12$/mo., but my cellular bill is pricey.
Next time you sign up with ANY cable company or have an existing acc, inquire about a business acc. Its cheaper and you get unlimited broadband. Just tell them whatever company name.. mine was IGB Inc ( I grow bitch)
Im so far out, I dont have line of sight to any tower ( Id have to get a 50ft ROHN tower at the highest peak of my property) .I miss my pc badly , I can only use sprint...sucks balls
Netflix + Hulu




Sling TV (or equivalent)

Cable TV is on its way out. They were trying to get me for $300/month by the end of my contract (AT&T). Had to bitch them out every month til my contract was up, then cancelled everything but Internet.

I use Kodi, Netflix, and Hulu. If I want to see a game I'll go to the bar or a friends house. Fuck them
I have a grandfathered affordable unlimited data plan with at&t but those suckers won't let me use my phone as a hot spot for other devices.
All the cable companies, dish and cell companies overcharge...they all have multimillionaire CEO's.

I ripped Comcast for 2 decades before they went digital...beeping channel filters and later little electronic wands that plugged into a 9 volt you waved over the box...now they're getting even I guess.

I should look into buying my own boxes...but digital is a two way communication which is tricky and expensive to hack...

I love the business account idea though...if I can get 1 account for 2 houses...I'll be researching that shit!
I recently switched from comcast to TDS, I had never heard of them until I moved where I'm at now my neighbor works for them. Much better deal. I was paying ~$150 a month for almost nothing, now with TDS I get 3 dvr ( none for that price with comcast) a wireless mottem and home phone service which I don't use but could and more channels for about $120

Fuck comcast!!
I still remember the good ole 8' satellite dish days before anything was scrambled it all was free ! Living in the country like we do and with terrible cell phone service and internet speed that barely rivals that of old fashioned dial up we had to go with direct tv for our entertainment. Over the years we've threatened to switch to Dish network several times and each time direct would adjust our bill and give us free channels which always kept us happy.
I went through withdrawal slightly when I pulled the plug last year, but a few months later, I took a deep breath and asked myself whaaaaat-the-fuuuuck i was thinking paying some jackass corporation to spoon feed (to program) me, that electronic nipple.

Do ALL the math, shitz fkd! At what costs do we seek that escape? My buddy just moved and I saw how antsy he was the last few days with no television, haha, we depend on it!

There are benefits to getting back to the basics, like how a lot of us grew up, riding our play bicycles around the neighborhood and speaking face to face. Put the phone down too, pokemon.
i have comcast x1.. phone tv and internet all for 120. rip off, but not too bad of a deal.. its fucked up that its the same price for all 3 as it is for just the internet
That's monopolistic pricing and the commission that approves their billing structure needs to be encouraged to do their job, or be replaced with one that will.
i agree.. but its only 120 a month, i dont really care. need the internet, i also use the business one because my house is listed as my business