Olive Drab Green
Well-Known Member
And don't you dare say that Satan put dinosaur fossils in the ground to test us, because that's exactly the kind of bullshit I'm talking about. False. Dinosaurs existed.
I hate trying to reason with people who twist shit to put their beliefs in a better light.
And don't you dare say that Satan put dinosaur fossils in the ground to test us, because that's exactly the kind of bullshit I'm talking about. False. Dinosaurs existed.
Don't forget about Joshua. He took ethnic cleansing to a new level. Entire cities got "put to the sword". Every living thing got skewered. (Newborn babies, puppies, you name it.)See, the thing is, the Bible doesn't account for dinosaurs, so when is God releasing the prequel? Not trying to be a dick. I just got this guy in my Bio class that's a total Bible Banger and he was talking about how Satanists kill people all the time. I asked him when was the last time he remekbered, and he couldn't tell me. Then I reminded him that more people have been killed by Christians during the Crusades than by Satanists throughout history. He said "That's Old Testament." I said "Old Testament? It was hundreds of years AD when the Crusades occurred, and the Crusaders were Christian, not Jewish." I hate trying to reason with people who twist shit to put their beliefs in a better light.
Actually, we created god in our image -- including emotions like jealousy & anger.I'm thinking God created us long before we could walk on this rock. In his image. Kinda makes Darwin right.
If the universe is God, WTF is he thinking?
See, the thing is, the Bible doesn't account for dinosaurs, so when is God releasing the prequel?
If everything comes from god, the devil is included. He is a key player in the game & if he quits, it's over.TL;DR. Love you, bro, but I just don't believe in a Judeo-Christian God. I don't believe God is that arrogant or condemning. Fear is not love. In the Bible, God is guilty of envy, wrath, and pride--the same things he says to us are sin. And if God created everything, God created Evil, and there would be no need for a Devil. Also, if the Devil were an angel, it would have to be God's will that he fall, because what separates man from angel is free will. Satan, being an angel, would be incapable of rebelling, along with the other angels.
i see your point, but, i would like to say it would be 'God of the gaps' if we did not have prior knowledge of creation from the bible (God's revelation of Himself) which so exquisitely & perfectly spells out exactly how the universe as we know it was created, written many thousands of years ago prior to what science is just now confirming to be true.
moses to scientists, 'youre welcome'.
for example,
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. 3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.
what science now confirms,
1. the universe did indeed have a beginning
2. darkness has been/is predominant in the universe since the beginning
3. light did separate from darkness — energy first then light
4. earth was a water planet at one time then land masses
5. time had a beginning — energy first then time
6. mass had a beginning — energy first then mass
7. the universe was made first then the earth — correct order
8. the earth was indeed formless at one time
9. the five 'ultimate scientific ideas' from herbert spencer (darwin's contemporary): time, force, action, space, & matter (in the beginning, God, created, heavens, earth)
the genesis account is even in the correct order of creation as science now confirms it. scientists did not believe these things just 50 years ago but now it is the consensus backed up by research, see above links from nasa, alexander vilenkin from a previous post.
the God of the bible revealed these things at a time when humankind could in not prove these things to be true, hence, revelation from the creator or a remarkable coincidence.
here's my favorite who got it right first, bible vs science quotes from almost 2000 years ago:
bible, ''...what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.' hebrew's 11.3 (esv)
science "molecules, atoms, energy,..."
pretty profound i'd say or what a coincidence
& by the way, if youre going to use 'God of the gaps' the same is true for atheists, 'atheist of the gaps' anybody but God by inserting anything other than God or non-materialistic regardless as to whether it makes sense or not.
I've said this. God is the flux of life, experiencing every possibility that exists through us, in every possible dimension. God is essentially the collective unconscious. The soul is just part of that vast constellation of energy.
I dunno, I was agnostic and a cynic before the Ayahuasca. I saw a lot of things that made a lot of other things make more sense. I definitely will say that Ayahuasca is much different than most other psychedelics. Spiritual, not recreational. I think what I've felt since then is pretty solid, and I've never really had faith in anything before.
i see your point, but, i would like to say it would be 'God of the gaps' if we did not have prior knowledge of creation from the bible (God's revelation of Himself) which so exquisitely & perfectly spells out exactly how the universe as we know it was created, written many thousands of years ago prior to what science is just now confirming to be true.
moses to scientists, 'youre welcome'.
for example,
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters. 3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.
what science now confirms,
1. the universe did indeed have a beginning
2. darkness has been/is predominant in the universe since the beginning
3. light did separate from darkness — energy first then light
4. earth was a water planet at one time then land masses
5. time had a beginning — energy first then time
6. mass had a beginning — energy first then mass
7. the universe was made first then the earth — correct order
8. the earth was indeed formless at one time
9. the five 'ultimate scientific ideas' from herbert spencer (darwin's contemporary): time, force, action, space, & matter (in the beginning, God, created, heavens, earth)
the genesis account is even in the correct order of creation as science now confirms it. scientists did not believe these things just 50 years ago but now it is the consensus backed up by research, see above links from nasa, alexander vilenkin from a previous post.
the God of the bible revealed these things at a time when humankind could in not prove these things to be true, hence, revelation from the creator or a remarkable coincidence.
here's my favorite who got it right first, bible vs science quotes from almost 2000 years ago:
bible, ''...what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.' hebrew's 11.3 (esv)
science "molecules, atoms, energy,..."
pretty profound i'd say or what a coincidence
& by the way, if youre going to use 'God of the gaps' the same is true for atheists, 'atheist of the gaps' anybody but God by inserting anything other than God or non-materialistic regardless as to whether it makes sense or not.
genesis is general categories, for example, for animals but...
first, we have nature's record of fossils so we know they were real, duh.
second, we have the biblical records which mentions great terrible reptiles which verify the fossil records, so here we go...
Genesis 1:21 (NASB Strong's)
21 God created the great sea monsters (taniyn) and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind; and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:21 (NRSV)
21 So God created the great sea monsters (taniyn) and every living creature that moves, of every kind, with which the waters swarm, and every winged bird of every kind. And God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:21 (CJB)
21 God created the great sea creatures (taniyn) and every living thing that creeps, so that the water swarmed with all kinds of them, and there was every kind of winged bird; and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:21 (KJV Strong's)
21 And God created great whales (taniyn), and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
the hebrew word for reptile is 'taniyn' or 'tannin' or 'tanniyn' or 'tanneem.' sometimes 'taniyn' is mistranslated to monster or whale or cow or dragon or hippopotamus, it should be reptile. EDIT: the king james version has the incorrect translation for great 'taniyn'
here is why,
remember the famous aaron throws down a stick in front of pharaoh & it turns to a 'taniyn' a reptile most likely a snake/serpent or crocodile
(ESV Strong's) 9 “When Pharaoh says to you, ‘Prove yourselves by working a miracle,’ then you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent (taniyn).'” 10 So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did just as the Lord commanded. Aaron cast down his staff before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent (taniyn)."
notice in the kjv 'whale' would be the incorrect translation for 'taniyn?"
the confusion stems from a mistranslation from the "Septuagint' greek translation from the hebrew texts which mistranslates 'taniyn' to 'whale' & not reptile.
so, how does one translate big reptile into greek?
'deinos' — 'big, terrible' or 'fearfully great'
'sauros' — 'reptile'
dinosaur! presto!
if the greek had been faithful to the hebrew language the bible would say 'dinosaurs' not whales nor dragons
more big reptiles
Ezekiel 29:3 (NASB Strong's)
3 Speak and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God,
“Behold, I am against you, Pharaoh king of Egypt,
The great (gadol) monster (taniyn) that lies in the midst of his rivers,
That has said, ‘My Nile is mine, and I myself have made it.’
Ezekiel 32:2 (ESV Strong's)
2 “Son of man, raise a lamentation over Pharaoh king of Egypt and say to him:
“You consider yourself a lion of the nations,
but you are like a dragon (taniyn) in the seas;
you burst forth in your rivers,
trouble the waters with your feet,
and foul their rivers.'
'great monster' should read 'great reptile'
the hebrew word for giant, great, mighty is 'gadol'
'gadol taniyn'
a mighty or great or giant reptile large enough to trouble the waters with it's feet & foul their rivers
'dalah' - to make turbid, stir up, trouble