How Bernie Sanders lost black voters

That sounds racist.
I get that vibe from her quite often. She's a Bernie supporter (You know the guy who marched with Dr. MLK), yet she starts EVERY SINGLE POST toward me with: "Another poor black us thread?". I find this to be quite revealing. I often wonder what Bernie himself would say to his supporters who behave, on his behalf, in this manner. That is why I said earlier that Bernie supporters are some of the "most undeservedly arrogant people with whom I've ever encountered.".
Only a retard would post a retarded ass meme like that in a thread about black voters. In fact, you've just gone full retard, now that I remember the fact that your brand of capitalism opposes civil rights based on private property.

INB4 racial integration is described as rape.
Only a retard would post a retarded ass meme like that in a thread about black voters. In fact, you've just gone full retard, now that I remember the fact that your brand of capitalism opposes civil rights based on private property.

INB4 racial integration is described as rape.

Actually Mr. Fake Anarchist, my philosophy believes in voluntary human interactions, wherein both parties partake of an interaction on a consensual basis or they peacefully avoid each other.

You don't believe in that, you think some interactions are okay to involve one party forcing the interaction, therefore you champion rapist tactics, like a retard.

So, you already went full retard, when you attempted to both endorse and malign rapist tactics.

It's more of the special kind of cognitive dissonance you demonstrate when you claim to be an anarchist and then also lick Jill Stein's gray beaver feverishly hoping for a drop of environmentally friendly and totally organic middle aged lady mist.
my philosophy believes in voluntary human interactions, wherein both parties partake of an interaction on a consensual basis or they peacefully avoid each other.
No it doesn't. It believes in the ownership of humans, and privatization, which both require governments and are diametrically opposed to the concept of consent. You are the least qualified to talk about consent, since you think children can consent to fuck adults.

Every time you post in a thread, it is just a bad meme and your broken record bullshit you've been posting for years. Why ya gotta derail Bearkat's thread?

INB4 civil rights are described as literal rape.
No it doesn't. It believes in the ownership of humans, and privatization, which both require governments and are diametrically opposed to the concept of consent. You are the least qualified to talk about consent, since you think children can consent to fuck adults.

Every time you post in a thread, it is just a bad meme and your broken record bullshit you've been posting for years. Why ya gotta derail Bearkat's thread?

INB4 civil rights are described as literal rape.

I don't believe in the ownership of humans, as in people shouldn't own other people or another persons property.

People can and should "own" themselves though, which is why human interactions should be on a voluntary, peaceful and consensual basis.

As far as consent goes, Fake Anarchist, if Jill Stein becomes your dear leader, will she then have the consent of people who didn't vote for her?
I don't believe in the ownership of humans,

People can and should "own" themselves
People are not property. They don't own themselves, they ARE themselves.

This idea you believe in, that people are property can only lead to slavery and to conditions in which the product of their labor can be taken from them. Is this related to your support for racial segregation?
I get that vibe from her quite often. She's a Bernie supporter (You know the guy who marched with Dr. MLK), yet she starts EVERY SINGLE POST toward me with: "Another poor black us thread?". I find this to be quite revealing. I often wonder what Bernie himself would say to his supporters who behave, on his behalf, in this manner. That is why I said earlier that Bernie supporters are some of the "most undeservedly arrogant people with whom I've ever encountered.".
People might have a little more sympathy for your cause if you showed them a little respect. Calling Sanders supporters "Bernie babies" and claiming everything and everyone under the Sun is racist if they don't agree with you is the complete opposite of that
People are not property. They don't own themselves, they ARE themselves.

This idea you believe in, that people are property can only lead to slavery and to conditions in which the product of their labor can be taken from them. Is this related to your support for racial segregation?

That's an interesting semantics dodge you've presented there. People are themselves, yes, and they have a kind of property right in themselves, but not in others.

So, with the above as a basis, the idea that I believe in, is the only way people will NOT be enslaved.

You, being a fake anarachist are fine with one party forcing another party to interact with them, which is at least in some degree an act of at least momentary forcible capture / enslavement.

I don't support people who believe in racial segregation, but since I don't own them or their property I have no moral justification to force them to associate or disassociate with anyone else.

Neither do you, nor does Jill Stein.

By the way when you try to twist the other guys words, you're losing.
I get that vibe from her quite often. She's a Bernie supporter (You know the guy who marched with Dr. MLK), yet she starts EVERY SINGLE POST toward me with: "Another poor black us thread?". I find this to be quite revealing. I often wonder what Bernie himself would say to his supporters who behave, on his behalf, in this manner. That is why I said earlier that Bernie supporters are some of the "most undeservedly arrogant people with whom I've ever encountered.".
I don't believe it reflects on Bernie Sanders though, just saying.
People are themselves, yes, and they have a kind of property right in themselves, but not in others.

So, with the above as a basis, the idea that I believe in
So your entire "philosophy" is based on the idea that human rights are a result of property. This fallacy, together with the fact that the name of your "philosophy" anarchocapitalism being an oxymoron can only lead to the conclusion that you're an idiot.

INB4 racial equality is described as literally being the same as slavery.
From the time he announced his campaign, in April 2015, his crusade against economic inequality galvanized a sleeping sector of the populace that felt left out of the political process.

But Sanders seldom trained that same impassioned rhetoric on the problems that so many black voters wanted addressed: police brutality, white supremacy, and the ways in which economic inequality is inextricable from race.

He appeared not to realize that you can’t simply deliver the same speech on economic inequality to a room full of black people in Atlanta that you would to a room full of white people in Iowa.

“For African-Americans, he never connected the dots from a practical perspective,” Tara Dowdell, a political strategist who has worked local, state, and federal campaigns, told me. “How would this measurably improve your life? And his colorblind approach to economics ignores the fact that this is the United States of America, where policy and economics and race are tied.”

Put another way, it takes more than marching with MLK to win black votes.

Bernie sanders is a jewish white guy and never had the black voters so he couldnt lose them.... Cause Racism....
So your entire "philosophy" is based on the idea that human rights are a result of property. This fallacy, together with the fact that the name of your "philosophy" anarchocapitalism being an oxymoron can only lead to the conclusion that you're an idiot.

INB4 racial equality is described as literally being the same as slavery.

Nice try, fake anarchist, but I'm afraid you've failed to rebut anything.

Since humans are physical beings they certainly must acquire some nourishment from the natural world, therefore humans have a natural right to use, "own" and manipulate natural resources, ie "property". What the origin and extent of that right is, would make an interesting conversation, but you are afraid to have that conversation.

Humans also have a right to self determine, which implies they also have a right to chose their interactions and also would necessarily mean others don't have a right to chose their interactions for them on a nonconsensual basis as you believe they do.

Your position relies on one person having the right to force an interaction with another, mine does not.

Also, racial equality has nothing to do with being able to force a person who doesn't want to interact with you, to interact with you. It would mean exactly the opposite, that no person has the right to force an interaction on another regardless of their race.

Your entire flexible and shifting philosophy which is reliant on offensive force is puzzling. On the one hand you claim to be an anarchist, but in the other hand you are holding a voting ballot for your commie mommie, Jill Stein.
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that is a strange way to describe serving a black customer.

That's not what I described though.

A service to be a valid kind of service is something that is usually engaged in on a mutual basis.
For instance, if I engaged you in trade, neither of us should forcibly insist the interaction MUST happen and both of us should be free to accept, decline or counter the other persons offer of an interaction.

If you're not free to refuse an interaction, what would you call that ?
That must be why the majority of black voters voted for Clinton... Cause Racism...:roll:

Yeah, when hillary clinton ran against a black candidate she crushed him in the black community.... Oh wait, that didnt fucking happen... Cause .... Racism.... Duh...
Yeah, when hillary clinton ran against a black candidate she crushed him in the black community.... Oh wait, that didnt fucking happen... Cause .... Racism.... Duh...
Now I'm going to need you to tie that same logic to Clinton/Sanders. I'll be here when you finish.
That's not what I described though.

A service to be a valid kind of service is something that is usually engaged in on a mutual basis.
For instance, if I engaged you in trade, neither of us should forcibly insist the interaction MUST happen and both of us should be free to accept, decline or counter the other persons offer of an interaction.

If you're not free to refuse an interaction, what would you call that ?

you are free to refuse the interaction though, open up your own private store.

there ya go, pedo klanman.
Yeah, when hillary clinton ran against a black candidate she crushed him in the black community.... Oh wait, that didnt fucking happen... Cause .... Racism.... Duh...

obama won the top ten blackest states and the top ten whitest states too.

stick to making failed businesses.