Random Jibber Jabber Thread

I'd hurt my dumb ass - that's why I stick with my King Quad - she ain't fast but still could fuck you up quick if you do something dumb. :cool:

Hey, old or not - going free hammock causes considerable probable cause for that type of owie.
those big quads will get you real quick if youre wreckless.. i rolled a grizzly 660 on me when i was younger. wasnt feeling too good after that one

Can't sleep. Wrenched my back a couple days ago, but swore off of the vicodin. Trying to keep my promise to myself. Need something to take my mind off the hurts. :neutral:
Me too. somehow hurt my knee...AND back is out. We can stay up and one up each other with our ailments...HOpe you mend soon. Also how is the new job going? Do you like?
Me too. somehow hurt my knee...AND back is out. We can stay up and one up each other with our ailments...HOpe you mend soon. Also how is the new job going? Do you like?
It is going alright. 16 per hour so I cannot complain. Picked the worst time to decide to start though. 3,000° degrees out by 10am. Some pretty funny dudes to hangout with, too. I just got one's email address. :cool:
Congrats on the new job @.Pinworm.

I keep hearing about this heatwave you all are having, they tell us we've got one coming, I wish it'd hurry getting here, it'd be nice to finally get some summer. It gets to 22c here and the world goes mad, even then the sky is still grey most of the time so it's hot and damp, almost tropical sometimes, some weird weather we're getting.
Anybody else roll their own smokes? What is the best deal when it comes to that? I'm not digging these Buglers. Only a buck cheaper than Camels, and the papers that they come with are tinier than my penis.
Anybody else roll their own smokes? What is the best deal when it comes to that? I'm not digging these Buglers. Only a buck cheaper than Camels, and the papers that they come with are tinier than my penis.
Dunno aboot the cost thing. But a pouch of American Spirit here costs $9. Probably $25 for a can. Good papers. Wanna violate some tax laws? Just kidding. Because that would be wrong.

Waaaay better smoke than Buggler.
Dunno aboot the cost thing. But a pouch of American Spirit here costs $9. Probably $25 for a can. Good papers. Wanna violate some tax laws? Just kidding. Because that would be wrong.

Waaaay better smoke than Buggler.
Shit, $9. I am looking for something around 5. Remember like 10 years ago, a pack of smokes and a 40oz only costed 6 bucks? Thanks, Obama.
Shit, $9. I am looking for something around 5. Remember like 10 years ago, a pack of smokes and a 40oz only costed 6 bucks? Thanks, Obama.
Watch out for blag baccy, if the price seems too good to be true then it's probably counterfeit tobacco. I'm not even sure how one counterfeits tobacco but that stuff is painful on the respiratory system and tastes like shit to boot!
I tried last year. Couldn't hack it. I threw tantrums, was grinding my teeth in my sleep, and even punched a hole in the wall. Think I'm stuck paying for the rest of my fucking life. I did the math once. Close to 2k a year for this gross ass habit. Add all that up since I started smoking, about $2,100 a year, 15 years of smoking has costed me $31,000 dollars. I could of bought a nice piece of land, or a decent truck.
