Moving To California!!! Advice and Comments.

hah, well I've been to SF like over 200 times, and never have seen any naked dudes in front of children
you've never been to san fran have you? EDIT, if you have, you need to try it again.
and i'd say if you look you could find naked dudes exposing themselves to children in most every metropolitan area...
in fact a quick search just showed palo alto, san jose, san Francisco, and modesto...
guys are pigs man
no matter where you go.
course now I got "man exposing self to children" on my search engine...

I was on height & ashbury on a reg. Saturday & i shit you knot theres 20+ men on bikes dicks swingin....general public setting...ppl explaining to theyre children that "peopl are different here"
Hell i seen one conversating with a cop as if it was nothing....i was that shit aint normal...
I was on height & ashbury on a reg. Saturday[/B] & that shit aint normal...
hahah well fuck man... stay away from height and ashbury on a Saturday man..
that's sorta the mecca of SF weirdness...
and "normal" is subjective...
in the 60s and 70s people were on the corners playing music, doing drugs, and fucking..
'in broad daylight man
think Woodstock, only all the time.
san Francisco is special BECAUSE "that shit ain't normal"

and it's all good man, if it ain't your cup of tea, then stay in the valley, or cruise to Santa Cruz, Monterey, carmel, etc.
hahah well fuck man... stay away from height and ashbury on a Saturday man..
that's sorta the mecca of SF weirdness...
and "normal" is subjective...
in the 60s and 70s people were on the corners playing music, doing drugs, and fucking..
'in broad daylight man
think Woodstock, only all the time.
san Francisco is special BECAUSE "that shit ain't normal"

and it's all good man, if it ain't your cup of tea, then stay in the valley, or cruise to Santa Cruz, Monterey, carmel, etc.
I was at haight and ashbury last year and the scene was awful. Seemed like the drug of choice was meth or heroin. Aggressive "gutter punks" (probably with rich parents) asking for money every 10 feet.

Definitely did not "feel the love".
I was at haight and ashbury last year and the scene was awful. Seemed like the drug of choice was meth or heroin. Aggressive "gutter punks" (probably with rich parents) asking for money every 10 feet.

Definitely did not "feel the love".
oh no... no "love" there for decades now, no hippies, just burn-outs and tweakers..
meth really is a nationwide problem..
so cheap, so easy to make, and it lasts for so long...
I've lost some people very very close to me due to meth..
very sad.
oh no... no "love" there for decades now, no hippies, just burn-outs and tweakers..
meth really is a nationwide problem..
so cheap, so easy to make, and it lasts for so long...
I've lost some people very very close to me due to meth..
very sad.
I am sort of convinced that, if there ever was a love fest there, it happened over one particularly nice 1967 weekend. Just a creepy parody ever since.
I am sort of convinced that, if there ever was a love fest there, it happened over one particularly nice 1967 weekend. Just a creepy parody ever since.
heh, well i'm too young, but I know a couple old-timers, and from the stories?
the doors, Hendrix, Janis Joplin, zeppelin, Sabbath...
all those coupled with drugs and free-love?
I mean minus the syphilis, gonnorhea, and genital warts, whats not to like?
I love the city! Or I guess the city of old. Some of my most favorite jobs to work on were there. Seen some crazy ass shit there. My sister lived right at the corner of Castro and Henry for years:-D
When I was younger, I used to get sheets of acid for 50 bucks. Or 100 microdots for 50. Love that place!!
Only time I go back nowadays is to go to a giants game or play some discgolf in the park.
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