how much should I expect to yield from these 3 plants?

how much will i pull?

  • 1/4 pound

  • less than two ounces

  • more than quarter pound but less than half pound

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Edna Baptist

Active Member
how much would a 150 watt hps and a 600w mars hydro light get that really draws 278 watts get out of a shed that has 0 reflection? other than the hps hood ofcourse and what would be the best wat to use them together? im thinking put one plant by itself under the led and two in scrog under the 150w HPS, (I have three plants, well 4 but ones an autoflower and will be finishing in august) and all i have is shults liquid plant food and regular miracle grow lol. will provide pics later today when not busy. take note i am toping and super croping

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Well-Known Member

Week ago a similar question was asked and it's nearly impossible to tell without pictures, knowledge of the grower, medium, heigh of flip, and countless other variables. If it's your first go around don't worry about the amount, worry about treating the plants the best you possibly can. Yield will come in time when the plants are happy they will reward you. Hopefully you get over two ounces... But you gotta make it to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Your begging for a flood of 'bout a pound comments. Haha.

Ive got no experience with LED's or autos, I use 600watt hps/mh and run mostly fem seeds. Im pretty new myself, and finding yield can be so greatly affected by so many things, and quick. I would try to get something more tailored to cannabis than Miracle Grow - but I also understand the 'work with what ya have' too. So hard to say on yield. My first run through I did about 14 ounces with 6 plants in a 4x4 tent, for what its worth. Good luck homie.


Well-Known Member
0 reflection? How are you able to accomplish this? We could just walk right into bank vaults and take the money....

About 7 kilograms. Mostly cause your toping . Alot of people do topping but the toping is gonna make all the difference.


Well-Known Member
Dude there are so many factors that go into this that there is no way to guess this without knowing everything about the grow.

Ph correct?
Temps good and consistent ?
Humidity in check?
Good air flow
What type of water

The list goes on man...


Well-Known Member
The hps will be in the center and all sides of the light will be going to plants instead of using one side and reflecting the other.

The plants will get light to mid and lower buds and led on the tops.

Its the best use of light I could figure with no reflecting.


Well-Known Member
I gotta be completely honest here...from what I see in the pics, the fact that these plants are as healthy as they are is a miracle. With a grow environment like that you are crazy lucky to not have mildew, critters, mold...etc. As far as a guesstimate of your yield...your grow will produce as much medicine as the amount of effort that was put into producing it.

Edna Baptist

Active Member
I gotta be completely honest here...from what I see in the pics, the fact that these plants are as healthy as they are is a miracle. With a grow environment like that you are crazy lucky to not have mildew, critters, mold...etc. As far as a guesstimate of your yield...your grow will produce as much medicine as the amount of effort that was put into producing it.
Yes, as i said its been about 90+ outside :( and i have no real way of cooling off the building, but it seems to somehow stay a couple degrees cooler than outside, a couple of the plants are suffering a little from the heat, the one you see budding has purple stems so i suspect it has a mag def. but it still seems to be growing fine. its supposed to finish around the end of the month so i should have more room for the other three plants.