Trichomes drying up before harvest?

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Well-Known Member
Well I actually did un sub and then had a post quoted so came back

I even agreed when ya said I was lame, as I am old and have a lame foot, and walk with a cane

so truth be told I never lied, but folks are entitled to believe whatever 8)

and thanks for folks tryin to set things right, like was said I take a lot of crap here but I like helpin, guess I'll go help somewhere else for awhile
Mehh one bad apple doesnt ruin the whole basket. Just remember, the internet can be sassy. Till they make an app that will punch ppl in the face over the internet ,the struggle continues


Well-Known Member
Have no way to check the humidity gonna get something today.
Well the thing is... Humidity and temperature are kinda linked. As humidity changes it affects how your plant is able to cope with heat. Intensity will also cause leaf cupping, even with lower leaf temperatures.

So the answer isn't cut and dried without knowing all the factors.

Even 79 degrees can be too much if the humidity is too low and can cause things to "dry up".

For somebody on his second grow you really have no business calling anyone ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Kinda sad you guys trolled this guy off his own post, I wanted to see more of his plants :(
You need to shame yourself to.

The bullshit between you and rm3 is partly to blame.

I deleted my post.

Anyways, who cares. Can't stand people that ask for help then call people names that try to help.

What's good for the gander is good for the goose. You have no room to talk.


Well-Known Member
@cookie rookie, you write so much are you even listening. Wow, your second grow. You sound like an expert already. Your leaves are taco, curling etc. Heat, light intensity, humidity, airflow, temps. etc. all play a part and your girls are not as healthy as they could be. Maybe if you didn't write so much hurtful and hateful bullshit you may even grow healthier girls one day. Yes, they are fine up to a point but alas could have been much more.... What are you 15 years old ??


Well-Known Member
Good chance they are not sticky up top because you keep touching them. I've never seen a dried out trichrome before. Do you have a scope to see if they are not developing correctly? I know what you are talking about, I've experienced the same thing, and I attributed it to touching them too much. You don't really know if they are 'dry' unless you can look at them up close. Your grow looks great btw.


Well-Known Member
They had big bud weeks 2 through 4
And overdrive 5-7
Dude, believe me! Your plants don't need that much P or K! A little phosphorus always goes a long way. Using too much bloom boosters will do more harm than good.

- Early leaf yellowing
- Stunted bud development
- Calcium Deficiency in late bloom
- Necrosis of big fan leaves
- Total nutrient lock out in medium

these are all results of adding too much phosphorus to your medium.
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Staff member
Op you need to check yourself you started this entire thing off by being rude and defensive

Name calling isn't allowed I'd check your attitude if I were you and be more accepting to the entire community we are here to help
If you can't take help without being snotty when you simply don't like the responses don't ask for it


Well-Known Member
Your original post said, that "it was OBVIOUS the canopy is too HOT"

View attachment 3730498

Now your second post is sayin its light distance and humidity and other factors...

Iono man,
But throwing around words like obvious, to make yourself look smart,
when you dont really know what's going on

It's not a good look...
Try before jumping on a post
And saying a problem is obvious
To actually know what the problem is.
How can you be so sure about this from two posts AND you never heard of him before?? You are a silly person.
You asked a question, people are answering. Beggars can't be choosers, please complain less on other post you make...
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