Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

I know that I'm about 3.5X as likely to be shot by police while unarmed than any of my white friends are. Even though I only represent 13% of the population, and my white friends make up 65%. If that's not racism, then I'm going to need a better reason.
That's what the media says. Have you ever had you're face smashed by a cop? Have you ever been taken out of the back seat of a car during a traffic stop while you were getting a ride home from the bar by a dd? Have you been taken to the precinct for no reason other than walking home at night?? I'm had all this happen, I'm white kinda.

Statistics suck anyway. Don't look into them or it'll be messed up,, those violent crime statistics are stupid.
So you want the media to ignore it, but not the police? You do realize that it's the police pulling the trigger, right? This is either incredibly stupid or incredibly naive. I'll let you choose which one you'd rather be.
So you're grouping all police into a bad guy category? Much like separating races? I don't even understand this! OK, 2x more white people are shot a year by cops. White people like you said make up 4x the population but only account for 1/2 the crime. But non whites make up half the crime and account for 17% of the population.

What the hell are we talking about here?

What if a black cop shoots a white guy? There are black racists too! As seen in the video about killing white babies! Does that make me think all non whites are like that? No!
That's what the media says. Have you ever had you're face smashed by a cop? Have you ever been taken out of the back seat of a car during a traffic stop while you were getting a ride home from the bar by a dd? Have you been taken to the precinct for no reason other than walking home at night?? I'm had all this happen, I'm white kinda.

Statistics suck anyway. Don't look into them or it'll be messed up,, those violent crime statistics are stupid.
Thank you for proving my point. If those things happened to me, I'm far more likely to be shot. That's why whenever I'm pulled over, I immediately dial 911. Do you?
And now we're back to talking about races in a debate. Dude, we're the same race and we are human. Have you read the book about the Barbary slave trade? History sucks. We need to figure out something that works, like I said, I don't know what it is bro, but it's not what people are doing now.
And since it's a COP PROBLEM I think something needs to be done. That's obvious. Even Obama said today, the nation isn't as bad as the media is saying and we need to unite. There needs to be a change in how cops conduct themselves, the bad ones anyway. Something. But not by the media. Do you think the media is what tells the president what is going on? No, the media tells you what they want you to think is going on.
Or why do you think it's a race problem. Tell me exactly why you feel that way and who and where it is happening.
Also, tell me honestly the last time you were pulled over for no reason and pm me the video. Did you even check out the black and blue video? I know shit is sometimes shitty. It's also shitty for white people encountering police.
OK, I'm out. Some encounters I've heard about from my town are on the black and blue documentary. I don't need to play games either. Later mang
I'll leave you with one thing to ponder..

WHY is everyone murdering everyone in Chicago or all major cities? Wtf this going on? We love our fellow HUMANS but kill them? The killings are the most in history in these cities. To save the most lives, people need to stop killing each other. When a cop goes out in a city like Chicago knowing everyone has a gun and is killing thier brothers, do you think that makes them uneasy? Wtf is all the murder about? Look at the tally this year. That shit is ridiculous, if you think it's a race issue, wtf are they shooting each other? Wtf
Wtf do we call this? Is this supposed to be ignored? No national media coverage on it, that's for sure, because no one gives a fuck when it's "black on black" crime. And it stays silent and everyone else is blamed on the media.