Random Jibber Jabber Thread

i may or may noy, be alil fucked up.. but stipped at burger king and i bb pulled out a 20 to oay.... antway apparently i dripprd a hundo and this dide was hey hey hey! whisrtleed and shit, hey man you drippped some kiney...cool.man thanks bruh.. keep it for being cool

im jkn i dindt give him shit
man wtf!
ima fivus and tyoe clearky
starting now haha

so.one of my girls texts me.. we're talkin..eventually im like so what are you upto?

she says and i quote
Trying to find these girls for a friends friend

im caught off guard
like.. wait what?

she says

I already said u didnt understand and im not at liberty to discuss in any further detail

so i call, and she rejects...
now im gettin upset, kind of like a web cam/ porno girl. and im like so its like that?!

she says

Yeah when I say im doin somethin and u call its like that

Im doing something for a friend what does it matter what im doing anyways im still talkin to your ass ..
If i were not talkin to you i could see why your panties are in a bunch but im not bein short and im talkin to you so i dont see the problem love

im like no no..
explain yourself and dont talk to me like im some bitch. choose your words carefully in your response
dont be using contacts that aint yours, or clients for that maatter.. obviously i lnow.what you meant
i could care less if you decided to text me.. thats got nothing tp do with anything

anyway fuckin fuck fucks...pisses me off, might have to cut a girl off

yep gettin an attitude like she something.. even if they girls you onow through work and not me,.
dont cuss in qwizos direction
trick, who pays your shit
or did...
deuce deuce

then.blowin up my phone. (9 texts back to back)..i dont understand what just happened here.. yiu dont run shit, talkin to me like im another nigga

back peddling...no no, not how it works

maybe im an ass, ober reacting idk
i dont care

fml.. im.sure i just need sleep, a good.nights rest..have a girl rub them nails through my hair scratch ma scalp, massage my back as i drift into.neverland..but idk, im.pretty sure ima read mybtexts in the morn and pissed off

ugh.. alright venting done

goodnight riu

seems like a jab jib kinda post but whatever
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When I used to do coke I lost a quarter stashing it while I was very geeked out.. My girl saw me move it a couple times being like.. I'm just going to find it and do more so I hid it in like a million different places and the last one must have been really fucking good I still can't find it a year later.. I want to get a drug sniffing dog in here, when off duty or some shit. Just gotta find a cop that would allow that... Shouldn't be hard
Given the proper circumstances, I can make my ex do that. I can tell when she has gas, subtle body motions. When in the checkout line I'll sneak behind her a lick her neck, it startles her and she relaxes, bingo "Braaaaap". She's all embarrassed and I'm laughing
That is so fucked up.

There is a special place in hell for people like you. The very idea of violating a woman's concentration in that area is appalling.

You should be ashamed sir. It takes years of scolding and self training to attain the impregnable wall of anus. This is a very deep psychological need tied to the anus.

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you sure about that?
i mean i have no clue..
but i rescued a cat some years back, who was stuck in my car lol
anyway his tale was broken in like 6 different spots all zig zag like..we named him ziggy.. he later had kittens with one of my other cats and i think the mom ate one and we gave one to a friend...named the two remaining kittens jack and jill..
eventually i had 9 cats and 3 generations

i know...cool.story
I am sure. I was there when the "accident" happened that broke my cat's tail.

That is so fucked up.

There is a special place in hell for people like you. The very idea of violating a woman's concentration in that area is appalling.

You should be ashamed sir. It takes years of scolding and self training to attain the impregnable wall of anus. This is a very deep psychological need tied to the anus.
