That makes sense, but even just considering it. :shock:
I think I would try leaches before castration. Just saying.

They have medications to shrink an aging prostate that do something to reduce hormones...

They also kill your libido will you're on them. They can also do a turp procedure that bores out the center of the can then pee freely again...but you never come the same again. After turp, you have retrograde ejaculations that go backwards into bladder. Doesn't sound like it would feel the same.

Definitely FML material...
Neighbor had procedure where they injected radioactive pellets into area.

Life generally isn't what we imagine it and there's only two good ways to go.

brother in law has the pellets...that's a cancer treatment I do believe as he had cancer.
the good news is it works and his PsA that was once 25 plus is now 0.3...anything over 4.0 is suspicious.
Mine was 11.8 last's scarey but there are those with PsA around 25 that don't have cancer also.

An enlarged prostate is BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)...until they find cancer via biopsy.
I've had 2 biopsies. There's a 1 in 10,000 chance you'll die just from the biopsy. Your rear is not an area that can be sterile. The biopsy needles poke through the wall of your colon and can infect you with sepsis.

My first biopsy led to 4 days in hospital right when I had plants 15 days into flower. Sick as a dog with 103° fever and IV antibiotics...then after 4 days fever broke and I talked Dr. into releasing me. Plants stretched into lights...I asked wife why she didn't lower them and she said 'I though they were supposed to do that'.
Got home just in time to water and lower them. Two close calls in one. Lol.
brother in law has the pellets...that's a cancer treatment I do believe as he had cancer.
the good news is it works and his PsA that was once 25 plus is now 0.3...anything over 4.0 is suspicious.
Mine was 11.8 last's scarey but there are those with PsA around 25 that don't have cancer also.

An enlarged prostate is BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)...until they find cancer via biopsy.
I've had 2 biopsies. There's a 1 in 10,000 chance you'll die just from the biopsy. Your rear is not an area that can be sterile. The biopsy needles poke through the wall of your colon and can infect you with sepsis.

My first biopsy led to 4 days in hospital right when I had plants 15 days into flower. Sick as a dog with 103° fever and IV antibiotics...then after 4 days fever broke and I talked Dr. into releasing me. Plants stretched into lights...I asked wife why she didn't lower them and she said 'I though they were supposed to do that'.
Got home just in time to water and lower them. Two close calls in one. Lol.
I did not know a prostrate biopsy was so dangerous. Holy cow. I'll have to brush up on what those numbers mean, I've never had my psa tested.
I did not know a prostrate biopsy was so dangerous. Holy cow. I'll have to brush up on what those numbers mean, I've never had my psa tested.

Actually, you may have. They found mine to be high from routine annual physical blood work in 2013. PsA is part of that bloodwork. If yours wasn't high, they probably wouldn't mention it. PsA test is a simple blood test that you don't fast for. You should also not come for 24-48 hrs. as that elevates your PsA number.
What are you, like 30? j/k Wait til you are 66, and you'll wax nostalgic about a nice healthy piss more than the hot lil honey you banged at 18

ask about the polished eyelet catheters. They the bomb but they are not as discreet.
not anymore. thanks Obama (just kidding about the last bit, but PsA is no longer routine. It was found to do more harm than good.

PsA is very controversial...There are more gray areas than you can possibly imagine. Biopsies also are controversial...they leave scar tissue that can fuck you up...

But...if you get prostate cancer that spreads to the spine like it tends to do...

I've actually considered telling my Dr. just go forward like you found cancer and insert the radioactive pellets now while I still have time left.

There is no simple black and white with an aging prostate...I've become an expert over the last few years.
Being an expert means you don't know shit by the's all educated guessing...
PsA is very controversial...There are more gray areas than you can possibly imagine. Biopsies also are controversial...they leave scar tissue that can fuck you up...

But...if you get prostate cancer that spreads to the spine like it tends to do...

I've actually considered telling my Dr. just go forward like you found cancer and insert the radioactive pellets now while I still have time left.

There is no simple black and white with an aging prostate...I've become an expert over the last few years.
Being an expert means you don't know shit by the's all educated guessing...
Yeesh. Sorry man. I come from a long line of guys-killed-by-their-prostate. I think I may have inherited my mom's. Here's hoping.
Well procedure worked for neighbor too, he was fit going into it, serious nature trail walker.. don't recall if he rotated some chemo into the mix, but he bounced back after the pellets, up there in his 7o's. Right after, hired contractors to redo his lower lev walkout and immediately got a new girlfriend. guy knows how to get busy, isn't gonna let a little swole p get him down.

oh my uncle jack had a prostrate the size of a watermelon but that was before they had fancy radioactive bb's, text pagers and wood fired california pizza kitchen franchises.
ive seen 104° at 1am in the summer., and thats with ~90%rh
thanks for that gulf coast

i have little sympathy for anyone elses imaginary heat..poor baby

18° huh

its probably gotten that cold here, i don't remember it

if youve seen snow in the last 10yrs....

ugh sorry, im hot today too..
i lnow we get acclimated so its all relative

70°and catch me in long sleeve and pants
ive seen 104° at 1am in the summer., and thats with ~90%rh
thanks for that gulf coast

i have little sympathy for anyone elses imaginary heat..poor baby

18° huh

its probably gotten that cold here, i don't remember it

if youve seen snow in the last 10yrs....

ugh sorry, im hot today too..
i lnow we get acclimated so its all relative

70°and catch me in long sleeve and pants

Don't over exert yourself in that shit. Working in high heat indexes is like shoveling snow in the winter.

There was a 29 yr. old died of a heart attack while over working around the area red lines your heart and you can't check a tach to look at your RPM's
ya man i was working outside that night i mentioned.. i remember it well
sweating like its raining, steady drinking and not pissing once in 8hrs
Just got back from a trip to the lower 48 - heat index of 109 much of the time.
I about fkn died doing menial shit outside & like you say, drank tons of water and literally didn't piss for 10-12 hours.
Tee shirt weather here at home now - 59 deg F.

I don't know how I did it - grew up in the Philippines and S. Fla without AC, but now the heat just hammers me.