bodhi seeds


Well-Known Member
Hey, was it you that showed me the "trim trays"? I think that it is time to get one for sure... I would also like to hear your version of Wookie. Sour Lavender???
I did not post the trim trays.
But the wookie was just top notch. My inlaws buy thr diamond shelf and are huge pot snobs.
The wookie was from a home grower n it blew away everything. I think they hid their jars when that came out.1468277824314.jpgmy big ass mothers milk finally putting on some meat



Well-Known Member
I just gotta say this to some people that would get this shit... so anyone whos been to an AZ dispensary will surely understand

So my bud was outta cash(hesmy helper) so i tossed him an eigth to sell to one of his construction diggers(hes also a digger) told him dont let it got for anything over 35 cuz i dont F ppl,(and i dont sell aton) but i stand by, its fire smoke. It was ssdd.

So one guy he talked to said he didnt smoke anything that didnt come from a dispensary and proceeded to tell my bud that the best flower always comes from"professionals" and he only smokes from dispensaries . And i was like jeez, did he even look at the smoke. And he said NO. And im like WTF. I worked hard on that Fuck these guys that put their local dispensary over their local individual caregiver. I hope they start their own business , making shirtsor something so i can say sorry, i only buy my shit from Wal-Mart. Its made by professional people (foreign children)
When my wife and I are in the city we always stop by a few dispensaries to grab a few grams from each of what they say is their best... we always laugh at it!


Well-Known Member
Got a couple GG#4/wookie15 (space monkey) just goes to flower, interested to see what wokie Looks like. Space Monkey seems vigorous and might just stink like a skunk I drug under my buddy's New Plymouth Duster long ago. Kind of did in the new car smell.
right you are. I got 2 space monkey in flower now and them and the other 5 I had in veg were super vigorous and damn they stunk up the house, still do. I got 1 looks like a female and 1 that's showing to be a herm because I see pistils up top but what seems to be a sack developing in the lowers. Its a gg4 cross so that's to be expected, I'm more upset about my male to female ratio


Well-Known Member
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg A pal is running some super silver temple seeds I gave him, I specifically told him they were only for souvenir purposes. Goddammit. Here they are on week 11 - might go 13 or 14 weeks. Suffered from some heat stress and other issues that were all avoidable if he'd only listened to me. I think there were 5 or 6 females, only 1 leans towards the temple, the rest are very nice,spicy and hazy. Remind me never to give a new grower a 13 week haze in the middle of summer lol, I really should know better.


Well-Known Member
Well I thought destroying my crop outdoors would bum me out....but with all the inspections coming turns out it's better then lockup! Only have 1 goji...23 ssdd girls and 12 blueberry snows that haven't sexed yet....if I can't hide 36 plants from prying eyes then I might want to rethink my future plans eh?


Well-Known Member
You guys missed a pretty neat bonfire...diesel and kerosene hide the smell of burning plants pretty well...soo any suggestions on places to move if I can talk the old lady into leaving Ohio? Thinking Hotlanta but it got old hearing how the South really won the war... While I love the Cali scene I think @kmog33 would get tired of me dragging him to the bar all the time....and seriously where the hell is @D_Urbmon ?? Hope all is well with that cat!


Well-Known Member
You guys missed a pretty neat bonfire...diesel and kerosene hide the smell of burning plants pretty well...soo any suggestions on places to move if I can talk the old lady into leaving Ohio? Thinking Hotlanta but it got old hearing how the South really won the war... While I love the Cali scene I think @kmog33 would get tired of me dragging him to the bar all the time....and seriously where the hell is @D_Urbmon ?? Hope all is well with that cat!
No I'd be cool with that.

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