not to far from you scotty n no competition if u just grow urself a plant just dont go large scale and upset ur locals im not far from you and believe me with county durham polices on the whole relaxed policys they would laugh at u if they took ya door off for 2 plants probs get rehab lol guys i know this post is old but i'll give you an update on weight and price from where i live newcastle upon tyne.
no one does Q's for £50 unless you a have friend who deals then you will get roughly 6.5g/6.8g
Q £60=5.9g/6.3g
half ounce £120=10g/12g i've known some dealers who will give you less than 9g
ounce £180= 22g roughly but not too sure about weight , never bought an ounce
so basically don't come to newcastle for weed its a rip off but depends on who you know, i would grow me own but its too risky theres too many growers and lots of competition if you catch my drift