Cannabis increases life expectancy by 2.5 years according to research


Well-Known Member
i think it's valid, however truly getting a study done on this of the magnitude will be blocked by big pharma and the establishment. afterall, there has to be reason there are cannabinoid receptors in the brain.


Well-Known Member
Didn't help me with my woman mate. She broke it off cause of my cannabis smokin. Told her it helps me deal with the dark side of the force, she said bullocks im leavin ya stoney (not my real name of course). I says fine go ill keep the dank bud to meself haha. But make ya live longer? I dunno bout that but it does allow you to enjoy music on another level if I had to say.


Well-Known Member
Didn't help me with my woman mate. She broke it off cause of my cannabis smokin. Told her it helps me deal with the dark side of the force, she said bullocks im leavin ya stoney (not my real name of course). I says fine go ill keep the dank bud to meself haha. But make ya live longer? I dunno bout that but it does allow you to enjoy music on another level if I had to say.
lol i know what you mean. i was a travel RN and was dating a chick that was one too. he father ended up getting pancreatic cancer, and i'd get him cannabutter and i smoked a little bud here and there. she didn't agree with the cannabutter, and hated that i smoked. eventually that became a deal breaker w her. we remained friends and a year later she gets busted taking dilaudid and morphine from work and shooting up at home lmao. fucking hypocrites.