This is a area for Bonsai style plant art! Show us your Unique grow!

No, I would NEVER defoliate an auto, OR a Flowering plant for that matter (shit, I don't even prune anything till I can near blow the damn thing off)....I just don't get that mentality. My buddy had a Legal MMMC grow and I swear he had these 4' plus height Maui Wowie's going and the Buds on both of my SCH's (that won't be ready to chop till end September) have bigger buds on them, cuz he had 3 to 4 spears per plant, and not ONE leaf but two fans per bud and the secondary bud leaves.......THAT's it! I tried to talk him out of it but he just kept complaining that "I can't keep me and my wife supplied..." and says it helps cuz only the buds get any light...Well, when you take all of the little Solar Powered Water Pumps (LEAVES), they may survive, but most DEF will NOT thrive by any stretch of the means....

anyway, sorry: end of rant LOL

Think you wanna try pullin a water leaf off a sprout and give that a go?
Oh that's right. Yours in an auto. Sorry. And flowering I only do if buds aren't getting dense. Depends on plant too. It did EXTREMELY well for my one and it's now dense as hell and good nice buds. The other it did the opposite I think. They are so airy you can see thru the buds They are 10weeks now. I don't know wether to just let that one keep going Or cut it down and make it into hash or something. the bad thing is I don't have any plants in flower right behind these so I'm going to have a big gap of nothing. Sux.

And yeah defoliation isn't taking ALL of the leaves. Just a few. I usually tuck them in or under if I can. But my last two I tried it during flower. Had great results and a huge bid growth spurt after. Did it a second time and my kne plant blew up with density. The other not so much. I stopped with that plant and did one more small one on the good plant and she had a MAssive beer can bid on top. It's a bit smaller now cus I just cut the too lowest buds off and everything else is cut off now so it's just the Top cola now for 1week and then chop Just want to see if it will finish the buds on top that shot out the top of the cola when I defoliated. And I didn't stop the Nutes until 4days ago or so. So for that huge Cola I want it to taste better than it does now with Nutes in and see if those top new buds will fill in a bit.

What happens if I let it grow for say 4 more week. The plant that is AIRY. Will it get any worse? Or can it only get better? The leaves are starting to yellow now so I'm thinking it won't help much since they are dieing off like they normally do in late flower
I usually tuck them in or under if I can.

Yup, I am one LSTin', leaf tucking fool right now for sure:-D....but I think I got a bug issue and have quarantined the biggest Super Cali Haze I got goin to Mother Nature till I get it sorted out.:cry:
garlic works great for me to deter bugs from the soil and the area period. Hang a bunch in the grow room and shove a few peices into the soil. BUT. Mark them and Remember to take them out a 4weeks before harvest. An elder grower friend of mine has been growing garlic and onions in his Cannabis pots all his life and never has any issues with bugs since. He actually grows it in the edge of the pots. I'm just worried they would taste bad. Lol. But I have done garlic ..and it's worked well but I always make sure to remove a week or two before I stop Nutes too. There's many other herbal remedies too that work well with olants and don't effect them.

My next experiment is to sterilize/pasturized some Coco coir and start Mushroom Mycellium in it and plant a clone in it too. I want some mushrooms to pop around a nice single cola plant. Thot it would be some kool pics for my journal too
I have mushroom Mycellium startin now. Waiting to see I grow on Agar now and just learning so the plant and mushies will come later when my Mycellium is growing on the agar first
GREAT tip!!! I will do this as a preventative in all future plant pots for sure. And I'll pick up a fresh bulb or two for these gals also. Growing green onion with the MJ from now on LOL wish I'd know THAT b4 I started down this road as I think six at once are too much for me to handle personally...I have produced Quality bud two other times in my life, but never in this Quanity as I should have when it's cured... My six girls were originally intended to be outside, as well (SIPing from marshes through the bottom of the smartpot) but got a good deal on two t5s and went whole hog to get the seedlings into MY first growroom. I can be very OCD, but this grow seems to be outgrowing me to tell the truth lol.
Yeah green onions is what he grew too I think. Scallions Green onions. I imagine regular onions would effect the cannabis taste smell and maybe even growth with the juices of onions if released into soil. Idk. But those are very mild onions. Also there are many herbs you can grow in your grow room too. Rosemary. Basil. Stuff like that will also help. Some more than others. But also will help keep smells down.

I make sprays too out of garlic Rubbing alcohol and rosemary n basil are two of my favs. Smells good and keeps bugs and mosquitos away I don't even use repellant when I'm outside. And they are horrible here. Like if I know I'm going camping I'll eat garlic too. But I rub some garlic cloves all over my skin that shows. Especially my ankles and arms where they bite me the most. They cants stand people who eat garlic and smell of garlic. Lol. Many people can't too so it will repel those pests ass well. Lol

There's 1000s of awesome home remedies so no sense in using more pricey products.
I make sprays too out of garlic Rubbing alcohol and rosemary n basil are two of my favs. Smells good and keeps bugs and mosquitos away

OK, Growroom and camping/fishing LIFEHACK lol....I will use the spray, after I rub/squash the dirty little bastards' egg(sacks) that I finally was able to get a good picture of...popping over to post those pics now....

Thanks for all your help...Here and I thought I was helpin' you outo_O

peace, happy grow/scupting!
This plant was manifolded out to 8 tops and had no additional training.
I saw the way your plant looked and thought it was hella clean the way the buds were in parallel columns so I arranged mine in the same way. Couldn't get the 8 mains but I got 6 lol. I'm going to legit mainline my 2 clones that I have just planted in soil in hopes of achieving 8-10 mains. Do you remember how much you pulled from that plant?


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Oh and yeah. I was practicing cloning and started having fun taking the tiniest of cutting and rooting them. And now I got a dozen plants in Veg. And I Manifold and Bonsai. So room is limited since one plant produces the same as 2 or more regular plants. I've kept them smaller but I'm sure that will change a bit once they flower. I put one in flower two days ago that it's a clone and it's early to flower but I need something to start so I don't have such a huge Gap between them and no medicine. That sucks but I'll get its timed better now

Those are looking pretty kool. I like how you shaped the stems nice and neat.

I saw the way your plant looked and thought it was hella clean the way the buds were in parallel columns so I arranged mine in the same way. Couldn't get the 8 mains but I got 6 lol. I'm going to legit mainline my 2 clones that I have just planted in soil in hopes of achieving 8-10 mains. Do you remember how much you pulled from that plant?

I take it since you have 6 you did Nebulas style ? And next time you want to do Nugbuckets mainlining style? Nugbuckets version you can only do 2-4-8-16-32. Nebulas version I have found works great with most clones cus of the way they grow Plus you can do 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Whatever. Lol. I have one with 10.
Then I have one with 3 on one side and then the other side has 2 but 2 shoots normal and then the Main turned Whorled Trifoliate kind of. It has growth shoots popping up every where so I can't really say trilateral qaulities yet. Cus it's not really 3 on each node. It's just some randoms popping out.

Then I have one that I topped once. The one side was growing faster than other so I punched it and where I pinched it a little. A freaking Growth shoot started growing randomly
I think I have a pic. Weird tho cus there was no fan leave. Nothing there. Just where I pinched and it grew a new shoot out and I'm leaving it So I'll have 5 on this after I top again And I'm stopping there with this one.

I have been very lucky to have such random amazing things happen. I love seeing nature do it thing. Especially when it gets weird. lol.


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OK, Growroom and camping/fishing LIFEHACK lol....I will use the spray, after I rub/squash the dirty little bastards' egg(sacks) that I finally was able to get a good picture of...popping over to post those pics now....

Thanks for all your help...Here and I thought I was helpin' you outo_O

peace, happy grow/scupting!

And that's what it's all about. Helping fellow growers out. I stopped using the one forum cus of a guy that was older and paranoid. He once said that there was nothing I could teach him with growing that he probaly didn't already know. He tried to say no offense but I just do t see you being able to tell me anything that will help. Within 24 hrs I commented on a post and mentioned something clearly he didn't know and not once comment from him until he tried bad mouthing me to everyone I love helping people. I love to chat about the plants cus I can't locally. That's asking for jail time. So I chat on here now. I make the point all the time that just cus you have $15,000 into your grow area and grow some awesome cannabis. DOES NOT make YOU a good grower. It make you a person that pays attention and can grow good weed. A good experienced grower in my mind is someone who can grow some amazing cannabis with stuff laying around the house. He can build his own and dial in his grow area without all kinds of gadgets and expensive stuff. He can make do with what he's got and still get good results. That's what I have grown up around and I am blessed to have been given the knowledge that was shared with me. Not just on growing. Everything. The older generation has taught me so many lil tricks plus I'm around this generation and learned the newer styles and tricks too so we have the info and resources it there to be the best we can be.
Those are looking pretty kool. I like how you shaped the stems nice and neat.

I take it since you have 6 you did Nebulas style ? And next time you want to do Nugbuckets mainlining style? Nugbuckets version you can only do 2-4-8-16-32. Nebulas version I have found works great with most clones cus of the way they grow Plus you can do 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Whatever. Lol. I have one with 10.
Then I have one with 3 on one side and then the other side has 2 but 2 shoots normal and then the Main turned Whorled Trifoliate kind of. It has growth shoots popping up every where so I can't really say trilateral qaulities yet. Cus it's not really 3 on each node. It's just some randoms popping out.

Then I have one that I topped once. The one side was growing faster than other so I punched it and where I pinched it a little. A freaking Growth shoot started growing randomly
I think I have a pic. Weird tho cus there was no fan leave. Nothing there. Just where I pinched and it grew a new shoot out and I'm leaving it So I'll have 5 on this after I top again And I'm stopping there with this one.

I have been very lucky to have such random amazing things happen. I love seeing nature do it thing. Especially when it gets weird. lol.

This happens with me alot when I top..

Some of this tops will reach the hights of the other tops and some not..

If its small shot like the one you have I usualy take it off as it will never make it to the surface..

If it was alittle longer i would keep it.

If you remind me tomorrow I can show some pics..

Ok. And yeah it wasn't even that big two days ago. And I took the pic last night. So if it grew from a tiny thing that resemble a Male ball then 24hr i could atleast see the leaves and know it was a shoot by was only a few mm long. And then the third 24hr it grew an inch long. I figured if I top the other one more time. It will be caught up to them by then I bet and I'll have a 5 banger. Lol. I've never seen it just shoot out the side of the stem tho. Crazyness.
Hell too bad you could FORCE it to do that any spot you want. Right before flower I would make them the whole way up and down the stems and have a sold tree of buds. Lmao. Imagine how that would look If it were possible.

My favorite is Trifoliate Plants. Or Whorled plants with trilateral features. A trifoliate is suppose to be a plant that has 3 leaves on each leafet. But many refer to Trifoliate when it's 3 branches and 3 bud sites at EACH node. So inside of normal Two. One on each side alternating the whole way up the plant. It's 3 on each node. I love them. They are amazing and I had one and that's the good plant finishing now and is amazing Full thick and bigger than a beer can. Well it was until I sampled some from bottom of the cola. It's done now and ready. Just didn't stop Nutes yet so I was waiting a bit to crop the Main Cola. But it's some good medicine tho

Sorry for the long posts guys. Hard to fit everything in short ones sometimes. And I babble on sometimes too like this. Lol
Oh. By the way. Please keep me updated on you plant in the last pic. My plant was done the same exact way. But not as perty. Lol. But I topped it once and the next node down I let grow up into 4 Colas.

Long story short. It didn't work out very good but I'm not sure why yet. And it splits easy to so watch for that or maybe put a support around
it. I started putting scretch tape around it to help keep it from splitting in the first place.
Here's a sample of the good plant WHITE WIDOW X BIG BUDS. This is the small cola. The other one is beer can size. The main cola. But this one was twice as think and shrunk this much drying. Still has drying to go yet too but it's some potent stuff I know that already.


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So. I have a few clones that are doing EXTREMELY WELL and growing FAST. But in a very good way. Each node is about an inch apart and each growth shoot is popped up and short. I was thinking of just flowering them cus they will be a solid cola from 2in about soil to the top. However tall they get. But that's if I flower right now while it's 8in tall I know some grow like that. Tons of small plants with huge Colas Some think they can get more yeild that way but i don't see it. Not very Manifolded plants. I may try these two tho and see.

I'll edit in some pics later
And that's what it's all about. Helping fellow growers out. I stopped using the one forum cus of a guy that was older and paranoid. He once said that there was nothing I could teach him with growing that he probaly didn't already know. He tried to say no offense but I just do t see you being able to tell me anything that will help. Within 24 hrs I commented on a post and mentioned something clearly he didn't know and not once comment from him until he tried bad mouthing me to everyone I love helping people. I love to chat about the plants cus I can't locally. That's asking for jail time. So I chat on here now. I make the point all the time that just cus you have $15,000 into your grow area and grow some awesome cannabis. DOES NOT make YOU a good grower. It make you a person that pays attention and can grow good weed. A good experienced grower in my mind is someone who can grow some amazing cannabis with stuff laying around the house. He can build his own and dial in his grow area without all kinds of gadgets and expensive stuff. He can make do with what he's got and still get good results. That's what I have grown up around and I am blessed to have been given the knowledge that was shared with me. Not just on growing. Everything. The older generation has taught me so many lil tricks plus I'm around this generation and learned the newer styles and tricks too so we have the info and resources it there to be the best we can be.

Couldn't have put it better myself...
Thanks. I've gotten hype about saying that before other places. And my response or come back was that if your bitching about me saying that then ya must mad cus your one of those that spent thousands and still arent getting recognized as a experienced grower. Put the credit where credit is do. If you have thousands into a grow like that. You may be a Proffessional grower. But that doesn't make you the best or the most experienced. I can turn myself into a Proffessional grower tomorrow but that doesn't make me a long time experienced Proffessional. Just allow me to grow Proffessionally with Proffessional grade equipment and products.

Sorry. I'm don't me ranting. Back on subject!
Show me your weird plants!!!! I really want to see someone who has kept a True Bonsai Cannabis plant going. Or is currently. Short plants with a even flat canopy. Thick stem like a miniature tree. But cannabis tree persay. Lol
I do it mainly depedimg on the plant. Like clones I usually can do the nebula Manifold better because of the way they grow. I'll send you a pic later of the 10 cola clone I have. It's nice and symmetrical. As about as good as it can be I guess. Lol. But for my seed started plant I did it Nugbuckets Manny method

In my 10cola Clone The stem kind of looks like an old antenna on the roof Lol. It kool tho I love it.

I have a Thread for Mainlined/Manifolded plants. This is more for Bonsai style plants so don't want newbies things Manifolding is Bonsai style. Lol. Although I'm taking on of my plants k started to manifold and I'm turning it into a Manifolded Bonsai style plant. We're see if it works out how I picture it. The others are so far.

Next I'm trying the TRUE Bonsai Cannabis plant. It hard because a true Bonsai is more or less a Mini version of the plant and cannabis can be hard to do that with unless you get specific strain with nodes growing 1/4 inch apart.

Any ideas and advice in keeping my Nodes as close as possible. I don't even want them a full inch between nodes. My goal is 1/4 between nodes so I can get about 6-8nodes on the top and have a nice flat wide thick canopy. It's not meant to yeild a lot. It's made for fun and Beauty. I have a few candidate clones. I will post later and maybe try to take votes on which one to use. Or maybe I'll try it on a few and then pick the best
Ghotst train haze #1 is so far the most branchiest plant ive ever grown. Consistently too everyones gth videos or grow jornals are always extremely branchy. This strain can DEF help wirh your internodal spacing goal.

But also i got to say i love your attitude man. People on that certain shroom forum can be dicks... cough*shroomery cough* but there are some nice ppl there too.
But i agree with u %100 if u don't like helping ppl why even comment on that persons post? Tbh i like helping ppl and thats why i am still around.

I also would have let that plant go atleast 2 more weeks it would have been much denser. Did u use a jewlers loop to examine trics?