I need to quit smoking so i can start looking for a job:cry:..i took a little 3 yr hiatus after my life kind imploded a few years ago, made some not great decisions( cashed out my 401K, sold off the stocks i had,started drinking more..thought i was headed for a dark place and didn't care.. went backwards probably 10 yrs.. now I've kinda got my head back on straight..not fully. trying to get my shit back together, starting over at 37..going to be interesting. I self medicate for depression, social anxiety, insomnia and crohns. Ive gone from a 1/4 a day to a joint at night in the matter of a few days and I'm going out of my fucking mind. I can't fucking sleep, I'm fidgety but i don't want to do anything, the thought of just going out food shopping is getting me all fucking nervous. :finger: FML..really F it!
You can do this WF!
You've got this @WeedFreak78, of course it's gonna be a bit rocky getting used to going through your day in a totally different headspace than you're used to but it'll pass and you'll do great :peace:
Thanks..:hug: I'm kinda looking forward to that first burn, once i can again, like being 17 all over again..i haven't really got high in a long time.
I need to quit smoking so i can start looking for a job:cry:..i took a little 3 yr hiatus after my life kind imploded a few years ago, made some not great decisions( cashed out my 401K, sold off the stocks i had,started drinking more..thought i was headed for a dark place and didn't care.. went backwards probably 10 yrs.. now I've kinda got my head back on straight..not fully. trying to get my shit back together, starting over at 37..going to be interesting. I self medicate for depression, social anxiety, insomnia and crohns. Ive gone from a 1/4 a day to a joint at night in the matter of a few days and I'm going out of my fucking mind. I can't fucking sleep, I'm fidgety but i don't want to do anything, the thought of just going out food shopping is getting me all fucking nervous. :finger: FML..really F it!

you can make it bro evryone can start over if they want to not saying itllbe easy but its doable man good luck on your adventure to a new life man seriously
so i was sitting in the truck drinking..
on the passenger side like a responsible person of course. anyway im at the fuel island...on my lunch, just chillin

i guess i didnt put the pump all the way in....

i hear it fall out, shit!
i jump up and spill beer all over me..
try to avoid the snaking hose but of course i get sprayed with diesel, just a bit though...but enough that everyone can smell me
I murdered like 35 chipmunks and 14 red squirrels they fucking everywhere destroying my garden and fucking up my house.

Now I feel bad!

Bahaha I'm lieing, I don't give a rats ass about the little bastards
Well I'm off to kill some more chipmunk.
Hopefully their baby's
When I was thirty, I was having problems pissin. So I went to the doc's and I told him i think I have a bad prostate. He says your to young to have prostate problems.
So now im thirtyfive and having pecker problems.
Well after recently seeing doctor FAT fingers, I'm on piss pills and antibiotics and of course generic viagra ,,yippy!!!
When I was thirty, I was having problems pissin. So I went to the doc's and I told him i think I have a bad prostate. He says your to young to have prostate problems.
So now im thirtyfive and having pecker problems.
Well after recently seeing doctor FAT fingers, I'm on piss pills and antibiotics and of course generic viagra ,,yippy!!!

Pee problems suck...And you certainly can have prostate problems in your 30's! I got prostate infections when I was I'm old and it's doubled in size and fucks with me. I think it started with those early infections... doctor(s) tell me you can never totally get rid of a prostate's like a group of tiny grapes and infection lingers there in between the tissue...
Better than cancer I guess...but they say it could be a pre-cancerous condition.

They say you should use it and come alot...did that...didn't help...Good Luck, but it only gets worse.
Pee problems suck...And you certainly can have prostate problems in your 30's! I got prostate infections when I was I'm old and it's doubled in size and fucks with me. I think it started with those early infections... doctor(s) tell me you can never totally get rid of a prostate's like a group of tiny grapes and infection lingers there in between the tissue...
Better than cancer I guess...but they say it could be a pre-cancerous condition.

They say you should use it and come alot...did that...didn't help...Good Luck, but it only gets worse.
The bitch is that my grandfather died of prostate cancer at 55.
36, and next time im asking for a petite chick doctor with small fingers lol
I have to find a new urologist too. Mine's 75 and last month, after he checked me and then talked a while...he says he has to check me again 5 minutes later. I told him he just did and he said, oh yeah that's right. He's starting to forget things. That doesn't inspire confidence at all. And he's still doing surgery!
Spent 3 hours jailbreaking an old Samsung Galaxy Ace with 186mb internal memory because my phone became intimately acquainted with the wall and it seemed sensible to make sure I can at least make phone calls when living with someone unstable that obviously didn't want me able to make phone calls. Which is literally all the fucking thing is capable of. The wall also has a hole in it. FML.
Spent 3 hours jailbreaking an old Samsung Galaxy Ace with 186mb internal memory because my phone became intimately acquainted with the wall and it seemed sensible to make sure I can at least make phone calls when living with someone unstable that obviously didn't want me able to make phone calls. Which is literally all the fucking thing is capable of. The wall also has a hole in it. FML.
Im confused who didn't want you making the phone calls? Your phone?