Think spending a couple hours looking up high level politicians home addresses throws up flags? I wanted to screw with some Nigerian scammers, so i sent them the addresses of some FTC commission people. Now that im sober..doesn't seem like it was a great idea..shit there's a black van outside...
You heard about those IMSI trackers?? That's scary shit!I wouldn't fuck around like that. 30 years ago in a bar I remember a guy saying Reagan should be shot. Guys in suits went to interview him a few days later and that's no bull never know who's watching or listening. Especially now, they can remotely turn on your phone camera if they think you're a problem. And I'm sure that gets abused too.
can remotely turn on your phone camera if they think you're a problem
You heard about those IMSI trackers?? That's scary shit!
can and do, also the mic
The Vice documentary I saw, they went to an arms fair and spoke to the salesmen selling these IMSI trackers, who openly admitted selling them to various UK police forces. They found the signal of an IMSI tracker coming from with Parliament, I think it was. Yet the UK govt and police denied any knowledge of the things whatsoever, except for one copper who said, "I can't talk about that, it's above my pay grade," or words to that effect. I thought that said a lot. And I bet those salesmen got in trouble.
Oh God!!! You mean the Ice Wall!!??? Horrors, we'll fall off into spaceVice is a good show. You see the one where they showed those skyscraper sized chunks of ice falling off the western plane of Antarctica?
Can't be good...
Vice takes a lot of shit, and indeed makes a lot of shit, but they do make some really good documentaries! I liked the series they made about medical cannabis too, can't remember what it was called now but the first episode had all the kids being medicated with CBD oil for seizures, it was really positive. I really should watch the rest of that series actually, I only saw the first two.Vice is a good show. You see the one where they showed those skyscraper sized chunks of ice falling off the western plane of Antarctica?
Can't be good...
I couldn't decide who your friend meant so I had a look and they pretty much all have beards. Chibs is my favourite though.i was talking to a "buddy" of mine.. idk we talk on occasion i guess.. anyway i just kinda randomly asked why people assume i smoke or do drugs. im completely sober atm no low eyes or anything..
hes completely serious, he says you look like a dirt bag man.. i mean i think ive been called that or close enough but i dont get it..he says you look like the kinda guy thatvwould own a pit bull.. i did but she was super sweet.. you look like you should have a neck tattoo or a beard like that guy(mentions somebody) on sons of anarchy.. ive never seen that man..its a good show, but im pretty surprised you dont have a man im clean, no tats
you look like a villain in a movie, not the main one but like a henchman..really a henchman? yea that chuckles at everything but never actually adds anything of value
im like bro im not sure how to take this, its honestly coming off a little hurtful.. hes like your honestly coming off like a bitch right now.. did i strike a nerve, did i hit a chord pretty boy..pretty boy? whoa now were just jumping around too.much, and that sounded gay, you he screams, like aaaagh!
you good man?
sorry i spilled..
whatd you spill? id turned away atbthat point
he says my bad man, emotional overflow..
are we seriously having this conversation right now.. did someone put you yhis? are you like having a moment?
anyway i thought i would share that
I understand what he means.i was talking to a "buddy" of mine.. idk we talk on occasion i guess.. anyway i just kinda randomly asked why people assume i smoke or do drugs. im completely sober atm no low eyes or anything..
hes completely serious, he says you look like a dirt bag man.. i mean i think ive been called that or close enough but i dont get it..he says you look like the kinda guy thatvwould own a pit bull.. i did but she was super sweet.. you look like you should have a neck tattoo or a beard like that guy(mentions somebody) on sons of anarchy.. ive never seen that man..its a good show, but im pretty surprised you dont have a man im clean, no tats
you look like a villain in a movie, not the main one but like a henchman..really a henchman? yea that chuckles at everything but never actually adds anything of value
im like bro im not sure how to take this, its honestly coming off a little hurtful.. hes like your honestly coming off like a bitch right now.. did i strike a nerve, did i hit a chord pretty boy..pretty boy? whoa now were just jumping around too.much, and that sounded gay, you he screams, like aaaagh!
you good man?
sorry i spilled..
whatd you spill? id turned away atbthat point
he says my bad man, emotional overflow..
are we seriously having this conversation right now.. did someone put you yhis? are you like having a moment?
anyway i thought i would share that
My katie kuireg died r.i.p.ummmm.... did i put Mrs Goodson on cam last night? How did I ever land a chick like her? Still a mystery to me... anywho, I just threw up in the shower! It was gross. It clogged up the drain and water started filling up to my ankles. pleh, made me throw up again... I quickly said to myself "wait! I know what to do!!!" So I started stomping that shit down the drain. Worked like a charm{{hump dance}} now im drinking bottled water and about to turn on my coffee pot, aka Katie Keurig lol
ummmm.... did i put Mrs Goodson on cam last night? How did I ever land a chick like her? Still a mystery to me... anywho, I just threw up in the shower! It was gross. It clogged up the drain and water started filling up to my ankles. pleh, made me throw up again... I quickly said to myself "wait! I know what to do!!!" So I started stomping that shit down the drain. Worked like a charm{{hump dance}} now im drinking bottled water and about to turn on my coffee pot, aka Katie Keurig lol