Are these seeds in my buds ?


Hi all:

I'm now about 68 days into my first grow (autos from Rqs). Yesterday when watering I saw some swollen spots on some of the buds - almost like there was a seed inside.

I've tried to take pictures of it for you guys. Is there anything to do? Is it possible to get them all out after drying? And what about my 4 new auto's in the tent (16 days old), is there any chance that They Will her "infected" too?

Thank you :)image.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Just looks like a swollen calyx to me, open it up see what's inside... If you have a male in there he could of been a cunt and had your female, if not then possible light leaks to cause a herm????


Just looks like a swollen calyx to me, open it up see what's inside... If you have a male in there he could of been a cunt and had your female, if not then possible light leaks to cause a herm????
Thanks for your answer! :)

I've tried to open one of them, but it doesn't look like a seed.. Is there any way that this has started so late that the seeds haven't matured yet ?



Just looks like a swollen calyx to me, open it up see what's inside... If you have a male in there he could of been a cunt and had your female, if not then possible light leaks to cause a herm????
When I opened it there was a thin "shell" and outside it a little white tap root formed thing..image.jpeg


Well-Known Member
You are correct they won't have matured, (still white), they'll just crackle and pop when you smoke them.


You are correct they won't have matured, (still white), they'll just crackle and pop when you smoke them.
Ok.. Sounds like it's still smokeable then.. What about my new girls? Should I be afraid of them getting "pollinated"?


Well-Known Member
There is no male.. I've got 9 plants in the tent, all fem.
No light leaks.. But at the beginning my timer didn't work as it should so the light schedule got a little fucked ...
Those are seeds no doubt about it. Check for pollen sacks they're in there somewhere. You can remove the plant from the tent or pull the sacks off with tweezers. I don't know that light leaks or a screwed up schedule will hurt auto's. They bud from age not hours of light.


Those are seeds no doubt about it. Check for pollen sacks they're in there somewhere. You can remove the plant from the tent or pull the sacks off with tweezers. I don't know that light leaks or a screwed up schedule will hurt auto's. They bud from age not hours of light.
Ok, I will try to look for the pollen sacks. Is it enough to remove them and then keep the plants in the tent ? I'll start to flush them now - but that still takes 2 w more to finish then :)


image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg I've now removed a whole lot of sacks, but I've got one question ! Is this northern light also affected ? It doesn't have huge sacks like the other one (already harvested now) but the buds look a little strange ... Don't know if I should keep it or just harvest it..


Well-Known Member


I don't see any strange looking buds but I do know that plant isn't ready to be harvested mate.
I'm glad to hear that ! :) I've just out it inside the tent with the others again... I just thought that if it was pollinating the others I would just chop her down and try to dry her. I'll keep an extra eye on her the next few days.

At what time in the cycle can a plant get pollinated? I've got 4 16 days auto's in the tent as well. It would be horrible to see them grow seeds also...