In House Genetics Thread


Well-Known Member
Out of the 9 freebies I put 8 in soil sadly one mendo x dosido was germing slow like a day behind the others so I didn't even bother with it got 7/8 poking out the soil already 2 white animal 2 mendo dosido and all 3 cactus x dosido made it up already
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Well-Known Member
That's beautiful man.

I heard they call McDonalds Maccas in Australia.
My fella has a Scouse accent so he calls it Mackeeeeeeeees. But then, trainers (sneakers?) are trainees and the post office is a po-eee, and the field on the corner is the cornee, so maybe Liverpool isn't a good place to pick when explaining what we call shit in the UK...


Well-Known Member
Make sure you watch that one closely. Thats the one I had the most problems with on the herm issue. Despite the abundance of seeds it was still some pretty good smoke so if u pay attention to it better than I did, you should end up with some fire there.
Same strain? Shit if I notice any herms they getting the boot I'm not taking any chances with this grow


Well-Known Member
Yea. White Animal. I was really mad at myself for not catching it because not only did it self pollinate it hit 3 others. Really bad inattentiveness on my part.

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
All my inhouse get the chop today. Femgular issues but nothing besides that.

I realized I have a 3rd lemon crippler pheno that was hiding in the back. I thought it was a pure animal.

This one is the frostiest of the 3 and has very og like golf ball nugs everywhere. 3 diff phenos and I like them all smell wise and visually.

Smoke reports coming.

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
Sorry guys I was gonna post harvest shots. My phone was dead and I had to chop, clean room and transplant. By the time phone charges plants were hanging upside down.

I will be doing the reports on 3 lemon crippler phenos and 2 purple animal phenos.

The pics will just be of dried trimmed nugs instead. Sorry all.