2015 statistics on death by cop.

Those numbers surprised the shit out of me. So did cops across the country recently start singling out African Americans in 2016 ? Or is this a case of blacks claiming racism every time another African American is killed by a cop ? Whatever the case may be, the media is just eating it up big time. ;-)
Those numbers surprised the shit out of me. So did cops across the country recently start singling out African Americans in 2016 ? Or is this a case of blacks claiming racism every time another African American is killed by a cop ? Whatever the case may be, the media is just eating it up big time. ;-)
no, i'm sure once the stats are compiled at the end of the year, the all around numbers will be higher, but with the same representation. the media has an agenda, and publicizing the narrative that fits that.
when confronted with facts, the narrative crumbles.

978 civilian deaths by police. versus the less than 50 cop deaths by armed civilians. almost 20xs more...

whites were 50% of that total-498
blacks were 26% of the total-254

It was a good article. Lots of details in it. Too many details for you to handle though.

Here is the paragraph that contains the numbers you post. What @bundee1 said about your lack of understanding of proportions is contained in that paragraph.

Federal tallies of lethal police shootings are notoriously incomplete; the Post sought to correct that lacuna by searching news sites and other information sources for reports of officer-involved homicides. The results: As of Jan. 15, the Post had documented 987 victims of fatal police shootings in 2015, about twice the number historically recorded by federal agencies. Whites were 50 percent of those victims, and blacks were 26 percent. By comparison, whites are 62 percent of the U.S. population, and blacks, 13 percent. The ensuing debate has largely centered on whether the disproportionate number of black deaths was a result of police racism or the relatively high rate of crime in black neighborhoods, which brings black men into more frequent, and more fraught, encounters with the police.

You point was what? That more whites are shot than blacks, I suppose. At least that's what your cherry picked data says. It completely misses the fact that the text in the paragraph where you cherry picked data clearly states that proportionally much higher numbers of black people die at the hands of police.

There is a lot of other really good information in that article that I will be glad to correct you about if you care to post any more misinterpretations.
Racist opines 19th century theory. Runs failed business in 21st century.

In the last couple days I have called MLK a great man and I just said there is nothing wrong with a greater black influence in our culture than the 10-15% representation.

Somehow you find racism in that and I really dont understand where. You have gotten just as bitter and deluded as UB.
In the last couple days I have called MLK a great man and I just said there is nothing wrong with a greater black influence in our culture than the 10-15% representation.

Somehow you find racism in that and I really dont understand where. You have gotten just as bitter and deluded as UB.
Of course you can't see the racism in your statement that cop killings are due to black culture. You completely buy in to the idea that black men are angry and prone to violence. It's also why you started a thread that predicted black people were going to burn down their own neighborhoods because black people cant restrain themselves from violence.

Of course, Baltimore's black population did not burn down anybody's neighborhoods that night because you were wrong about "black culture". You were wrong then and you are wrong now. You can't see your error because you have a problem with racism hampering your ability to think. Or maybe you have difficulty thinking which is why you are racist. The cause of your problem is not important, just that you have a problem.

Police are unjustifiably harming the people they are supposed to protect. They do this at rates that are proportionally much higher to black people than white people. Police aren't all racist but some are and these numbers show that. The police who aren't racist cover up for their buddies. This cover up makes the entire police force culpable.
This should help balance out why blacks are more likely to get shot by police.

Now don't get me wrong, the pointless shootings of black people is terrible.
This should help balance out why blacks are more likely to get shot by police.

Now don't get me wrong, the pointless shootings of black people is terrible.

you forgot to point out that you got your meme from a "white lives matter" webpage, you persecuted little butterfly.

Screenshot 2016-07-08 at 12.31.48 PM.png

don't worry, snowflake. i know how hard it is to be white, and hence why we need a "white lives matter" movement. if ever you need to cry about the persecution we face as white males, i am here for you. as a fellow white male, i promise i know how tough it is.
you forgot to point out that you got your meme from a "white lives matter" webpage, you persecuted little butterfly.

View attachment 3727224

don't worry, snowflake. i know how hard it is to be white, and hence why we need a "white lives matter" movement. if ever you need to cry about the persecution we face as white males, i am here for you. as a fellow white male, i promise i know how tough it is.

Got it from google images and the site where the picture is from is pinterest. Can't disprove the statistics lets just cite one of the many sites its on.
This should help balance out why blacks are more likely to get shot by police.

Now don't get me wrong, the pointless shootings of black people is terrible.

Your rather ignorant posting says more black men commit crimes. This data gets turned on its head if one looks at statistics of who got arrested:

Whites account for 69% of those arrested for crimes. And yet although blacks and Latinos comprise a total of 30% of the population, they account for 58% of the prison population. Black men are six times more likely than white men to be incarcerated. And according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, since 9/11 more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white right-wing radicals than by Islamic jihadists.

How can your statistics and the ones I copied from the article about dangerous white men both be true? Well, let's just say that the statistics you posted were for men who were convicted. The CNN article talks about all crimes including the ones where white men were let go. Filter out bias in justice system and the racism in your posting is revealed.

I'm so glad you care about black lives.
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Your rather ignorant posting says more black men commit crimes. This data gets turned on its head if one looks at statistics of who got arrested:

Whites account for 69% of those arrested for crimes. And yet although blacks and Latinos comprise a total of 30% of the population, they account for 58% of the prison population. Black men are six times more likely than white men to be incarcerated. And according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, since 9/11 more Americans have been killed on U.S. soil by white right-wing radicals than by Islamic jihadists.

How can your statistics and the ones I copied from the article about dangerous white men both be true? Well, let's just say that the statistics you posted were for men who were convicted. The CNN article talks about all crimes including the ones were white men were let go. Filter out bias in justice system and the racism in your posting is revealed.

I'm so glad you care about black lives.
By liberal logic if they where let go it doesn't matter.... Hillary?
Do you? Blacks represent the majority of violent crime participation and that is the number (%) you need to compare to. Asswagons driven without a license should also be a crime.
Edit: read further. Fogdog shows his idiocy. Dumb as a box of rocks.
Read my posting above dumbass. The data you so ignorantly spew is biased by racism.

During my first couple of years in college, I volunteered to assist in teaching a remedial math class. One day one of the retards in the class called somebody else "stupid". I didn't laugh but found it hilarious. I'm laughing at you now.
By liberal logic if they where let go it doesn't matter.... Hillary?
Not at all liberal logic presented here. We all know that a good lawyer is more likely to get a client free than the run of the mill public defender. This is why a good lawyer can charge so much. Also, huge bias is demonstrably revealed in statistics on conviction rates by race in districts across the south, including your beloved 'bama.

I'm not claiming Hillary is innocent either. Just saying that the FBI given massive resources to investigate could not find evidence to justify criminal charges. So I'm moving on, just not the angry white men who mostly represent supporters for Trump who overlook the fact that Trump is charged with raping a child. Four times. In front of people, yuck.