

It’s a great question: when did police go from that smiling guy there who swore to serve and protect us, to the scary, sadistic, mindless, brutal abuser who might beat, cripple, shoot and possibly kill an innocent civilian(or his dog… or his cat) at any moment?

Not one but two police academies have been suspended over video showing what some are referring to as “excessive force training” — cadets being taught to elbow people in the throat and slap them across the face hard enough to knock them to the ground. Stuff like that.

The Texas Commission of Law Enforcement suspended both the Lower Rio Grande Development Council Regional Police Academy and the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office Training Academy while they investigate the allegations of excessive force shown in the “cadet training” video, shot atTexas State Technical College in Harlingen, below.

Check it out: this is how the cops in America are “trained” to deal with citizens:
video here........

And they call this a “peace officer” course. What a joke.

There’s a difference between offensive measures and defensive measures. These things do not look like defensive measures at all. Defensive would suggest protecting one’s self from attacking, not attacking others.

Let’s be honest. If you didn’t know this was a police cadet training video when you first watched it, the whole thing would just look like some chubby dude smacking people around and teaching them how to be playground bullies.

The Lower Rio Grande Development Council claimed the video was shot “during a defensive tactic training session,” and “for the purposes of cadet instruction and feedback,” but after evaluating this practice and as a result of this incident, this method will not be used in the future.”

In other words, after it has embarrassingly come to light with video evidence they are training would-be cops to be brutal bullies adept in the use of offensive excessive force, they won’t be making any more videotapes for feedback (which can be used as evidence) in the future…not that the actual practice of teaching would-be cops to be brutal bullies adept in the use of excessive force will be in any way stopped.

No knew classes will be started until the investigations are concluded. The Sheriff’s Office training academy was also suspended pending a separate investigation, but details surrounding exactly why that is have not been released to the public, meaning it’s probably even worse than the video above.

trained by terrorist no doubt !

now the u.s. gets a little feeeling of what occupation feels like........Oppression is job #1

i cannot wait for the death of israel !
fuck you judges too !
Supreme Court Rules Cops Can Break the Law to Enforce the Law

In a split 5-3 decision, the justices voted to reinstate the drug-related convictions of Joseph Edward Strieff.

In the case of Strieff, he was illegally detained during a “concededly unconstitutional detention,” which eventually led to the discovery of drugs inside his vehicle.

police state.

Given the reality of the militarized police state rising up from the horrors of the war on drugs, the fact that cops can now legally act illegally to bust people for possessing arbitrary substances is chilling.

As if breaking the law wasn’t enough, prior to this ruling, police were no longer required to even give the appearance of an understanding of the laws they’re tasked with enforcing, thanks to a recent court decision surpassing even the veritable green light previously granted in Heien v. North Carolina.

In the Heien case, the Supreme Court ruled a “police officer’s reasonable mistake of law gives rise to reasonable suspicion that justifies a traffic stop under the Fourth Amendment.”

A motorist’s broken tail light caused an officer to make a traffic stop — during which evidence of a separate violation of the law was discovered in the vehicle.

But in North Carolina, a broken tail light wasn’t illegal, thus not sufficient cause to justify the stop — nor the arrests stemming from it, lawyers argued, because that would be a violation of unreasonable searches and seizures.

However, the Supreme Court ruled the officer’s ignorance of the law essentially didn’t matter — effectively allowing police around the country the ability to make stops if they ‘reasonably’ believe the cause for the stop is legal.

Plainly, police can stop and search you despite ignorance of the law.

Now, in U.S. v Shelton Barnes et. al. — a case that seemed to slip by largely unnoticed — even that flimsy justification has been deemed too constricting of police power, and police ignorance can actually be used against you in a trial.

On Monday, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said in dissent that the decision in Utah vs. Edward Joseph Strieff, is a blow to constitutional rights.
“The court today holds that the discovery of a warrant for an unpaid parking ticket will forgive a police officer’s violation of your Fourth Amendment rights,” Sotomayor wrote.Sotomayor’s dissent was joined by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Elena Kagan.

Now, police need not understand the law, or even abide by the law — to enforce the law. In what world is this considered acceptable?

A world in which our constitutional rights no longer matter.

They are losing the people's consent to govern.
Well, several people took this sentiment to heart and murdered at least 5 officers and wounded many more.

Going to war against the police will not solve any of these problems.

The spin is heavy on both sides, and THAT needs to be addressed for progress to be made.

America's relationship with its law enforcement will never be the same after last night.

Murdering police officers in cold blood is absolutely as wrong as bad cops killing innocent victims.
Well, several people took this sentiment to heart and murdered at least 5 officers and wounded many more.

Going to war against the police will not solve any of these problems.

The spin is heavy on both sides, and THAT needs to be addressed for progress to be made.

America's relationship with its law enforcement will never be the same after last night.

Murdering police officers in cold blood is absolutely as wrong as bad cops killing innocent victims.
I take issue with the statement "America's relationship with its law enforcement will never be the same after last night.". What about last night changes anything? What are the police going to do now that haven't already been doing?
I take issue with the statement "America's relationship with its law enforcement will never be the same after last night.". What about last night changes anything? What are the police going to do now that haven't already been doing?

Let me tell you what it is not going to do.

It is not going to make the police less trigger happy.

It is not going to make the police less armored.

It is not going to make the police nicer to the community...

The police are going to stop protecting you, that is what they are going to stop doing. When the violence and anarchy get bad enough people will beg for cops again. You keep attacking the symptom of a government problem.
I take issue with the statement "America's relationship with its law enforcement will never be the same after last night.". What about last night changes anything? What are the police going to do now that haven't already been doing?

What about the Kennedy assassination changed people's lives directly? Probably not much. As a watershed moment, it was far more significant.

Last night, The People pushed back against police brutality using the very same tactics of murder. I'm absolutely not justifying the behavior of those involved, but it certainly got noticed.

Police departments everywhere now must face a stark choice; go whole hog on militarization and adopt the unamerican tactics of tyranny and repression... or have a long hard look in the mirror and realize that letting a few bad apples stay on the force makes their job infinitely more dangerous and erodes the respect they need to do their jobs. In other words, become a profession with high standards and a lack of tolerance for those cops who don't live up to them.

Both tactics will be tried. It's up to us to make sure that the heavy handed tactics of force are unwelcome and sanctions will be imposed upon those who try it.
Let me tell you what it is not going to do.

It is not going to make the police less trigger happy.

It is not going to make the police less armored.

It is not going to make the police nicer to the community...

The police are going to stop protecting you, that is what they are going to stop doing. When the violence and anarchy get bad enough people will beg for cops again. You keep attacking the symptom of a government problem.
Less trigger happy? I doubt that I'll notice. And if you're telling me that they're going to stop protecting me, then you're just acknowledging what I've been saying all along. Which means that you knew that your defense of them was always pure bullshit.
Less trigger happy? I doubt that I'll notice. And if you're telling me that they're going to stop protecting me, then you're just acknowledging what I've been saying all along. Which means that you knew that your defense of them was always pure bullshit.

You have such huge blinders on.

Cops are not going to make as many traffic stops. They are not going to waste the time. Look at the crime stats in New York right now. The police have got to fill out paperwork every time they stop someone so they just are not doing it.

And more people are getting murdered because of it. That is what I mean by they are going to stop protecting you. Not because of the color of your skin but because they are scared to get shot, to get a lawsuit thrown on them, sick of dealing with the PC bullshit, etc.

I asked you what you wanted before and if you answered I didnt see it.

Do you want less cops? No cops? What is it exactly you want?

This is a sad fucking day....

2 black people got shot and that sucks but neither cop meant to kill anyone, at least that is how it appears. The one cop was scared shitless.

Now, because of that, at least 5 cops in a totally different city are dead and 6 are wounded and at least 2 more shooters are dead due to rage...

So, because of 2 huge misunderstandings now 9 people are dead.

Are you happy? Is this progress? Does this get you closer to the goal you want?

I am just sickened that the politics, spin and propaganda have people to the point that they declare that the republicans and cops are the real problems and terrorism is caused by redneck racism.

You guys have me ready to check out...
You have such huge blinders on.

Cops are not going to make as many traffic stops. They are not going to waste the time. Look at the crime stats in New York right now. The police have got to fill out paperwork every time they stop someone so they just are not doing it.

And more people are getting murdered because of it. That is what I mean by they are going to stop protecting you. Not because of the color of your skin but because they are scared to get shot, to get a lawsuit thrown on them, sick of dealing with the PC bullshit, etc.

I asked you what you wanted before and if you answered I didnt see it.

Do you want less cops? No cops? What is it exactly you want?

This is a sad fucking day....

2 black people got shot and that sucks but neither cop meant to kill anyone, at least that is how it appears. The one cop was scared shitless.

Now, because of that, at least 5 cops in a totally different city are dead and 6 are wounded and at least 2 more shooters are dead due to rage...

So, because of 2 huge misunderstandings now 9 people are dead.

Are you happy? Is this progress? Does this get you closer to the goal you want?

I am just sickened that the politics, spin and propaganda have people to the point that they declare that the republicans and cops are the real problems and terrorism is caused by redneck racism.

You guys have me ready to check out...
You just told me that the cops are going to stop protecting me because their mad. Anything that you say after that is completely irrelevant, so forgive me if I skipped reading your essay.
You just told me that the cops are going to stop protecting me because their mad. Anything that you say after that is completely irrelevant, so forgive me if I skipped reading your essay.

No, I said they are not going to be less trigger happy.

Cops are getting murdered. Maybe you cannot see it as personal but the guy in his car got shot because the cop was scared and he fucked up. Having snipers shooting at cops ARE GOING TO MAKE THEM MORE SCARED... A murder crusade of the nature that Blunt is talking about is not going to make them less trigger happy either...

It wasnt an essay because I was asking you questions. Questions you would prefer to avoid I am sure...
No, I said they are not going to be less trigger happy.

Cops are getting murdered. Maybe you cannot see it as personal but the guy in his car got shot because the cop was scared and he fucked up. Having snipers shooting at cops ARE GOING TO MAKE THEM MORE SCARED... A murder crusade of the nature that Blunt is talking about is not going to make them less trigger happy either...

It wasnt an essay because I was asking you questions. Questions you would prefer to avoid I am sure...

"That is what I mean by they are going to stop protecting you"

-Your words
Too bad internal affairs and civilian complaint review boards have been worthless.

Imagine what would happen if Anonymous got a hold of the files of those investigated for repeated brutality?

Its probably coming.

My old boss, the one who said "let them eat dollar menu" has a husband who is a cop. I told her this was coming 6 years ago.
Too bad internal affairs and civilian complaint review boards have been worthless.

Imagine what would happen if Anonymous got a hold of the files of those investigated for repeated brutality?

Its probably coming.

My old boss, the one who said "let them eat dollar menu" has a husband who is a cop. I told her this was coming 6 years ago.

I heard a great idea recently; have cops carry their own liability insurance. The ones who keep going to Internal Affairs will see their insurance rates climb until they can't afford to continue being a cop.

It's called ACCOUNTABILITY, and it's about fucking time we required it at ALL levels of government- because fascism and oligopoly thrive best in the absence of personal accountability.
I heard a great idea recently; have cops carry their own liability insurance. The ones who keep going to Internal Affairs will see their insurance rates climb until they can't afford to continue being a cop.

It's called ACCOUNTABILITY, and it's about fucking time we required it at ALL levels of government- because fascism and oligopoly thrive best in the absence of personal accountability.
How much would they have to pay you?