A cop or cops just got shot and or killed in Dallas

I'm not even white so all you race baiters can save it, but how come it isn't racist if a black cops kills a white guy or Asian, but it always is if it's the other way around? I got a ticket from some asshole white cop but I didn't immediately conclude he must have just been a racist cause I'm not a paranoid idiot. People who call everyone else racist are usually the racist themselves
The government wants a race war.
A civil war even
But i tell you what, im white and my bestfriend is black. We hustled together trying to sell coke and guns when we were younger but now we have left all that behind and are starting familys. We are both engaged to beautiful women. we have have the same tattoo thats how close we are. Now this shit happens... Well i WILL kill ANY RACIST ASS wannabe that tries to hurt my brother and im sure he can and will do the same for me.
The snipers must have been pretty stupid.
What outcome did they expect?
Either get killed (more black lives wasted) or they get put in jail.
More blacks in jail.

Maybe they thought they could escape?
Do you call it a terrorist attack? I don't think so, although they killed, they chose specific and identifiable target. Not to honor them but unless they're Muslims I don't think it's terrorism. Just BLM disciples doing their best.
I'm not even white so all you race baiters can save it, but how come it isn't racist if a black cops kills a white guy or Asian, but it always is if it's the other way around? I got a ticket from some asshole white cop but I didn't immediately conclude he must have just been a racist cause I'm not a paranoid idiot. People who call everyone else racist are usually the racist themselves
Lol, not quite.
Some of us can see that racism is real, and don't try to deny or hide from it.
When I get pulled over, I get shaky. I'm white. I can only imagine how a black guy must feel when in that position. You don't see cops killing whites, and others daily, and if you do there is usually a conviction that follows.
History shows the truth. Black people have been treated wrong since the first slaves hit our soil.
America is a fucked up place. AmIrite?
While I don't condone these officers being killed, nor do I condone any killing,but did no one expect retaliation after so many years of abuse/killings/deep seeded racism among the police force? or are the police only capable of unjust killings? haha. So fucked up.

I'll be taking applications for American refuges.
Retaliation just leads to more fear and more killing and more retaliation, a never ending cycle that will lead to ever increasing violence.
Also dont give the racist assholes on here a response. Its what the want. They are people who have had this racism sedded
Lol, not quite.
Some of us can see that racism is real, and don't try to deny or hide from it.
When I get pulled over, I get shaky. I'm white. I can only imagine how a black guy must feel when in that position. You don't see cops killing whites, and others daily, and if you do there is usually a conviction that follows.
History shows the truth. Black people have been treated wrong since the first slaves hit our soil.
Spot on!

Have any of you been locked up. Its predominantly BLACK. But once u get into the trustee pod theres 50 white guys and 5 blacks.
Now why is that?

The blacks usually go up the road.
Thats why.

Taken from there families for years. While a white guy as long as daddy has money can home invade with battery and only get 4 months.
If he were black it would have been 15yrs-life
Lol, not quite.
Some of us can see that racism is real, and don't try to deny or hide from it.
When I get pulled over, I get shaky. I'm white. I can only imagine how a black guy must feel when in that position. You don't see cops killing whites, and others daily, and if you do there is usually a conviction that follows.
History shows the truth. Black people have been treated wrong since the first slaves hit our soil.
Not sure I agree, a white cop killing a white guy is never gonna make the news, it's just a cop killing a white thug or drug dealer, etc....there are just too many stupid arrest and killings period.
aaaaand that's where you are wrong. twice as many whites die every year to cops. PER CAPITA more blacks die by cop. do you know what per capita means gnomie??
aaaaand that's where you are wrong. twice as many whites die every year to cops. PER CAPITA more blacks die by cop. do you know what per capita means gnomie??
Let's see your numbers, Mr. Seed.
And make sure you factor all of the variables in there...
There you go, grab you some links, bud!