Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

show me a politician who doesn't lie.

in fact, of all the candidates running, she not only lies the least, she is the only one that hasn't been exposed as a complete scam artist.
so. much. whining.
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Well then y'all should be happy to know that...
"Fact checkers confirm Hillary Clinton is more honest than any of her 2016 opponents"
View attachment 3726329
So you mean only vs Trump, right? Because Bernie is much more honest. Also, Gary Johnson is much more honest. I could list a bunch of other candidates but you probably never heard of them because of the dem vs repub barrier only. I like politics.. But not the same animal called the demopublican party.
So you mean only vs Trump, right? Because Bernie is much more honest. Also, Gary Johnson is much more honest. I could list a bunch of other candidates but you probably never heard of them because of the dem vs repub barrier only. I like politics.. But not the same animal called the demopublican party.
Nah, read the article (and you can check the Politifact rankings yourself) she even edges out Bernie by a couple %. Shocker I know, but true nonetheless.