One male organ on otherwise all-female plant - what to do?


Active Member
Hello everyone.

My plant (i have only one) has been on a 12 / 12 cycle for two and a half weeks now and i noticed that on the 3rd node down from the top, there's one white pistil poking out from one side - and a ball on the other. i left it for a while to see how it developed - thought a pistil might burst out of it in the end - but it's been there over a week, just getting bigger, and today i noticed a new little one coming up next to it.

The rest of the plant is now showing pistils from almost every node - there's just the one place where the balls are growing.

i want to do something about this before it matures and opens, spilling pollen all over the place. So my question is this. If i sliced these things off as close to the stem as possible would it a) stop them from growing from there again, and b) stress the plant further? i know it really doesn't need the hassle of a castration during it's flowering period but i don't want to ruin the harvest.

i have only a shitty phone-camera and all the pictures i try to take of the plant are blurred. i hope i've described the problem well enough that people know what i'm talking about.

Any useful comments would be much appreciated!

I'll try again to get some focused pictures tomorrow while the lights are on.


Well-Known Member
pinch it put a bag under it so no pollen gets on the plant, but i'm going to tell u: THEY WILL COME BACK!!!
u kno about super cropping right? that's basically what u have to do but they will come back more and more wrap that part of the plant up to stunt growth of the balls check ur plant thouroglhy 4 others that all u can do hope i helped


Well-Known Member
i feel for you man, just got 6 sticky budding plants then noticed seeds developing, crafty herms, good luck.


Well-Known Member
well super cropping is when you bend a plant where buds are just about to form, this injures the plant however but you will have twice as many bud sites and therefore can increase yield, same with a male if u do that chances are more will pop up but ur only option is to bite the bullet and doit


Well-Known Member
well e is inside i guess he could start over, but he's only a few weeks from completion if he starts again thats a long time to wait