The private Bill Clinton meeting with Loretta Lynch, her "recusing" herself as a result, and the FBI announcement of no charges (i.e. the FBI endorsement of "Hillary for President!"), all in the span of a few days...

As Ayesha Curry said of the NBA Finals - "this is rigged".

Neither was rigged...believe what you want though.
100% not surprised by this news. I called it back on June 10th
I honestly think they are still just waiting for an FBI arrest which would remove Hillary from the race
Gonna be quite a wait, since there ain't a snowball's chance in hell that's gonna happen. The only people who think it's even a remote possibility also believe in the annunaki and the flat earth and all kinds of that stupid shit gullible dullards eat up like candy and vomit back at the internet like it's factual.
So if there is no intent found but evidence of a crime is found in her home and on her server. Literally the smoking gun of the crime found but no evidence of "intent".

What a load of horseshit.

Nothing says "World Leader" in the land of the "rule of law" like being caught lying and no prosecution while winging all over the US on Air Force One w/ Barry for campaign appearances.

Maybe this is the reason that the UN official who was going to testify against Hitlery committed "suicide by barbell" just days before testifying as it would be a better object lesson for Mr. Comey.

I thought the tendency for lying was an intrinsic value evinced by low to non-existent IQ, grossly inflated self esteem, and penis envy as proven by Bucky 94,000+ times, but it definitely seems to be reinforced by example for (D)evotees, as the above proves.

The AG recusing herself after the "golf and grandchildren" chat was the cherry waiting for today's excrement sundae.

Nothing says "World Leader" in the land of the "rule of law" like being caught lying and no prosecution while winging all over the US on Air Force One w/ Barry for campaign appearances.

Maybe this is the reason that the UN official who was going to testify against Hitlery committed "suicide by barbell" just days before testifying as it would be a better object lesson for Mr. Comey.

I thought the tendency for lying was an intrinsic value evinced by low to non-existent IQ, grossly inflated self esteem, and penis envy as proven by Bucky 94,000+ times, but it definitely seems to be reinforced by example for (D)evotees, as the above proves.

The AG recusing herself after the "golf and grandchildren" chat was the cherry waiting for today's excrement sundae.
Isn't that a middle eastern country where we implied there were WMD's and falsely accused of subsidizing the 9|11 tear-or-ist attack which we used as an excuse to kill countless civilians in that thinly veiled excuse for wanting to secure the oil reserves?

If you're trying to aver that bad things happened under the previous administration, you're right.

So we should just keep making the same mistake over and over by participating in the D/R ping pong match?
Isn't that a middle eastern country where we implied there were WMD's and accused falsely of subsidizing the 9|11 tear-or-ist attack which we used as an excuse to kill countless civilians in that thinly veiled excuse for wanting to secure the oil reserves?

If you're trying to aver that bad things happened under the previous administration, you're right.

So we should just keep making the same mistake over and over by participating in the D/R ping pong match?
No, of course we shouldn't make the keep making the same mistakes over and over. My comment was simply to highlight the fact that many folks in here are displaying a bit of selective outrage. This current email scandal, while bad, does not rise to anywhere the level of purposely lying a country into a war that is literally costing trillions (with a T) of dollars and thousands of American (mostly poor kids) lives. Not to mention the countless Iraqi civilian lives, and the complete destabilization of the entire region. But let's hang hillary for some fucking emails. And this is from someone who can't stand her and will not be voting for her.

P.S. Almost forgot to mention the 5 million emails that bush and cheney deleted.
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Isn't that a middle eastern country where we implied there were WMD's and falsely accused of subsidizing the 9|11 tear-or-ist attack which we used as an excuse to kill countless civilians in that thinly veiled excuse for wanting to secure the oil reserves?

If you're trying to aver that bad things happened under the previous administration, you're right.

So we should just keep making the same mistake over and over by participating in the D/R ping pong match?

There are a few dozen senators who didn't vote to authorize the war in Iraq. I would have voted for any of them. Instead, the banks decide it's time to run Hillary. the media tells us trump is an asshole, so let's instead elect a democrat who was for the war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lybia and Syria. She wanted to fight the Russians in Syria!!!! That's insane. Who would shoot down Russian plans who are bombing Isis. You think it's bad to fight Iraq fighting Russia is ww3. She is so not qualified on that alone. Crazier than most of the republicans on that issue, even Cruz said that was dumb.
No, of course we shouldn't make the keep making the same mistakes over and over. My comment was simply to highlight the fact that many folks in here displaying a bit of selective outrage. This current email scandal, while bad, does not rise to anywhere the level of purposely lying a country into a war that literally costing trillions (with a T) of dollars and thousands of American (mostly poor kids) lives. Not to mention the countless Iraqi civilian lives, and the complete destabilization of the entire region. But let's hang hillary for some fucking emails. And this is from someone who can't stand her and will not be voting for her.

You think Hillary didn't help lie is into Iraq? Lol.
When wars are lost, who gets blamed? The soldiers or the generals?
Generals. The clintons are definitely generals my friend, she had briefings from the CIA, as did her husband still. She should have known better, I don't believe it she was "tricked" into voting. And if she seemed to learn her lesson that would be one thing, but she instead acted like a Bush but talked like Carter.

She pushed for Syrian and Lybian intervention. Without intervention in Syria the world would be a much much better place now. Was as devastating as Iraq IMO.
Generals. The clintons are definitely generals my friend, she had briefings from the CIA, as did her husband still. She should have known better, I don't believe it she was "tricked" into voting. And if she seemed to learn her lesson that would be one thing, but she instead acted like a Bush but talked like Carter.

She pushed for Syrian and Lybian intervention. Without intervention in Syria the world would be a much much better place now. Was as devastating as Iraq IMO.
No, that was the bUSH administration. Clinton hasn't been elected yet.
No, that was the bUSH administration. Clinton hasn't been elected yet.
Hahaha. She voted for it. Campaigned to get other democrats to vote for it. But she wasn't there not her fault lol.
And Lybia and Syria WAS her. Bush was out of office for years already.

Barbara boxer never voted for it. How bout her for first female president? She was smart enough to know better.
Hahaha. She voted for it. Campaigned to get other democrats to vote for it. But she wasn't there not her fault lol.
And Lynia and Syria WAS her. Bush was out of office for years already.

Barbara boxer never voted for it. How bout her for first female president? She was smart enough to know better.
They were lied to as well. I find it admirable though that you're still willing to try and defend quite possibly the worst president in American history committing one of the biggest mistakes in American history. To be willing to make yourself look like a complete idiot while defending an idiot takes balls. I commend you.
They were lied to as well. I find it admirable though that you're still willing to try and defend quite possibly the worst president in American history committing one of the biggest mistakes in American history. To be willing to make yourself look like a complete idiot while defending an idiot takes balls. I commend you.

I don't believe they were lied to for a minute. I hate bush. He should be in prison. So should Clinton. How you can defend her while attacking bush boggles my mind. It's like saying you love milli but vanilli was a hack. On foreign policy they are the same. Both are CIA puppets ran by banks.

But she's a grandma you have to!
They were lied to as well. I find it admirable though that you're still willing to try and defend quite possibly the worst president in American history committing one of the biggest mistakes in American history. To be willing to make yourself look like a complete idiot while defending an idiot takes balls. I commend you.

Here's an article that maybe better articulated the danger of clintons foreign policy.


Until we are given a real choice for a pro peace candidate I can't vote democrat for her. I'm with Garry Johnson this time. Bernie could have won Hillary will have trouble.