So I've got a rat missing. There's always one of them thinks they're fucking clever and hides inside the sofa or something on clean out day. Well if she thinks she's getting the satisfaction of watching me run around looking for her and chasing her across the room then she can think again. I'm gonna lock her out of the cage and feed the rest of them a tin of dog food so she has to watch from the outside. Getting provoked by a rat, FML!
So I've got a rat missing. There's always one of them thinks they're fucking clever and hides inside the sofa or something on clean out day. Well if she thinks she's getting the satisfaction of watching me run around looking for her and chasing her across the room then she can think again. I'm gonna lock her out of the cage and feed the rest of them a tin of dog food so she has to watch from the outside. Getting provoked by a rat, FML!
That would be pretty sad, but hey, that rat's fault for not abiding the social contract between pet and pet assistant.
I raised rats for years. Wonderful beasts. My friend Robbie has (had?) a rattery in New Hampshire. This was many years ago, but one of his main bucks, Mr. Squibbles, exceeded normal life expectancy by several years, grew to the size of a liter bottle, and sired thousands of young.
It was the cannabis, I tell ya....

Look at this champion, he's able to detect tuberculosis:

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I raised rats for years. Wonderful beasts. My friend Robbie has (had?) a rattery in New Hampshire. This was many years ago, but one of his main bucks, Mr. Squibbles, exceeded normal life expectancy by several years, grew to the size of a liter bottle, and sired thousands of young.
It was the cannabis, I tell ya....

Look at this champion, he's able to detect tuberculosis:

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The size of him! He's not a normal domestic rat, surely? They're the best pets I've ever had, just don't tell my dog. They're so fucking clever. Although, my oldest died last week. The others cleaned up before I found her. Now, I think there's something quite nice about that, like she contributed to the good of the mischief, but I still can't quite look them all in the eye.
The size of him! He's not a normal domestic rat, surely? They're the best pets I've ever had, just don't tell my dog. They're so fucking clever. Although, my oldest died last week. The others cleaned up before I found her. Now, I think there's something quite nice about that, like she contributed to the good of the mischief, but I still can't quite look them all in the eye.

Oh hai!

Where are you from, CC? UK? AU? EU?
Yorkshire, England, and I have the incredibly sophisticated accent to prove it.

And who where you before this handle? Everyone knows you were someone else.
Those that live in glass houses................
I long ago learned not to give two shits what "everyone" knows cos herds are dumb as fuck but it's always nice to be thought about, don't you think?
Yorkshire, England, and I have the incredibly sophisticated accent to prove it.

I long ago learned not to give two shits what "everyone" knows cos herds are dumb as fuck but it's always nice to be thought about, don't you think?

He's just pissy because he's a former member that was banned. He was constantly trying to solicit other members for 'pics of huge blk cox' until one day he finally had a full-on meltdown.
Sad, that.