Fertilizer Question.


Active Member
So, a few girls I have going (purple trainwreck), no matter how much fertilizer I seem to give them, they don't burn. I'm actually really surprised. I am using the full Advanced nutrient lineup.. I have actually moved up to 2x the dose on the label, and still no burning.

My question is.. should I keep pushing the ferts up until I see signs of burning, then keep the amount right below that?

Would it have any benefit vs using the recommended dosages etc.?


Edit: I have also amended the soil with organic nutes, so they are actually getting even more nutes than just the AN lineup. I have amended it with green sand, Alfalfa meal, Kelp Meal, Bone meal, worm castings.. using pro-mix HP as a base.

ganga gurl420

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't no. If you give enough ferts to cause nute burn you can damage the roots. Happy roots=bigger fruits. Just go by what the bottle says. The worst mistake anyone can make is over loving your plant.


Well-Known Member
Ok thats a fair assessment. I would look at utilizing "organic based" nutrients in the future if I went to the trouble of building up a good soil as you have. As you grow more you will also get to the point where you read the plant and feed it when it needs food, not feeding it to see if it burns.


Well-Known Member
Ok thats a fair assessment. I would look at utilizing "organic based" nutrients in the future if I went to the trouble of building up a good soil as you have. As you grow more you will also get to the point where you read the plant and feed it when it needs food, not feeding it to see if it burns.
Torch em through an ionic solution , or just keep em happy


Active Member
The soil was not amended from the beginning, It has been top-dressed throughout the grow. As for future grows I will likely be going full organic. I will probably finish up the AN lineup this grow though. I don't want to toss it; but it's working well for now using both.

So even though the plant isn't burnt, the roots could be suffering from too much nutes? I see. Any specific ways to tell? I would assume there would be some symptoms of root damage. The plants seem fine, and fairly happy when fed. They get extra perky, lush green, and the leafs take on a better overall look. (not saggy, limp, wrinkled, etc)


Well-Known Member
@Vnsmkr has a 250 gal aact brewer, he rocks it
You have a 250 gal AACT brewer? My mix is like this: local promix, my own compost, local red lava rock, neem cake pellets, plenty of worms, and leaves and grass clippings. I feed with water, water and coconut water, water and fresh aloe, water and organic unsulphured bs molasses. Water from the tap or water from the sky. I used to use 2x50 gallon trash cans for tea brewing, but no need for that really if your soil mix is good. Mine is treated like a no till recycled every year


Active Member
I have just recently began making compost. Mainly grass from mowing, mixed with table scraps, old roots+soil, leaves. Won't be done in time for this outdoor season but next. I intend to go with a variation of subcool's soil. Then compost the soil+old rootballs each time a grow finishes. That way the soil continually gets better. It'll be interesting to see what kind of differences there are in this sort of growing.


Well-Known Member
You have a 250 gal AACT brewer? My mix is like this: local promix, my own compost, local red lava rock, neem cake pellets, plenty of worms, and leaves and grass clippings. I feed with water, water and coconut water, water and fresh aloe, water and organic unsulphured bs molasses. Water from the tap or water from the sky. I used to use 2x50 gallon trash cans for tea brewing, but no need for that really if your soil mix is good. Mine is treated like a no till recycled every year
A bunch of 5 gal buckets


Well-Known Member
few 5 gallon buckets, 1 gallon plastic square pots, some 10 gallon styrofoam coolers, few 5 gallon styrofoam coolers, and a bunch of 4 gallon styrofoam coolers with worms in everything!
Lol I meant for brewing , which strains have you liked best? You always have tasty stuff goin :) sorry for spamming the thread :)