Had some issues with the King cloner at first, just less water in it (than my DIY cloner) and had it sitting on concrete so water temps were too low, making the rooting process slower like up to 4 weeks at first. Once I put it on a Styrofoam pad I was able to keep water temps between 71-74F with the pump on 24/7. I also mix 50/50 tap water which is very high in chlorine and filtered water with the chlorine removed. Now they're now rooting within 8-15 days again. Always have some in there and change up the water every 2 weeks, back to normal. It's critical for me to have reliable clones as I don't keep mother's.
View attachment 3720202
This is where the overall environment sits now, they're happy, I'm happy

Date/time Air Water RH
6/26/2016 3:17 PM 70.0°F 72.5°F 60.0%
6/26/2016 3:02 PM 70.2°F 72.5°F 60.0%
6/26/2016 2:46 PM 70.3°F 72.5°F 60.0%
6/26/2016 2:31 PM 70.3°F 72.6°F 60.0%
6/26/2016 2:16 PM 70.4°F 72.6°F 60.0%
6/26/2016 2:01 PM 70.4°F 72.6°F 60.0%
6/26/2016 1:46 PM 70.7°F 72.6°F 60.0%
6/26/2016 1:31 PM 70.7°F 72.8°F 60.0%
6/26/2016 1:16 PM 70.7°F 72.8°F 60.0%
6/26/2016 1:01 PM 70.8°F 72.8°F 60.0%
6/26/2016 12:46 PM 70.8°F 73.0°F 60.0%