Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

And, so as not to leave out the fucked up politics at home, this is the shit everyone forgets while they're arguing about the EU and all the other distractions being thrown at them. I found it really irritating during the EU Referendum campaigns to see people eating up all that bullshit, it was spun so that everything wrong in Britain is because of the EU. NHS failing? ! Ah, well that must be the immigrants then, not the Tories selling it off to their mates. Can't get housing? That's cos the EU are giving all our houses to immigrants, not because the Tories have cut funding to all housing support services and sold off all the social housing stock, as well as selling every bit of green space to build huge houses on that nobody can actually afford to buy.... I could go on and on, but you see the pattern and it's going to get worse because they intend to cut all funding to local councils by 2020 so that they're managing on rent income and council tax alone. Sorry, I know it said no comments but it really winds me up!
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